What the hell!!!
Me as number one?????
I got my ass kicked 50 odd nil last night by my trainer.
The only team I know well is France. I am starting to learn S.A and Aus....I suck with the top teams England and NZ. I have a bit of a clue with Wales and Ireland. So I have a long way to go.
Only this week we are finally buying the game after hiring it out every weekend. $55 on trade me.
I am getting another 3G phone today $155 on trade me
And 3 girls dresses...$8.
And an XBox360 for $25................I wish.
My "trainer" is so good he has invented a "top speed" spin! Thats right.....you know how you do the spin at a low speed...well he has discoverd a way how to do it at full flight.
He has also invented the look behind at the guy who is chasing you as you cross the line without turning around!
He has discovered how to quickly decelerate when you cross the line so you can do the "no respect" sevens rugby style of placing the ball standing up before the defence smash you.
My trainer is a bloody fanatic who thinks all day long of inventing stuff for R2006 while he goes on autopilot working in a furniture factory. I just turn up and he gives me all his hard work (well he does have some secrets). He does assure me that I should be able to lick some serious ass.
He is currently working on finding a way to discover th smash tackle......if there is a way to do it manually.
Yep.....in JLR....he was one of those guys who helped discover some of the secrets.
This is no bullshit....but his soon to be 5 year old son is a pro at R2006, Halo, GTA, DOA3, Top Spin, Star Wars...and others......and often comments on our games with his little english when he watches us adults!
Once my trainers almost to be 5 year old son was playing my trainer at R2006 and embarressed my trainer by going (yes going) for an intercept and getting it (centre to winger pass....not an offload) then running 80 metres for a rty.......barged over my trainers fullback to go 50 metres for a try......legally high shotted Shane Williams when my trainer decided to do his Shane Wlliams irresistable move.....and gassed my trainers cover D over 60 metres after doing an unpredictable inside ball....this is NO BULLSHIT!!!!
Hmmmmm......I suppose I am in good hands playing with an AB level gamer!