The Smashing Pumpkins - 1979
Going through my older music, AGAIN
Great song though.
Going through my older music, AGAIN
Great song though.
Yeah it is a great song, I love how they've sampled Kate Bush. Don't understand what the song has to do with a pub in Wales but it's very funny. Before the Ospreys come out for the second half at every game they play this song and me and my mates get up and do the dance....Still listening to this...
Love the video too![/b]
The Doors - Back Door Man
What a crunchy groove...[/b]
<strike>Fairytale of New York by The Pogues and Kirsty McCall.</strike>
Last Christmas by Wham.
Best Christmas song bar none![/b]
Been listening to Queen, wish I had more of their songs.[/b]