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The Movie Thread

Needs more pointed ears.
Have any Irish posters seen Calvary? I really enjoyed it up until the end which ****** me off. It was way darker then the Guard but really original and quite thought provoking..
Watched Rush.

The Jame's Hunt/Nikki lauda film.

Was good.

Watched 47 Ronin. As a the Quietus put it, this film is the second worst thing to happen to Japan since the end of the war.

It is awful.

Watched Thor: the dark world. Awful.
I had Dark Crystal as a kid, too. Loved Labyrinth so my parents got me that because it looked similar - used to scare the crap out of me :lol:

Yep that and Labyrinth were 2 films I remember quite well from my early years on VHS did realised till a few years ago it was Jim Henson and Frank Oz product although I think I was freaked out by the Skeksis (Bad dudes), haven't seen it in a long time though remember most of it Trial by stone etc. was fairly dark for a family film at the time from what I remember.

I assume that's the film your talking about?

yep. That's the one.

Very well done. The characters have flavor, brilliant costumes and 'puppets' for its time (1982). Lots of character in this film, and excellent scenes. It's not all to merely create your own universe with tons of weird creatures, it all has to have soul and this has it. Haven't finished it though...I've read through the iMDB boards, and ppl all say they got traumatized by the scene where the Skeksis strip "Chamberlain" of his robe and banish him.
I'll tell you what traumatized the fk out of me as a kid. Anybody here know "Orin: Starchaser" ??
This scene with those half-organic half-machine things. My goodness, the nightmares I had...

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Oblivion, visually spectacular and decent performances with a nice plot twist or two, but I don't know why but I felt like something was really missing. Like it was decent two hours of entertainment but I won't really remember the film as anything but an average piece.

Oblivion, visually spectacular and decent performances with a nice plot twist or two, but I don't know why but I felt like something was really missing. Like it was decent two hours of entertainment but I won't really remember the film as anything but an average piece.


Yeah, was a pretty much 'nothing' movie, but still held the attention. Hard to judge it. It's definitely not a 'great', but far far far far far far far better than the awfulness that was 'After Earth'.
I'm not being condescending, but I ask with genuine curiosity: why do you guys bother watching stuff like After Earth ? I saw the poster, who was in it, half of the trailer, all this by accident, and the idea never crossed my mind to actually sit down for 1h45min and watch it. Well actually, speaking of the poster, I really thought it was Zoolander 2 until I read the ***le and the lead actors' names. How disappointed I was.
I'm not being condescending, but I ask with genuine curiosity: why do you guys bother watching stuff like After Earth ? I saw the poster, who was in it, half of the trailer, all this by accident, and the idea never crossed my mind to actually sit down for 1h45min and watch it. Well actually, speaking of the poster, I really thought it was Zoolander 2 until I read the ***le and the lead actors' names. How disappointed I was.

Someone else rented it when I watched it and I put the movie on watched it for 15 minutes and than watched the rest while playing a computer game at the same time. Oblivion was similar but I was able to watch the whole thing I thought it would have been a bit better.
Seven Samurai - a fantastic film... if you're a fan of Sergio Leone then you'll probably love it.

I've always wanted to watch Ran, but felt I needed to see SS first - so that's up next.
Someone else rented it when I watched it and I put the movie on watched it for 15 minutes and than watched the rest while playing a computer game at the same time. Oblivion was similar but I was able to watch the whole thing I thought it would have been a bit better.

hahahah, that made me laugh for real. So fkn random. Like, how much less of a small, raw fk could you give a film ?!!
"Yeaaah, so they're on Earth and then, like, they go to some planet, or restaurant, I can't remember which, I was fragging like crazy at that moment...then I kinda woke up, and the guys were rolling another spliff and had Tom n Jerry on. I think the movie is about animal cruelty, ya knowwww....."
Yeah I think I was playing a turn based strategy game, and if it sounded like there was any kind of actvity or dialog worth listening to I'd glance back over at the TV. I bet I didn't miss a thing that film was so braindead.
Watched 'Warm Bodies' and 'Red 2'.

Both good, Warm Bodies surprisingly so.
Saw "Edge of Tomorrow" yesterday...first time I'd been to the cinema in a while, just nothing motivates me to go these days, and I haven't seen a really good film in aeons...it's good you have friends who FORCE you to go every once in a while sometimes, coz I'd just never go off my own initiative. Heck, I can't remember the last time I logged onto IMDb and felt excited for a film and organized a cinema-going night myself......actually I do, Prometheus. But right before that, nothing for years.

Anyways: I thought it was fairly mediocre at best and lacked a bunch of stuff and copy/pasted a TON of stuff from other sources (story, artistic concepts...)...of course my intellectually limited "friend", well a guy who came along, the kind of idiot who loved Inception, you see ? - thought it was pretty awesome. I gave him a ton of reasons why it was 'okay' at best, and he aggressively replied to the objective reasons I gave by saying it's all personal and everything I'd said was only my opinion. The eternal argument between the few who understand this simple fact - art can be assessed objectively - and those others who are lightyears away from merely understanding that simple fact, let alone achieve a good tier further into it. He actually said the following thing: "for example, I didn't like the Matrix."

Otherwise, just checked IMDb. Of course ratings sometimes mean something real, and sometimes they're just testament to how hopeless mankind, the species, is. If you've seen the film, let me know how you feel about this thing getting an 8.1/10, with about 80'000 votes.
I gave it a 6/10, and rather on the generous side of things.

P.S.: Very good ***le though, and Emily Blunt whom I thought was near-ugly til now, is quite the sensual vixen. Very desirable somehow it turns out...and by the way, a FKNG good actress. Impressive. And Tom Cruise, just being Tom Cruise...
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Watched Edge of Tomorrow a few days ago. Didn't really do anything for me. I thought it had its moments, but once you figure out why the stuff was happening, there wasn't any more mystery, just a regular action movie. I was waiting for something else to happen I suppose. My friend said exactly the same thing to me, so wondering if others felt that way.
completely redundant, extremely thin, absolutely no twist or big ending or nothing at all. People really, really are sheep...I inspected the first TEN pages of reviews on IMDb, they're all 10/10 or 9/10 minimum. And really, it's sadder than it is funny.
Some wonderful cynicism there Big Ewis.

Saw Sabotage today, surprisingly good although I'm a massive Arnie fan it wasn't entirely one of his typical flicks. With a severe lack of puns but there were a lot of cigars. It had a very "real" feel imo for much of it it was like watchinging some weird documentary. For most of it the action was quit realistic as these things go. Solidly enjoyable.

Also saw 22 Jump Street just over a week ago. If you didn't like the first one I'd say don't bother it takes the first one and jumps it up (pun very much intended). Some of the jokes about the movie business and sequels are brilliant. I love how they didn't even bother with the lampshade. Hill and Tatum reall do have some wonderful chemisty. Brilliant.

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