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The Movie Thread

Whats The Green Lantern like? Never seen that film yet.

I really enjoyed it. I didn't know anything about that universe, so it was all new to me. The comic book fans don't like it that much. But they liked Ryan Reynolds as the Green Lantern.
On Deadpool:It's been an on and off project for years now. I don't believe the video game is the final push for Deadpool (Ryan Reynolds has been one of the main people pushing for it - and he did an alright job playing Wade Wilson in X-Men Origins, despite how **** the Deadpool portrayal was). It's a film that I agree has to be an x-rated film. It's also quite possible to be terrible. Even in the comics (and I've been a fan of DP since the 90s) the writers either get it so very right, or horribly wrong. The Cable and Deadpool series was very good for example. They got rid of the three voices gimmick which has never been funny in the comics, ever. It was still funny, had good 90s references etc - but there was a really dark undertone of DP being essentially a massive f**k up who battles with why he does things, and whether he is a good person or not. It's a really interesting read, which was really prominant in the Classic DP series.

I fear that a movie would be similar to some of the comics and the video game (which failed on gameplay and story), playing too much with the fourth wall and trying to be funny at very oppertunity which leaves some of the comics like a mixture between Loony Tunes and a bad CBS sitcom. Would still watch it as if done right could fantastic. It would have to follow a similar tone as the Kick Ass movies I guess.

And Green Lantern was a tough watch I thought. There was nothing for me in it though. I will say I am looking forward to Batman vs Superman: Dawn of Justice as despite me hating Man of Steel due to it's lazy storytelling and reliance of effects (which is everything Zack Sneyder does) I like Batman a lot and think Ben Affleck was a great choice for Bruce Wayne (although I may be the only one on the internet..). I hope they keep some of the tone of the Nolan films in Batman.
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Saw the inbetweeners 2 movie recently, its alright better than the first one but no where near as good as the original series.
And Green Lantern was a tough watch I thought. There was nothing for me in it though. I will say I am looking forward to Batman vs Superman: Dawn of Justice as despite me hating Man of Steel due to it's lazy storytelling and reliance of effects (which is everything Zack Sneyder does) I like Batman a lot and think Ben Affleck was a great choice for Bruce Wayne (although I may be the only one on the internet..). I hope they keep some of the tone of the Nolan films in Batman.
I feel same regards Superman. I think there was better options than Affleck though. I'd have went with a more versatile guy like Bale was. There's a few out there.

@Lynam you're mad. Inbetweeners 2 was ****. No real funny bits and will ruin whole franchise for a lot. Safe to say there won't be a 3rd. It felt like they craved in to pressure to make it but couldn't create a decent script/storyline. The trailer was funnier than film itself.
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Thought Henry Cavill was a very good Superman and it will be interesting to see his clark Kent in the next film, he certainly looks the part.

I think Affleck could turn out to be a very good choice, Irons as Jeffery could work (although badass).

Main concern is Jessie Eisenberg as Lex Luthor.
Thought Henry Cavill was a very good Superman and it will be interesting to see his clark Kent in the next film, he certainly looks the part.

I think Affleck could turn out to be a very good choice, Irons as Jeffery could work (although badass).

Main concern is Jessie Eisenberg as Lex Luthor.

I wouldn't disagree with casting it's more the storyline and production.
Cavill and Affleck are I think good casting decisions I'm not entirely sold on all the others but I think they do have some potential. It's more the whole trying to get the darkness and realism of the DKS in place but not really understanding how Nolan got it to work.
Cavill and Affleck are I think good casting decisions I'm not entirely sold on all the others but I think they do have some potential. It's more the whole trying to get the darkness and realism of the DKS in place but not really understanding how Nolan got it to work.

He did it as he didn't go way OTT regarding the unrealistic stuff and any unrealistic feature was explained in a fair way.
To me I think he's just not a great storyteller. He obviously loves comics - and you can tell from movies like 300, Watchmen and Sucker Punch that he has an idea of how to try and make movies looks like graphic novels. But what he is is a glorified DP. None of his movies are effective story telling, they all look amazing (although it wears off after a while..) but I don't know why I am supposed to have liked Superman in Man of Steel. First of all, why the heck is Jonathan Kent like "maybe you should have let the children on the bus die". That's not at all like his character. Then there is a flashback in the film where an apparently moody teenage Clark Kent (who still looks 30), is having a ridiculous "you're not my real dad" fight. But wait, a tornado comes and Superman leaves his middle age father to rescue the dog, cause you know, he's a ****ty Superman. Then the father gets trapped and doesn't have time to flee the tornado, despite an emotional 20 second stare into his sons eyes. I mean, Superman could have just run kinda fast to save him. But meh.

Back to the present, Superman fights General Zod, by tackling him from the middle of a Kansas corn field, into the nearest towns petrol station probably killing dozens of people. On his mission to kill Zod he happily destroys most of a city killing likely millions, but then finally snaps Zod's neck at the end. Amongst this he has been able to hide his identity all his life, but a Lois Lane can find him in what appears to be less than a week. I'm not a huge Superman fan at the best of times, but jeez. It was like "what can we do if we don't hire a good writer and instead have three hours of Superman destroying stuff. So yeah, in my opinion it was crap. And it's a bad movie to launch a franchise off. Marvel got Iron Man so right. No one cared about Iron Man prior to the first movie, since then they can just launch a bunch of ***les you don't even give a ***** about, but know at some point you'll see them with Robert Downey Jr. The Superman films just don't inspire anyone to be excited.

Still, I am happy about the cast for the next film. I'm not sure I'm going to be a fan of Eisenberg as Luthor. I think he may just act the same as Social Network but a bit more..evil. They'll spin it as a modern take on Luthor, which basically means not at all like the character. He certainly can't chew the scenery like Spacey or Hackman. Irons seems to young, but I like him a lot as an actor and I didn't like Michael Cane as Alfred anyway. I think this movie they'll just try and pack too much in. I think basing it off The Dark Knight Returns which seemed to be the original idea is a great way to go - but it seems they want every character from Wonder Women to Aquaman - which no matter how good the casting is seems like they're just throwing way too much into a film that hasn't had the same ground work as The Avengers.

I feel same regards Superman. I think there was better options than Affleck though. I'd have went with a more versatile guy like Bale was. There's a few out there.

See I was never a huge fan of Christian Bale as Bruce Wayne. I loved the films but I think it was the bad guys that made them great. Heath Ledger was an amazing take on the Joker, while Tom Hardy's Bane take on Bane was better than I think anyone could have hoped. Both of them just had great line after great line - delivered in a way which somehow seemed real enough. DKR wasn't quite flawless, but the lines form Hardy are enough to just enjoy by themselves. Bale as Bruce Wayne always kind of came off as...a bit of a salky prat. When I think of Bruce Wayne I think of Kevin Conroy's kind of aloof portrayal - still a nice and well liked guys who does a lot of good, but doesn't appear to have the fortitude to be a Batman. Bale just came off as kind of arrogant. I think the problem is, I think Bale always seems like a douche bag, which by all accounts is because he is. And then there is the stupid Batman voice...jesus. It worked well when he barely said anything, but when he's delivering monologues your like "ohh man, bad choice". My favorite bit is when Batman is telling Gordon that a hero is someone who gives a boy a coat and some ****, all in his ****ty Batman voice. I mean if you're effectively telling him who you are, why do it in that Batman voice. Bale also has the worst comeback in history of Batman's.

Bane: So, you came back to die with your city.
Batman: No. I came back to stop you.

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I feel same regards Superman. I think there was better options than Affleck though. I'd have went with a more versatile guy like Bale was. There's a few out there.

@Lynam you're mad. Inbetweeners 2 was ****. No real funny bits and will ruin whole franchise for a lot. Safe to say there won't be a 3rd. It felt like they craved in to pressure to make it but couldn't create a decent script/storyline. The trailer was funnier than film itself.

I really enjoyed Inbetweeners 2, it wasn't as great as the show or the first movie but I still enjoyed it. Who did you see it with?

I'm most disappointed they didn't make more of the series!
Without having seen the latest Inbetweeners I have a feeling the cast would be getting too old for dick and fart jokes, maybe their audience would be aswell.
Saw a couple last few days.

Draft Day - A good film about an aspect of the NFL I find really fascinating. Does a good job of building to the ending. Bit of a niche film really.

Bad Neighbours - Pretty poor. A film that you could easily tack the phrase "American Pie" to. Not helped by the massive overuse of swearing. Not heard as many f-bombs since I had to watch Goodfellas (for the record once of my most hated films).

Have Million Ways to Die in the West to watch later on
I thought you were cool man! :p

I get the same reaction to that fact. More so when I say you can add Scarface and Pulp Fiction to that list as well. In fact any film by either Scorsese and Tarantino
I get the same reaction to that fact. More so when I say you can add Scarface and Pulp Fiction to that list as well. In fact any film by either Scorsese and Tarantino

Haha, that's mad! Pulp Fiction and Goodfellas are my two favourite films and I rarely hear anyone who doesn't like one and never both! I wouldn't be a huge fan of Scarface though but saying that I need to watch it again I saw it 2-3 years ago.
Haha, that's mad! Pulp Fiction and Goodfellas are my two favourite films and I rarely hear anyone who doesn't like one and never both! I wouldn't be a huge fan of Scarface though but saying that I need to watch it again I saw it 2-3 years ago.

We had to watch them in Media Studies at college. Actually walked out the class at the chainsaw scene in Scarface. The content just doesn't appeal to my tastes. The only bit of Pulp Fiction I liked was Miserlou
I get the same reaction to that fact. More so when I say you can add Scarface and Pulp Fiction to that list as well. In fact any film by either Scorsese and Tarantino

Are you on drugs?? They're great movies and Scorsese especially is a genius. Goodfellas and Scarface are excellent films. Maybe a bit on the long side but worth it. Pacino in the early days was a class act. Heat is a favourite of mine too.
Absolutely pot on about Oldboy tigs, I think south Korean films in general are quite good, I watched one last night called 'Attorney' it was a real eye opener in to some of the political oppression and corruption Korea has faced down the years.
Can't believe ive missed the comicbookmovie talk!!! I could go on for days! (Be warned)

So far loving what im seeing from BvS, nice to see a Batman that "Looks" physically imposing! Black and grey at last!!!

Im with the half of the internet that Loved Man of Steel (TRF abuse ;) ).

Snyders vision (he certainly knows how to make a comic book movie look pretty epic), Terrio's rewrite of the script (goyer has good ideas, but his dialogue is very hammy at best) and Affleck giving directional advice hilst acting (i think it would be foolish not to accept any), im psyched.

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