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The Movie Thread

The Life of Pi on Blu-ray. One of the most visually stunning films I've seen. Shame I didn't get to see this at the cinema in 3D. I can see why Ang Lee won an Oscar for this for best director; again showing he's the most versatile director in world cinema today.
12 Years a Slave: 9. Can't fault it. Great film, worthy of all the praise it's had.
The book Thief, in Belgium it got a lot of negative comments but I really enjoyed the movie. Last week I also saw 12 years a slave.

Are excuse me what the hell is 12 years a slave what the hell is it excuse me for my language

no Big Ewis your going crazy

Hey guys nobody is going crazy

Um guys everyone is talking about 12 years a slave what is it may I ask

Scotty how do I make my own thread please answer Caleb
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Its a film. A film that has recieved very good reviews.

Just a note in future try to put everything in just 1 post at a time and once youve asked a question theres no need to ask it again only minutes later
I went to watch Liam Neeson's latest flick yesterday: Non-Stop.

Now, as many of you Neeson fanboy's would do, I tend to match up his new movies with the first Taken movie.

To my surprize, this movie was of the same caliber as taken, but I felt that it had more suspense than Taken.

if you like thriller/suspense movies, go and watch it
Watched 'Desolation of Smaug', excellent movie. No idea how Jackson is managing to squeeze nine hours out of a book that takes about 30 minutes to read.
Oh, and Evangeline Lilly looks damn good as an elf.
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Watched The Recruit with Colin Farrell and Al Pacino last night...decent film but felt a bit predictable
Prisoners. Yeah not bad kidnap thriller. If you liked Gone Baby Gone and Zodiac this will be right up your street.
I went to watch Liam Neeson's latest flick yesterday: Non-Stop.

Now, as many of you Neeson fanboy's would do, I tend to match up his new movies with the first Taken movie.

To my surprize, this movie was of the same caliber as taken, but I felt that it had more suspense than Taken.

if you like thriller/suspense movies, go and watch it

ah yes, Taken ! I love thees one ! I play before on the playstation, I have the Taken 1, Taken 2, Taken 3. Even after when I buys the Playstations 2 I get the Taken Tag Turnimant. Is very nice the Taken.
Watched 'Man of Steel'. Unless you're a DC comic connoisseur, and refuse to watch anything that's doesn't adhere to the exact comic book script, it's a cracking movie. The special effects are so good that you don't even think of them as special effects and actually think 'ok, that alien spacecraft is doing that'.

(also, it's the second American superhero played by a Brit in the 'rebooted' franchises, after Spiderman)
Desolation of Smaug. I enjoyed it but I agree with many reviewers and fans, the decision to make The Hobbit a trilogy rather than a pair of films(or even a one off) was a mistake. The pacing of the first two so far hasn't been very good and it feels like there are a few tacked on action sequences or just flat parts with little taking place. The single novel has been really stretched thin as opposed to the Lord of the Rings trilogy. That being said it was a decent movie I felt, good production values, solid acting and on the whole watchable.

I'd say 7.5/10.
Just watched Man of Steel for the second time.

I'm a comic book kid at heart, but i understand why people didn't like it - the story is typically epic yet with little substance.

BUT.... holy moly, does it look amazing. It's almost too vast and overwhelming in it's speed and scale...literally, i wonder if this is how people must have felt when they saw things like Ben Hur for the first time and were taken aback with it's sheer scale.

The fight scenes, are just incredible... the powers being a natural extension of the person like using a limb and the fights are fluid and ultimately insane because of it. It's the closest visually anything has ever got to how i imagined these things would look.

Totally get what people don't like about it, but i can overlook the weak plot points because of how it looks.
Just watched Man of Steel for the second time.

I'm a comic book kid at heart, but i understand why people didn't like it - the story is typically epic yet with little substance.

BUT.... holy moly, does it look amazing. It's almost too vast and overwhelming in it's speed and scale...literally, i wonder if this is how people must have felt when they saw things like Ben Hur for the first time and were taken aback with it's sheer scale.

The fight scenes, are just incredible... the powers being a natural extension of the person like using a limb and the fights are fluid and ultimately insane because of it. It's the closest visually anything has ever got to how i imagined these things would look.

Totally get what people don't like about it, but i can overlook the weak plot points because of how it looks.

I enjoyed that film too. Am a comic book kid at heart too and honestly was just excited to see Superman taken onto the big screen, which they did and in a big way. There was some disappointment with the story slightly lacking but tbh to see some of your childhood fantasies come true on screen it was more than forgiveable. Favourite parts were when he first takes off and flies, there were some breath taking scenes there, there was also all the fight scenes especially mid way with the air force involved in Smallville, and then there was Faora. She was kick ass, no morales and just bullied destroyed s*** haha. I think the only true disappointment I had with the film was that they allowed Superman to kill. Any Superman reader would know he never kills any organic life whatever the cost. He always finds a way! Can't wait for Superman VS Batman, which is also coming out on the same day as Captain America 3. DC all the way.

Just watched Prisoners and it's reeally good. It's gritty, dark and is suspenseful till the very end. Highly recommend.
I enjoyed that film too. Am a comic book kid at heart too and honestly was just excited to see Superman taken onto the big screen, which they did and in a big way. There was some disappointment with the story slightly lacking but tbh to see some of your childhood fantasies come true on screen it was more than forgiveable. Favourite parts were when he first takes off and flies, there were some breath taking scenes there, there was also all the fight scenes especially mid way with the air force involved in Smallville, and then there was Faora. She was kick ass, no morales and just bullied destroyed s*** haha. I think the only true disappointment I had with the film was that they allowed Superman to kill. Any Superman reader would know he never kills any organic life whatever the cost. He always finds a way! Can't wait for Superman VS Batman, which is also coming out on the same day as Captain America 3. DC all the way.

Just watched Prisoners and it's reeally good. It's gritty, dark and is suspenseful till the very end. Highly recommend.


i'm just a casual superman reader, tended to only read the big story lines as i never had enough money to buy everything i wanted to read - tended to buy x-men, batman and 2000ad, so the killing and the what not didn't bother me to much and i just don't think they could do a film that dark and with that scale of destruction and not have that kind of mortal conclusion - at least he showed some shock and sadness at what he'd done... and he did try to avoid killing Zod at the end.

Found the first 20 minutes, on Kryptone almost unwatchable - just visually i felt like i was having a fit and it was better when it slowed down. I really enjoyed the search for the fortress of solitude, i just liked seeing him in the simple and more routine settings and struggling with the knowledge of his powers and how they effect others... i also thought Costner was superb as Jonathan Kent and didn't mind the whole religious angle that much, kind of unavoidable really but that was handled really well.

I'm keen to see what snyder does with batman - i liked Goyers batman but the third film lost my love a little, but i think Snyder let loose on it could bring a pretty stunning look especially if he goes the frank miller angle - the detail in the superman film was amazing. When he first surrenders to the airforce, when he was just there hovering in the air, it just...... looked perfect - saw glimpses of this kind of stuff with watchmen but it seemed like an evolution from there.

Haven't seen Captain America: winters soldier yet, but i thought that the avengers was brilliant - better than The dark knight rises.

Am keen to see Prisoners, but we seldom get to the cinema with our little boy so will have to wait until it hits sky or netflix.


i'm just a casual superman reader, tended to only read the big story lines as i never had enough money to buy everything i wanted to read - tended to buy x-men, batman and 2000ad, so the killing and the what not didn't bother me to much and i just don't think they could do a film that dark and with that scale of destruction and not have that kind of mortal conclusion - at least he showed some shock and sadness at what he'd done... and he did try to avoid killing Zod at the end.

Found the first 20 minutes, on Kryptone almost unwatchable - just visually i felt like i was having a fit and it was better when it slowed down. I really enjoyed the search for the fortress of solitude, i just liked seeing him in the simple and more routine settings and struggling with the knowledge of his powers and how they effect others... i also thought Costner was superb as Jonathan Kent and didn't mind the whole religious angle that much, kind of unavoidable really but that was handled really well.

I'm keen to see what snyder does with batman - i liked Goyers batman but the third film lost my love a little, but i think Snyder let loose on it could bring a pretty stunning look especially if he goes the frank miller angle - the detail in the superman film was amazing. When he first surrenders to the airforce, when he was just there hovering in the air, it just...... looked perfect - saw glimpses of this kind of stuff with watchmen but it seemed like an evolution from there.

Haven't seen Captain America: winters soldier yet, but i thought that the avengers was brilliant - better than The dark knight rises.

Am keen to see Prisoners, but we seldom get to the cinema with our little boy so will have to wait until it hits sky or netflix.

Oh I forgot bout the beginning, yes I thought I was watching a rehashed version of Avatar. Wasn't a fan of that part either. The visuals in Man of Steel were polished for sure, which added to the awe inducing feeling because it looked real. A Frank Miller feel to Batman would be great and I'd like that feel to be applied to Gotham as well. I didn't like Gotham City in the recent Dark Knight films. Too bright, soft and looked like a generic city. Gotham should be dark and have that old style Sin City kind of feel to it.
I think Prisoners is on Netflix and DVD but yeah best watched when the lil fella is asleep haha.

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