Originally posted by Gay-Guy@Jul 16 2006, 09:17 PM
The hardest thing waiting for this tournament for me will be keeping my mouth shut about what I have learnt.......
But i am not really wanting to win this tournament cos i know it will mean nothing......i already know that my trainer may very well be the best R2006 player around in NZ.......I honestly cannot see anyone else as good as he is.
In fairness he is very grateful for me as I have been able to be his guinea pig......and we have bounced ideas off each other to get better......well he is a bit greedy but I have always shared almost everything I know in order to get better.....if you strengthen your opponent you will strengthenm yourself.
We have invented a whole new glossary of words for R2006 multiplayer gaming.
What i want to know is.........do you guys want to know all the latest moves we have acquired so that the comp will be........at the highest level possible? Or should i keep mum about it so that if anyone beats me they can say that did it fair and square.
Another problem is.....if I post the things we have discovered and more cucially, how to do it. then it will open up R2006 experts everywhere as this forum is on the world wide web!!!
So should I share and make the comp more interesting (as well as opening R2006 worldwide as these tricks will gain noteriety everywhere).....or should I keep it secret so that anyone who does beat me can say that did it fairly and without any assistance. I do realise that many people will use these ideas to kickstart their own "thinking outside the box" and may in fact discover more mysteries and become way better than even I could imagine!
Your thoughts?
I didn't quote everything as most of it didn't have relevance to me, really.
I love that opening paragraph. It speaks more to me than anything else.
The second paragraph was unbelievable. "But i am not really wanting to win this tournament cos i know it will mean nothing......"
I know I'm flying in the face of the general concencus here (as some around here seem to take your word as gospel), but that was a hell of a thing to say about the tourney, and I've probably been well baited.
"i already know that my trainer may very well be the best R2006 player around in NZ.......I honestly cannot see anyone else as good as he is.". Can you be sure though? He may be.....but that is an unsubstantiated boast, always will be.
There are thousands of people who play the game who aren't even on TRF. Before I came on here, I was playing tourneys of whatever was the latest Rugby game (with a core group of about 8), every week, every month, every year for the last 11 years. I was never naive/arrogant enough to believe that we were the best. There is always others out there.
Now, about secrets. Keep them, tell them, do whatever you want. Although I will say what I would do in your shoes. Realise that should all of your skills be printed here, there is no guarantee that anyone will ever be able to do these "skills" as well as you. Yourself and your trainer have been working on these things for sometime, surely you will be the best at knowing when to ply your trade.
Also, we are on a rugby forum, this is text we are typing, not visuals. You would only be giving out a
description of how to do these things. It would still be difficult to apply these things.
Some people stumbling on this forum (or in it) would be intimidated by the colourful, bombastic descriptions of your talent. Please, show some consideration for those that may have been turned off this tournament, due to them feeling that they could never compete!
We want to have fun, get as many people into and involved in having a great weekends entertainment. We want contestants to back themselves and say "I could have a crack at that!" This
can't happen if people think they are going to be blown away with magic tricks that they haven't heard of or discovered. Myself included!
I honestly now ask myself why I'm going, and the answer is to meet forum guys. I'm not up to a video game everest expedition. It's not a level playing field if what you say is true. I will have to put my hand up and say that I am entering Div 2 to start with.
We are on the rugby forum to
share. If you know all these tricks, share them. No one except for me has the balls to front and say it, but you are being selfish (although I don't think on purpose).
You could say "We had to play and graft for hours to learn these tricks, why should we give them out?"
Easy answer. Every time I teach a new player how to play Rugby '06, I show them the basics, and when I play them I let them get close. When they have mastered all the basics, I show them everything I know. So does dobrien7. It's called being fair.
If I knew tricks which are as great as what you say yours are, then held them back from newer players. They would get sick of the beatings and go away.
You could say "We found these tricks, so can you!". Well true, but these things aren't in the book and the regular game playing folk are not going to discover them.
Lastly, your quote "or should I keep it secret so that anyone who does beat me can say that did it fairly and without any assistance."
How can you say that if someone knows what you know yourself, and they beat you, that they did so with assistance? In the context of the TRF Rugby '06 Tourney, thats just creating a level playing field, and most of all it's basic common sense and courtesy.
This isn't me wanting to argue, GG. I know your a good guy, who's very intelligent. I just know that I've got everyone's best interests for an enjoyable tourney at heart.
If you do too, then you know what to do.