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The Movie Thread

I watched the Hobbit, and I really enjoyed the movie, a bit humouristic as opposed to the LOTR trilogy, and for the first time I liked Shmeagle/Gollum.

I also watched Ted, and that has to be now one of my all time favourite comedies. I'm a big Seth Mcfarlane fan, and he has now produced 2 of the songs I can't get out of my head. the First one was that Bird is the Word from the Family Guy, and now the Thunder Buddies song.

Last night I watched That's My Boy. Adam Sandler and Andy Samberg along with Vanilla Ice stars in the movie. It was the SHITTIEST movie I have ever seen!! The only reason that you will laugh during the movie is when you realise how crap the movie actually is.
Just saw Life Of Pi. Great film. Real intense, draws you in really well. I was even nervous for him. Definitely recommend.
Saw Django Unchained this evening: best film I've seen in absolutely ages!
Really recommend everyone goes and sees it, it's bloody brilliant.
Saw Django Unchained this evening: best film I've seen in absolutely ages!
Really recommend everyone goes and sees it, it's bloody brilliant.

My brother was raving about this the other day. I'll have to try to catch it at some point. Never really posted in this thread before, despite watching plenty of films on a regular basis. What have I seen recently?

Looper - I really enjoy this style of movie, with such an interesting plot line driving the movie. It didn't quite grip me in the way Inception did, but certainly one of the better movies I've seen in a while. 9/10

Taken 2 - Loved the first, and this was more of the same. Neeson was awesome as always. 8/10

Dredd - Struggling a little to decide what to make of it. In a similar way to the remake of Total Recall, it lacked the slightly over the top nature of the original. Can't decide if that made it better or not though.... I might have to get back to you on this one after re-watching the original again. 6/10

Reign Over Me - Not a new film, but a film in which Adam Sandler plays a serious role, and I thought his performance was very good. A really thought provoking film, and one of the very few films ever that have almost brought me to tears. 9/10

Seven Psychopaths - I really enjoyed the pacing and mix in this film. Certainly recommended to all. 7/10

The Day - A little better than I expected beforehand actually, but there's not that much to grip you really. Kills a couple of hours, not much more tbh. 5/10

The Cold Light Of Day - The fact that I had to remind myself of what this film was only a couple of days after watching it says something. There's nothing wrong with the film, but it's a very generic action flick where someone's family is taken hostage and must be saved by someone who has no idea what is going on. 5/10

Trouble With The Curve - Despite not being a fan of baseball at all, I still quite enjoyed this movie. It is almost the opposite to Moneyball, here traditional scouting techniques are portrayed as superior to new computer techniques. I found the slight twist at the end overly predictable, if not still a nice touch. 7/10

God Bless America - This was a nice little surprise. Very good film, with an interesting storyline that gripped me throughout. The film in general flowed really well I thought, and the acting was strong throughout. 8/10

Project X - Erm, not great this one! But I have seen plenty worse. 3/10

Stolen - Another rather generic storyline starring Nicholas Cage. Not the biggest fan of Cage, but this is one of those movies that suits his rather one dimensional style. Can't say much about it tbh, it's ok. 6/10

Edit. Almost forgot The Hobbit - Came out of the cinema with a distinct feeling that the movie doesn't work well as a stand-alone movie. It is setting the scene for the later movies, and ultimately needs the others to really become anything, if you know what I mean. Little not to like though. ?/10 (pretty sure the trilogy will be a 10/10 though)

I also watched Ted, and that has to be now one of my all time favourite comedies. I'm a big Seth Mcfarlane fan, and he has now produced 2 of the songs I can't get out of my head. the First one was that Bird is the Word from the Family Guy, and now the Thunder Buddies song.

Can't agree with this. I love Family guy, but I just feel that Ted was overly vulgar and childish. Whilst there are always similar moments in most Family Guy episodes, it is combined with ore intelligence and storyline. Everything was over the top in Ted, and as such is became in my eyes very dumbed down, very little intelligence on show. The whole teddy-bear storly line, whilst being interesting and new to begin with fell apart somewhat, until by the end I questioned what it added to the film. Ultimately I just felt like I was watching a film aimed at 14 y/o's. I enjoyed a few moments, especially some the the earlier jokes, but as a whole it was far below the standards Seth has set with Family Guy. I may be on my own here though.
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My brother was raving about this the other day. I'll have to try to catch it at some point. Never really posted in this thread before, despite watching plenty of films on a regular basis. What have I seen recently?

Looper - I really enjoy this style of movie, with such an interesting plot line driving the movie. It didn't quite grip me in the way Inception did, but certainly one of the better movies I've seen in a while. 9/10

Taken 2 - Loved the first, and this was more of the same. Neeson was awesome as always. 8/10

Dredd - Struggling a little to decide what to make of it. In a similar way to the remake of Total Recall, it lacked the slightly over the top nature of the original. Can't decide if that made it better or not though.... I might have to get back to you on this one after re-watching the original again. 6/10

Reign Over Me - Not a new film, but a film in which Adam Sandler plays a serious role, and I thought his performance was very good. A really thought provoking film, and one of the very few films ever that have almost brought me to tears. 9/10

Seven Psychopaths - I really enjoyed the pacing and mix in this film. Certainly recommended to all. 7/10

The Day - A little better than I expected beforehand actually, but there's not that much to grip you really. Kills a couple of hours, not much more tbh. 5/10

The Cold Light Of Day - The fact that I had to remind myself of what this film was only a couple of days after watching it says something. There's nothing wrong with the film, but it's a very generic action flick where someone's family is taken hostage and must be saved by someone who has no idea what is going on. 5/10

Trouble With The Curve - Despite not being a fan of baseball at all, I still quite enjoyed this movie. It is almost the opposite to Moneyball, here traditional scouting techniques are portrayed as superior to new computer techniques. I found the slight twist at the end overly predictable, if not still a nice touch. 7/10

God Bless America - This was a nice little surprise. Very good film, with an interesting storyline that gripped me throughout. The film in general flowed really well I thought, and the acting was strong throughout. 8/10

Project X - Erm, not great this one! But I have seen plenty worse. 3/10

Stolen - Another rather generic storyline starring Nicholas Cage. Not the biggest fan of Cage, but this is one of those movies that suits his rather one dimensional style. Can't say much about it tbh, it's ok. 6/10

Edit. Almost forgot The Hobbit - Came out of the cinema with a distinct feeling that the movie doesn't work well as a stand-alone movie. It is setting the scene for the later movies, and ultimately needs the others to really become anything, if you know what I mean. Little not to like though. ?/10 (pretty sure the trilogy will be a 10/10 though)

Can't agree with this. I love Family guy, but I just feel that Ted was overly vulgar and childish. Whilst there are always similar moments in most Family Guy episodes, it is combined with ore intelligence and storyline. Everything was over the top in Ted, and as such is became in my eyes very dumbed down, very little intelligence on show. The whole teddy-bear storly line, whilst being interesting and new to begin with fell apart somewhat, until by the end I questioned what it added to the film. Ultimately I just felt like I was watching a film aimed at 14 y/o's. I enjoyed a few moments, especially some the the earlier jokes, but as a whole it was far below the standards Seth has set with Family Guy. I may be on my own here though.
I was a bit indifferent towards Ted. although I think the scenes with Flash Gordon were among the funniest I've ever seen in any comedy.
I saw Ted at a preview screening about a week before it came out. It was pakced and everyone was hooting with laughter. I really, really enjoyed it. Then, I saw it a few weeks later in a sparsley populated 'normal' screening. Didn't enjoy it as much, though I still thought it was one of the funnier films of the year, and slotted comfortably into my top 20 of the year. I think comedies are funnier if other people are laughing as well.

That said, Dull, you also mentioned Seven Psychopaths, which I also really enjoyed, and I saw that with a audience who weren't going with it. I've now seen that twice as well and really enjoyed it.

I haven't been to the cinema in over a month now. So looking forward to catching up this weekend. I'm still suffering withdrawal symptoms.
Caught up on two Hardy films I'd missed today:

Lawless: Good movie that is elevated somewhat by Hardy's performance. LaBeouf also comes across well, but it is certainly Hardy that steals the show once again. There's not all that much new and unique in this film, but that can't be the case with every movie. What's done here is done very well. 8/10

Bronson: I really enjoyed this one. Hardy is exceptionally good here, portraying an incredibly difficult character (especially how the director has decided to do so). I would liken Hardy's performance to that of Heath Ledger's in The Dark Knight, as I'd say both characters are portrayed in an equally manic and disturbed way. The film reminded me of A Clockwork Orange in some ways (the accents probably added to this), due to the stylized nature of the film. The actual storyline may not be to everyone's taste, as ultimately not all that much happens other than a series of violent scenes in various prisons, but then that is the true story of Charles Bronson: locked up for a relatively petty crime (armed robbery of a post office), and subsequently spent 34 years in prison, 30 of which in solitary, with just a brief spell of freedom in which he robs a jewellers. Compared to some criminals it is not that much, but it's how he's behaved in prison that has made him Britain's most famous prisoner, and this is what the film depicts well. 9/10

Hardy has quickly become one of my favourite actors. He's got a remarkable range, and rarely fails to deliver. Looking forward to see if he can develop further.
I was struggling with uni work today, so avoided it my watching a couple of films:

Firstly I re-watched Seven Pounds. Will Smith is up there amongst my favourite actors, and he delivers in this film. The range he displays throughout is amazing, really drawing you into his character as you try to piece together the slowly unravelling storyline. The storyline itself is wonderfully gripping imo, poetic in places, and extremely sad as the 'twist' unfolds towards the end. There's very little to dislike about this film. 9/10.

Secondly I watched The Perks of Being a Wallflower. A film about a troubled high school student. Doesn't sound like the recipe for a good film, but this is the complete opposite. Whilst the issues it tries to deal with aren't new, I felt that a good balance was found in this film. As a whole it really sucked me into the lives of the three main characters, all three superbly acted imo. It helps that I've got a bit of a thing for Emma Watson, and the relationship between her and the main character somewhat echoed my first real 'relationship' when I was 16, stuck watching her with another guy (a little more happening in my case). It was a pleasure to watch too, with some lovely cinematography and a similarly great soundtrack. 8/10.

I noticed a couple of days ago that I missed seeing what sounds like a great film a few years ago: The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford. I will hopefully watch this over the coming days, and report back. Looking forward to this one very much.
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Saw Goon the other day.

Im partial to a good sports film, I wanted to see this when it was released but never got round to it. Reminds me of Slapshot in a way. I like it to a point, its funny, got a decent plot. Only main criticism is that it goes a bit too far with the effin and jeffin
Saw Django Unchained this evening: best film I've seen in absolutely ages!
Really recommend everyone goes and sees it, it's bloody brilliant.

Yeah I love Tarantino. I've got this movie at home, just waiting to see it. :)
Wreck It Ralph.
Amazing! Absolutely loved it.

That's on my to watch list. Looks great!

A few more from me:

The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford: Brilliant film this. It's got quite a slow pacing to it, but this works amazingly well with the superb cinematography. On occasion it's just a sequence of stunning shots of sun filled corn fields etc. The acting is also top notch from both Brad Pitt and Casey Affleck, Afflieck in particular. If you're the kind of person that has The Shawshank Redemption at the top of your favourite film list, then you will probably enjoy this too. 9/10.

Skyfall: What's not to like about the latest James Bond? Not sure it quite lived up to the hype about being the best Bond yet, but it wasn't far off. I really enjoy the new realistic style, and I found the numerous references to the lack of gadgets in this film amusing. One small part of the storyline irritated me slightly, when Silva escapes from the new MI6 base: surely someone would have realised that there was a passageway leading to a tube tunnel from the room he was being held in? Anyway, all in all a solid 8/10.

RocknRolla: My love affair with Tom Hardy Continues. Good British crime film this, along the lines of Lock Stock, Reservoir Dogs and Layer Cake, which I thoroughly enjoy, and this was no exception. My only gripe is that it follows a similar pattern to others in the genre, which has been slightly overdone imo. It's a minor gripe though. I personally really enjoyed Toby Cebbell's performance as the well educated, believed to be dead, druggie rockstar Johnny Quid, but the acting in general is solid throughout. 7/10.

Argo: The other Affleck brother get's a chance to shine, and tbh this was certainly a better performance from him than we're normally used to getting. This was an interesting film, based on a true story about saving 6 American diplomats from Iran. I haven't got much more to say really, but overall it's a fine film with a happy ending. 7/10.

Flight: Ahh, good old Denzel Washington. This film starts as if it's going to be some over the top plane crash movie, but soon turns into something much more interesting. Btw, the plane crash sequence at the beginning is stunning imo. What this film is really about though is the struggle of one man as he battles alcoholism, as it slowly takes everything away from him, despite his obvious talents as a pilot in particular. I found it quite a powerful storyline, especially the final few scenes. 7/10.

Resident Evil Retribution: And still it continues. I was a big fan of the first resident evil film, and even the second and possibly third were half decent, but it's just getting silly now. The action sequences are completely over the top and unrealistic (people just standing still shooting all the bad guys as they somehow miss every shot; and what looked like horribly obvious wire work). As a mindless action flick it's bearable, but nothing more. 4/10.
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I watched Rock'n'Rolla recently, too.
Agree completely - fairly stereotypical for an east end type gangster film, but enjoyable nonetheless.
I've just realised, I get through quite a lot of films when in reality I should be doing uni work. I do get a little done whilst watching, but still.....

So what to do now? A film sounds tempting :p
I really want to see Django, and Wreck it Ralph as well.
We went to see Hitchcock yesterday, and it really wasn't up to all that much. A movie detailing the creation of what seems to be a far more interesting movie.
Lincoln was seriously overrated. I feel as if because a movie is a historical dramatic film it HAS to be good. Daniel Day was brilliant, and Lincoln's character was great but the plot was so long winded and we weren't even seeing the most interesting part of the Civil War.
Still Lincoln>Hitchcock.
They're both well acted but long winded
Wreck it Ralph was top notch!
Les Miserables was good but not the best rendition of it I've seen... they should hire Singers instead of actors trying to be singers -_- that said Hathaway was outstanding. Jackman and Crowe left alot to be desired.

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