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The Movie Thread

Lone Survivor should be 1/10, made this while tired. No redeeming qualities, just action, all characters typical military ones. Hard to feel anything.
Lone Survivor should be 1/10, made this while tired. No redeeming qualities, just action, all characters typical military ones. Hard to feel anything.

this might sound weird and completely out of place but...isn't life as a whole boring these days ? Am I alone here feeling this ? Like, people, films....everything so incredibly predictable. What a shhitty era we live in..
Just spent a very productive afternoon watching 'Cloud Atlas' and 'Life of Pi'.

Cloud Atlas - I think this movie is the reason the acronym 'WTF?' was created for.

Life of Pi - Wasn't really expecting to enjoy it, but incredible movie.

Just watched

The Wolverine - awful movie, trading on the x-men franchise and failing miserably to offer plot/acting/action.

This is the end - Occasional funny moment, but mostly crass toilet humour.

Troll Hunter - Really good, but have to watch in Norwegian with subtitles, as the 'English audio' version has some of the worst voice acting I've ever heard.
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Just watched 'Hunger games'. Enjoyable movie (the 'hand held' camera shots at the start made me nauseated though).

I'm just wondering what kind of sick mind came up with the story? It could easily have been a really nasty horror movie.
Just watched 'Hunger games'. Enjoyable movie (the 'hand held' camera shots at the start made me nauseated though).

I'm just wondering what kind of sick mind came up with the story? It could easily have been a really nasty horror movie.

Err... Not sure how serious you are asking the question? But the answer is Battle Royale. Although the author of the Hunger Game books says she was not aware of the similarities to Battle Royale, just chance. Liked both films though.

Apologies if I have misread your post, and this is already known to you.
"Let's go to Prison", pretty hilarious. Good crude humor throughout, not mainstream.
Just watched 'Hunger games'. Enjoyable movie (the 'hand held' camera shots at the start made me nauseated though).

I'm just wondering what kind of sick mind came up with the story? It could easily have been a really nasty horror movie.

I've heard they toned down a lot of the violence from the books, the mutant dog things at the end were apparently a lot more viscous in the books!

Anyway, I watched Catch Me If You Can and it was absolutely brilliant! Based on a true story and would definitely recommend it!
The Wolf of Wall Street, hilarious at times but just too long. Not as good as it was hyped to be.
I didn't know Mark Wahlberg was still trying to be an actor.

QFT. When I browse through my collection with my g/f, if she asks if a movie featuring Mark Wahlberg is any good I reply "it has Mark Wahlberg in it, of course not!".

Off the top of my head, the only movie that features him that I remotely like is Three Kings. I'll have a look on IMDB if there are any others.

Edit. Found a couple more that are OK. The Fighter (although Bale is the stand out), and Four Brothers which I found enjoyable.

The Wolf of Wall Street, hilarious at times but just too long. Not as good as it was hyped to be.

Looking forward to seeing this as well. I do love DiCaprio though......
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Just spent a very productive afternoon watching 'Cloud Atlas' and 'Life of Pi'.

Cloud Atlas - I think this movie is the reason the acronym 'WTF?' was created for.

Life of Pi - Wasn't really expecting to enjoy it, but incredible movie.

Just watched

The Wolverine - awful movie, trading on the x-men franchise and failing miserably to offer plot/acting/action.

This is the end - Occasional funny moment, but mostly crass toilet humour.

Troll Hunter - Really good, but have to watch in Norwegian with subtitles, as the 'English audio' version has some of the worst voice acting I've ever heard.
Cloud Atlas was outstanding. I thought everything flowed really well together, tied together so well by the end. 7/10
Tried to watch Troll hunter like three times but always when I am tired, so I keep falling asleep at roughly the same time.
Err... Not sure how serious you are asking the question? But the answer is Battle Royale. Although the author of the Hunger Game books says she was not aware of the similarities to Battle Royale, just chance. Liked both films though.

Apologies if I have misread your post, and this is already known to you.

I've heard of Battle Royale, and seen parts of it. I'm not sure how the kids get there to start with in Battle Royal, but I thought the 'lottery' system in Hunger Games was one of the most disturbing parts, not just the fighting.

(Oh, and never apologise. It shows weakness!) ;)
Battle Royale 1 & 2 are ****ing immense films.

The Hunger Games' basic premise is quite clearly a rip-off of the Battle Royale and Running Man set-up IMO... too many similarities for it not to be - even if it wasn't a conscious decision to do so.
Even if the themes explored through that premise are different - for the Hunger Games' author to not even recognise that her book shares exactly the same plot-mechanics as BR and RM is insulting TBH.

Battle Royale is possibly the most brutal film I have ever seen - both emotionally and in terms of violence, so bear that in mind before you watch it!
The Running Man is a stone cold classic too.

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Sticking with the theme of brutal films.

I rarely enjoy these, as they usually are made for shock and sensationalism value rather than a quality piece of cinema.

Old Boy, however, a sick and twisted film, incredible and fascinating to watch, with jarring twists and superb direction and story. With special mention to the hammer and corridor scene all shot in one take!

Has anyone seen the Josh Brolin remake? Any good? Comparisons?
yeah it's just flat out *annoying* and highly irritating to feel that the director is obviously going way off road and just simply, downright trying to shock you. Shocking is the easiest thing possible, I could produce the most disgusting thing you've ever seen. The most pointless, idiotic thing ever.

It's just a glorious ode to the limited mind of the regular Joes of the world: confusing complexity with complicated, horror fascination and downright unhealthy disgusting stupid concepts, a subtle revelation with profound implications and merely twisted ideas...

Like I don't know if anybody's watched "3 extremes", but the story with the dumplings: why on earth would you ever want to bring such a concept to people ? It's just annoying as hell, some of those directors/"artists" are just jerks basically. It's just like a wet willy or an annoying, annoying prank than to contaminate you with such concepts that you now have in your head and have to deal with for long stretches of time.

I don't mind the occasional Piranhas 3D for e.g. or some zombie ones (like with Bruce Campbell). They're gory and all but they're actually funny, well a bit.
QFT. When I browse through my collection with my g/f, if she asks if a movie featuring Mark Wahlberg is any good I reply "it has Mark Wahlberg in it, of course not!".

Off the top of my head, the only movie that features him that I remotely like is Three Kings. I'll have a look on IMDB if there are any others.

Edit. Found a couple more that are OK. The Fighter (although Bale is the stand out), and Four Brothers which I found enjoyable.

Get thyself down to HMV, sir, and buy thyself a copy of Boogie Nights.

I might point everyone towards a website called Letterboxd, where you log films you've seen and leave star ratings, reviews, etc and follow other people. It's pretty great for logging what you see, if you see a lot (As I do). It's worth signing up. I'm SquidgyGoat on it if anyone does sign up.
Get thyself down to HMV, sir, and buy thyself a copy of Boogie Nights.

I might point everyone towards a website called Letterboxd, where you log films you've seen and leave star ratings, reviews, etc and follow other people. It's pretty great for logging what you see, if you see a lot (As I do). It's worth signing up. I'm SquidgyGoat on it if anyone does sign up.

He's quite a good actor. He's believable in every role he plays. His cameo in 'date night' is really good.
Lot of people think that just because they don't like someone, then they're not a good actor. Judge them on their 'believability', not on whether or not you like them. (spot the guy in the industry :p)
He's quite a good actor. He's believable in every role he plays. His cameo in 'date night' is really good.
Lot of people think that just because they don't like someone, then they're not a good actor. Judge them on their 'believability', not on whether or not you like them. (spot the guy in the industry :p)
Wahlberg? I simply think he is a poor actor. Don't know the bloke, but he comes off so one dimensional in films.

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