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What are you listening to pt 4

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The Narrow - Travellers.

I had forgotten how much I love this album, and this band.
bob seger - hollywood nights
midnight oil - king of the mountain

a night with lou reed dvd - very entertaining.
My little brother just gave me a CD mix of William Hung's covers. So I'm listening to that at the moment...it'll only last half an hour though...Its pretty bad stuff, but entertaining at the same time.
just got back into qotsa. when my car got broken into they all got nicked, but now got myself a copy of rated r, songs for the deaf and lullabies to paralise. great band.

also on the homme frount, loving eagles of death metal atm. i only want you - miss alissa are the 2 im into atm.
Lionel Richie - Hello

I actually just finished watching the video to this. It's amazing. Even if you've seen it plenty of times before i urge you to go and watch it again on you tube...it's quite honestly the creepiest thing going.
Lionel richie (the lecturer) stalking a blind student, whilst lusting after her?
Everyone else sees Lionel following her, but nobody seems to have told her! Poor bugger.

<object width="425" height="355"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/PDZcqBgCS74"></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/PDZcqBgCS74" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="355"></embed></object>

I've just realised after listening closely to the lyrics that i'd love this song played at my funeral.
That would creep EVERYONE out!
Evans Blue - a cross and a girl named bless.

Against me! - Thrash Unreal.

The first one is one of my new favorite songs.
Bowling For Soup - Last Call Casuality.


Which album is that off? 'Let's Do It For Johnny' was a class album, stuff that followed, not so good...........
You see, that's kind of my guilty pleasure.
Bowling for soup are without a doubt my favourite group of all time.
I love all of their albums and been to see their gigs LOADS of times.
My mates rip the hell out of me, but i still love them. :lol:

It's from the album 'A Hangover You Don't Deserve'

Anyway, right now i'm listening to Simple Plan's new album. Self ***led.
Santana ft. Chad Kroeger - Into The Night

Does anyone else fancy this song? I think its great. The solo is sweet as well. Hmmm...I might go searching on youtube for a compilation of Santana's solo's (surely there'd be something like that..hopefully anyway)
You see, that's kind of my guilty pleasure.
Bowling for soup are without a doubt my favourite group of all time.
I love all of their albums and been to see their gigs LOADS of times.
My mates rip the hell out of me, but i still love them. :lol:

It's from the album 'A Hangover You Don't Deserve'

Anyway, right now i'm listening to Simple Plan's new album. Self ***led.

I see, it's been a while since i've properly listened to them, I just think they went downhill after they got popular with that single, ummmm....... can't remember it's name, turned a bit poppy for my liking. My favourite song is proberly Belgium.

Ooo, didn't realise Simple Plan had a new album, I'll have to get that.
Santana ft. Chad Kroeger - Into The Night

Does anyone else fancy this song? I think its great. The solo is sweet as well. Hmmm...I might go searching on youtube for a compilation of Santana's solo's (surely there'd be something like that..hopefully anyway)

I love Santana and saw him Auckland just recently.However, this song is a bit "off", it isn't the classic Santana I like such as the stuff off Abraxas. Great guitar solos, which is to be expected from a legend.

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