The problem with politicians is that are only elected for terms. Of course Badenoch is going to say it's impossible to get to net zero. But it's poor messaging. It's one issue that the world has to pull together on. But isn't because at its heart it is totally contradictory to the whole world view on monetary profit and cost. The planet doesn't give a **** about either.
We've known for decades that putting carbon in the atmosphere will cause the planet to warm and in turn the climate to change. No one says it was going to be easy and will cost us financially but the long term consequences, not just 5 year terms or next 25 years will cost an hell of a lot more both financially and also non.
How do you fix rising sea levels, crops that fail because not enough rain, or too much rain, rising migration from places impacted by climate change? That's where populist parties exploit people - by just denying it or it can be fixed by science because all it will do is increase inequality.
It should be now embedded within every political policy to get individuals/ businesses to get ready for net zero. Not moving goal posts because "oh it's just too hard."
This isn't just for now it's for your children, grand children's etc and so on generation because they will look back and blame us for not doing enough.
Ok, so I'm not contradicting what your saying, but there tend to be cracks in these ideas. There is conflicting evidence and actions from those who push the message...
For example Bezos screaming about sea levels, and climate change effecting farming, while hoovering up beach front properties and farm land across the US.
Every politician, and scientist who can get on the gravy train to fly privately to Davos and Cop meetings in luxurious places, in the most recent incidence destroying thousands of acres of Amazon rainforest to build a temporary road for all their limos so they don't spill their champagne and caviar.
The Paris agreement being largely laughable.
Even protectors, I've spoken to some asking about their cause, and they all have Iphones, wear leathers, plastics, import food and designer clothing while preaching about my need to run a car...
I mean even little Greta pulling stunts, flying a crew of sailors home after she sailed the ocean to reduce carbon lol
None of these people seem to take the issue seriously.
Realistically, with African, Indian and Chinese population and industrialisation booms, what can we actually do without them on board?
Do we deny their ability to catch the western world in living standards, or do we deprive the western world of their current living standards?
It's such a confusing issue, before you even get into how exactly man contributes to climate change (which I've always thought is a weird name, climate has changed forever, the earth's been much warmer and much colder), what is man kinds effect on this interracial age really?
I recently had a discussion about the Ozone layer, someone asked me what happened to the fear of that, we were all supposed to burn up... I did a bit of reading, Ozone was 'fixed' by the Montreal agreement and international agreement to use less CFC's, easy as that. Except we use more CFCs today than ever before, so why hasn't the Ozone died already?
It's almost as if there has always been a huge global problem to fix, and to require change in behaviour lol. I'm not saying this as fact, but something doesn't seem right, I seem to have spent my life being told the world was going to end, and the issues that have been used seem to melt away.
As I said, these are just my thoughts, I'm not denying anything, I'm just asking questions