Well thats his plan.So does BoJo just continue on now and pretend that nothing's happened?
www.twitter.com/RussInCheshire/status/1533441926363504640No one obviously there to take over. That will stop a major split
Tbh more probably think so too but know the alternatives are just as ****. Personally though Johnson has become very toxic with the public and anyone in a remotely marginal seat should be very worried.4 out of his 10 of the colleagues think he's a ****.
Publicly…..4 out of his 10 of the colleagues think he's a ****.
Yarp they were saying a good result would be below 100.Publicly…..
That's as bad a result for him as could realistically have been expected.
Yes, I don't vote Tory and I'm delighted. Best case scenario. Keeps him in place, wounded and with no credibility but doesn't risk someone with a more evil streak from taking over the UK at a critical time.Reality it's perfect for non Tory parties though.
It's a very bad number for Tories.
I feel that a new leader would've brought the Tories some time, whereas Johnson continuing in the current crisis SHOULD be a massive blow to the party long term imo.
Bob Gale had a fair argument he thinks Johnson is a twat but that doesn't sop him voting for policies he agrees with. Can't fault the logic really.If those 148 really don't have confidence in their own PM, then they should really be voting with the rest of the house to stop the Government passing further legalisation. That really would force Bojo to go. But it was a secret ballot, so most of them won't.
One is a vote of no confidence as leader of the party, which is what Johnson faced today and is entirely internal within the party. The other is a vote of no confidence in the government as a whole, which presumably would have resulted in a general election unless a coalition could be made which commanded a majority. The former only changes the PM, the latter changes the government.Okay I'm a bit confused. So this vote was only Tory MPs? My comparative constitutional law classes have failed me or maybe I failed them.
From what Wikipedia and the guardian have taught me Teresa may went through a vote of confidence in 2018 with just her party and then 2019 with everyone? I'm trying to look up more but I just get returns to today's news. Maybe you guys could write down your procedures or something lol. But could someone explain the difference between the two?