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The Climate crisis

Climate realist? This is what I don't get with climate change deniers you're not going to have a planet anymore to make profits unless you get to net zero.
We can all clearly see the current system isn't working and greed has taken over. What's that money worth when basic things have become unobtainable? I don't know how, but things will have to change or we're heading into a situation where only the super rich can afford to live.
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Climate realist? This is what I don't get with climate change deniers you're not going to have a planet anymore to make profits unless you get to net zero.
This is the interesting bit "US citizens "heat our homes in winter, cool them in summer, store period foods in our freezers and refrigerators and have light, communications and entertainment at the flip of a switch," he said – a lifestyle that "requires an average of 13 barrels of oil per person per year".

Meanwhile poorer countries lack energy, he said, meaning they need more fossil fuels.

"The other 7 billion people on average, consume only three barrels of oil per person per year," he said. "Africans average less than one barrel."
Meanwhile poorer countries lack energy, he said, meaning they need more fossil fuels.

"The other 7 billion people on average, consume only three barrels of oil per person per year," he said. "Africans average less than one barrel."
Yep And this is why poorer countries were asking for more financial aid at the recent Cop to help clean up the mess the richer countries have created.

Why not invest massively investment for solar panels in Africa - particularly placing them near the equator and battery technology to store such electricity and let them use it and transport excess to west ? instead of drilling and selling more barrels of oil to African countries. Because it won't make them as much profits.

The short sightedness in the long term is unbelievable with the knock on effect on mass migration from poorer countries affected due and food/crops. Prices will rocket.

We're basically f'cked as a planet.
I find this topic an odd one, I haven't anywear near the knowledge I probably should, so always feel unqualified to discuss...

But I don't have the pessimism most do. Mankind tends to find a way, it's inbuilt in us to survive, we take ourselves to the brink of extinction before creating the cure.

The alternatives seem to be total subjugation to do what a global leader dictates to us for our own good, or obliteration.

The fact that nobodys actions in the know, politicians, scientists, and those who advocate for change, match what they say also downplay the change, crisis, emergency, catastrophe? Not sure what the marketing has taken it to as of now.

I am genuinely open to being educated
The fact that nobodys actions in the know, politicians, scientists, and those who advocate for change, match what they say also downplay the change, crisis, emergency, catastrophe? Not sure what the marketing has taken it to as of now.

I am genuinely open to being educated
The problem with politicians is that are only elected for terms. Of course Badenoch is going to say it's impossible to get to net zero. But it's poor messaging. It's one issue that the world has to pull together on. But isn't because at its heart it is totally contradictory to the whole world view on monetary profit and cost. The planet doesn't give a **** about either.

We've known for decades that putting carbon in the atmosphere will cause the planet to warm and in turn the climate to change. No one says it was going to be easy and will cost us financially but the long term consequences, not just 5 year terms or next 25 years will cost an hell of a lot more both financially and also non.

How do you fix rising sea levels, crops that fail because not enough rain, or too much rain, rising migration from places impacted by climate change? That's where populist parties exploit people - by just denying it or it can be fixed by science because all it will do is increase inequality.

It should be now embedded within every political policy to get individuals/ businesses to get ready for net zero. Not moving goal posts because "oh it's just too hard."

This isn't just for now it's for your children, grand children's etc and so on generation because they will look back and blame us for not doing enough.

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