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A Political Thread pt. 2

So 15 million people are thick for voting Brexit and need to own it. Anyone who voted Brexit on this forum is thick?

On this basis I'd like to see all those who endorsed or supported Corbyn acknowledge that they enabled this Tory shower and were thick for supporting him.

Anyone who endorsed Starmer when he took over because as Owen Jones noted Starmer pledged to stick with Corbyn policies to gain votes. He's since dropped them and simply lied to get power. So the Labour membership are thick for believing him and also need to own it.
So 15 million people are thick for voting Brexit and need to own it. Anyone who voted Brexit on this forum is thick?

On this basis I'd like to see all those who endorsed or supported Corbyn acknowledge that they enabled this Tory shower and were thick for supporting him.

Anyone who endorsed Starmer when he took over because as Owen Jones noted Starmer pledged to stick with Corbyn policies to gain votes. He's since dropped them and simply lied to get power. So the Labour membership are thick for believing him and also need to own it.
Depends on the reasoning for voting for it but yes, certainly everyone who voted for it needs to own it. People may have been misled etc but those who voted for it to blame those who voted against it is just ridiculous. Also those who continue to support it and continue to find excuses, yes quite frankly at this stage they are thick. Even if we work on the assumption that Brexit could have been workable at the start and relatively smooth, the idea that we haven't royally ****** it up and there is still a lot of work to do is just simple denial of reality. The thing to remember is these problems were completely foreseeable and I very clearly remember the Brexit response to them, "project fear". We were told there would be issues with the border with Ireland, we were told there would be issues with free trade, we were told we would struggle to negotiate better trade deals with the rest of the world. You know what we are being told now? That wiping tons of EU legislation from the books in a few months time if they haven't been re-written into UK law is going to be a disaster. Want to bet how that is going to turn out if we go ahead with it? I think the government will be talked away from it as it is stupid and driven purely by dogma. To continue to claim the Tories can navigate us through Brexit after multiple years of fuckups largely of their making that simply didn't need to happen is also thick. At some point people need to hold their hands up and admit they were duped if nothing else. Basic understanding of geopolitics and economics could have told anyone the "we hold all the cards", "The German auto companies will force Merkel to give us a good deal", "we will continue to have all the perks with none of the responsibilities" would have told you that that was a load of nonsense, even assuming both sides went in with the best will in the world.

However anyone who was believing the $400 million bus promise, the claims of being dictated to by Brussels, the claims of ridiculous legislation that nobody can actually point to, the claims of us having no say in the EU, the claims the EU is out to get us and is constantly strong arming us (when we had more concessions and exceptions than any other country in the EU) etc etc, nope those were from points of complete ignorance and I have no time for those people. They didn't go in with an honest opinion and were merely misled, they were looking to be misled, they actively sought out and clung to the lies, no matter how much it was pointed out to them.

As for Starmer, he's not perfect and has lied, that much is clear. Corbyn likewise had policies that were outdated and supported by too few people to be electable. However it's a matter of scale, the lies and damage from the Tories vastly outweighs any Labour have done under Starmer. The whole antisemitism thing was shown to be driven by a predominantly right wing media with an agenda, conveniently ignoring the same or greater levels of antisemitism and prejudice in the Tory party over the same time period. If you have a standard, it must be applied equally. If you think lying is a problem, then you should on balance be more against the Tories than Labour for their recent form. In fact what accusations can really be levelled against Labour now that don't apply as much if not more against the Tories? People seem to be forgetting just how unprecedented the level of deceitful scumbaggery the Tories are involved in now. Even past Tory leaders such as Thatcher had some sense of honour and adhering to a code of conduct, not the current crop. Not a shred of decency or integrity among any of them.

So tl;dr, yes after years of hearing "you lost, get over it", I think it's very fair to say "You won, ******* own it".
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Apparently reps are unsure if they can pay their staffers or if they will get paid themselves. I personally don't care about them being sworn in cause I doubt they'd do anything but people need to get paid.

The new old south.
So 15 million people are thick for voting Brexit and need to own it. Anyone who voted Brexit on this forum is thick?
Well the racists aren't neccearially thick.

But Brexit has wiped something close to 2% of GDP this was massively warned by every major financial institution. This was warned on several fronts by the vast majority of experts in trade, science, economics, law etc.. If you chose to what every ******* lie you chose to belive coming from the Leave campaign over that mountain of expert opinion and used your vote to say you new better. Yes your bloody stupid.

There was no good reason to vote for Brexit it has achieved zero of the benefits its protractors claimed it would and never would and everyone was told that at the time by experts in thier field. Its no different to Trussonomics and that was also ******* stupid.
On this basis I'd like to see all those who endorsed or supported Corbyn acknowledge that they enabled this Tory shower and were thick for supporting him.

Anyone who endorsed Starmer when he took over because as Owen Jones noted Starmer pledged to stick with Corbyn policies to gain votes. He's since dropped them and simply lied to get power. So the Labour membership are thick for believing him and also need to own it.
On these points

1) Yes Corbyn supporters in the first leadership election were told what would happen and it did. They were bloody stupid to belive it would end in any other way.
2) The evidence behind Starmer dropping the pledges are way more wishy washy, I just read them just now. Owen Jones is left-wing hack no better than the right-wing gobshites on Gbeebies. But anyone beliveing he has broken the pledges (I've just read them I'm unconvinced he has...yet) really need to ask themselves did they mean what they thought they meant. And they would be stupid to think otherwise. I think you'll find most Labour supporters who moan about this the most voted RLB (who still got 1/4 of the votes).
Why do people continually say that Labour and Corbyn were unelectable and the working class couldn't relate to them?

In 2017 they took 40.0% of the vote with 12,877,918 of the popular vote.

That was their best return since 2001 when Labour took 40.7% of the vote but only 10,724,953 of the popular vote.

In 2019 they were only just before the 2001 result in terms of the popular vote by 500,000 but 8% lower of the vote.

People actually liked Labours policies and their manifesto was fully costed, whereas the Conservative manifesto was not costed.

Brexit and the use of it as an electoral brick, along with the client media, got the UK the Conservative government.
Why do people continually say that Labour and Corbyn were unelectable and the working class couldn't relate to them?
Several reasons,

One raw numbers are useless, population increases and turnout have bearing its not worth looking at on an election by election comparison.
Many traditional working class seats were lost.

He didn't get elected twice. The second time he got absolutely walloped in Labour's worst results in decades/ever depending on how you look at it.

I think the main elephant in the room in bigging up the electoral success of 2017 is the complete disaster of May's campaign. Her manifesto was universally hated like really reviled even many Tory voting types.

The was to look at it is this if someone does a good as could possibly be imagined (2017) and fails they are unelectable.

Good turnout is one thing but if you push even more people to vote Tory out of fear (they're idiots but that is what it was) your still not winning.
A number of people I know who voted Brexit are are sick of being labelled racists, thick, stupid. That they should now apologise because clearly they were wrong etc. They might have been sold a lie but that's not there fault and they certainly have nothing to apologise for. The right thing to do is identify the concerns, issues and worries that caused them to vote for Brexit. If you acknowledge that and at least try to address those without judgement and name calling on both sides you might actually get somewhere. I think or hope this is what Starmer is trying to do.
No they aren't all thick, stupid or racists, though some will be. They were lied to and believed the lies. Instead of thick and stupid I would say uneducated and I don't mean they people who failed at school. Most of them are people who don't do their own research and just blindly believe what they read in the papers or what politicians tell them. I had huge arguments with my mum over Brexit and a line she said stuck with me. "I haven't read as much about it as you have, so I can't argue with you." She openly admitted she didn't have enough knowledge, but was still happy to vote for Brexit on ideological reasons. There were so many others who voted on some ideological, fantasy that they were sold. For me they have to shoulder some of the responsibility because if you choose to vote then you should make the effort to know what you are voting for. (I'll add in here that the 95% of the blame lies with greedy, lying politicians.) My mum regrets her decision and says she will never vote Tory again. I have another friend who voted for Brexit too because he thought it would be best economically for his family. He regrets it too. However many people still refuse to admit it was a wrong decision and blame the politicians for making a mess of Brexit. This is another fantasy. There was never a solution where we 'took back control' and benefited economically. That was always the EUs red line. Either you have autonomy or you have economic alignment. Tbh I don't care if they apologise or not. What I'd like to see is acknowledgement that they made a mistake and to learn from it. Yet many will still lap up the Daily Fail and it's BS.

As for addressing their concerns, it's tough. Many want better lives, but like with Brexit they have no idea what government policies will actually benefit them. I don't fully blame them here either as I think it's difficult even for those who do read a lot. However, you have to look at the evidence in front of you and this country has been trashed by the Tory party. I don't care if you don't know who to vote for, but if you still think the Tory party will make anyone other than the wealthy better off then you are stupid. For a specific example, let's take Johnny Foreigner coming over and stealing our jobs and taking advantage of the NHS. The data and evidence completely contradicts this with foreigners contributing more to the economy than they take out. Many of the highest places that voted leave had the the lowest immigration numbers. However, many people still swallow the illegal immigrants are ruining the country idea, hook, line and sinker.

I also personally think part of the reason for Brexit was driven by a subconscious idea that British people are superior and we deserve special treatment. How many Brits think it's acceptable to buy a house in Spain, but then get upset if foreigners buy a house in Britain. We have this outdated image of ourselves as plucky Britain who forged an empire. Those days are long gone. Reality is we are a small country living off our legacy as the rest of the world slowly catches and overtakes us. We're like the old aristocracy being replaced by the nouveau riche. We refuse to accept the reality of our country and instead of embracing change we stick to old habits and hope things will suddenly work again. They won't.

To sum up, I think many of the issues with Brexit had nothing to do with Europe and Brexit and everything to do with how the Tories have run Britain, a biased media and a ridiculous outdated self-view of ourselves. That doesn't make people thick, stupid or racist necessarily. However, if they don't learn from their mistakes then they deserve all the blame and criticism they get.

And now we have Micheal Gove saying people expected too much from Brexit
Bunch of representatives cheering and chanting "USA! USA!" so damn cringy...
It's almost like years of chronic under-investment, companies trying to drive down wages as hard as possible whilst yanking up the prices across the board for all things isn't a good model for economic prosperity... British people are becoming less productive relative to other nations, being paid less and the bosses are walking away with more. The middle class is being decimated. As a nation we have been conditioned to accept paying over the odds for sub standard services and products and allowing ourselves to be fleeced. We've taught ourselves that we should doff our caps to our superiors and let them walk all over us, anything else is lazy socialism. Your average worker is not a valuable asset to be invested in but a necessary expenditure to make more money.
The only aspect I find interesting is the dynamic that Meghan and Harry seem to be going all out attack, whilst the palace continues it's usual tactic of being a black hole. It's rare these days to get such a one-sided view of an event.

Personally though I feel like Harry and Meghan are cashing in as much as possible before getting out. The interviews and books will probably set them up for life.

I couldn't care less about most of the whys and wherefores.

But I cannot compute why someone who has kicked off about personal security concerns would openly talk about his number of Taliban kills. Definitely stupid, possibly downright reckless. I hope there are no serious consequences for either him or others.

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