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Suggestions/ideas for Rugby 2012

I think that there should be team updates every season in the form of a DLC. That way, the teams will be up to date until the next rugby game is made (please?)
Or they update for free like FIFA and other sports games
My 2 cents

This area can/should be influenced by a number of factors
speed: of approaching tackler and of ball carrier
- there must also be the risk of failing to make the tackle if too fast and not accurate enough
- there must also be the risk of losing the ball in the tackle if the tackle is 90-100% accurate, however this must be determined by player form

strength: of ball carrier and tackler
proximity: of tackle initiation
- if tackle is initiated too early, tackle will most likely be unsuccessful[depending on the angle], whereas initiating tackle too late, should allow
the ball carrier to gain more ground

angle: of approaching tackler,
- head on tackle should stop ball carrier[speed and strength of ball carrier as well as tackler will determine how many meters gained/lossed]
- side tackle must be affected by tacklers defensive ability/strength/speed, and ball carrier's form/speed/strength/agility
these tackles should also hardly be successful and will require more than 1 tackler. [again the factors mentioned above will determined effectiveness]
- back/angled tackle should allow ball carrier to gain more ground, but will be influenced by his speed/strength/form/agility as well as the tackler's.

Allow tackler as well as ball carrier to move during the tackle[with high resistance]
- obviously whoever commits more numbers to the area have a greater chance of winning this particular contest, but will also suck in players which
in turn limits attack, or makes the defensive team more vulnerable if the defensive line hasnt formed quickly enough yet

Allow more players to assist at the tackle
- more players should increase the effectiveness at the tackle, but at the same time will open up more holes in the defensive line if the ball is recycled
quickly enough.

-Not only should mauls be allowed to be formed from lines and kickoffs /but from any aspect of play [this can be influenced by team and:
:tackle area
- if ball carrier gets enough momemtum and supporting players are close and join quick enough, a mini maul should be formed [balance/speed of ball carrier]
can influence this area for the attacking team
- speed at which maul is moving should also make it more vulnerable causing players to go to ground [should be controlled using either analog stick]
- however this aspect should only be allowed if executed to perfection
- team on defense must counter maul by submitting more players changing direction of applied resistance, causing attacking team to go off balance.
- mauls should still be a contest [not like in 08 where you know you going to score everytime once the maul gets going], this can be implemented
by getting numbers to the maul, players hitting into the mauls {using the previous high tackle button}, or defensive team removing numbers from the maul,
causing the attacking team to go too fast/losing their balance and going to ground.
- everytime the defensive team changes something as mentioned above[or the attacking team adds/removes players], the attacking team has to re-organise/re-balance
the maul[using that analogue stick]
-Of course there should also be the R3 option to collapse the maul with an 80% chance of conceding a penalty.
-For direction use left analogue stick, for balance/speed use right

RUCK {most important aspect: in real life and should be so in Rugby 2012}
The rucking engine should be determined by the following:
Momentum: if the ball carrier gets good momentum the ruck should be easier to setup IF, there are supporting players close by.
get numbers to the ruck by pressing X
more often than not the ruck is not contestable if the ruck is already formed with momentum. however once the area becomes static,
the counter rucking feature should come into play
if the ball carrier doesnt get enough momentum going forward or even gets pushed back, there should be a greater chance of the opposition
competing for the ball, or even winning by counter rucking.
First to the ball: Once a ball carrier is tackled and goes to ground, the player first to the ruck[defense or attack] should stand a greater
chance of winning the ball
A nice feature here could also be to use a button to let the tackler roll away or just lay there and slow down the ball which could
be penalised randomly[but must be affected by time before end of half/game and area of offence [like inside the 22m or 10m [yellow card]
Not all teams have a fetcher, so not all are going to try to steal the ball off the ground, some will just counter ruck, therefore
the option to steal the ball [legally] should be done using R3. Actually simulating the player attempting to have a go at stealing the
ball will be awesome.
In fact continously pressing R3 should move the player's arms or body to show that its an attempt at stealing the ball, where
holding in R3 should be seen as an attempt to slow the ball until the support arrives [and counter ruck]
What could be even better is if the tackled player could also hold onto the ball by holding in R3, so as to not allow the defending
player to win the ball.
An added bonus would be if the tackled player could place the ball away from him[closer to the scrumhalf] by pressing R3. Here will
be a risk of the ball being lost as there is less control now. [until the support arrives]
All this said, it must be stated that penalties COULD be awarded either way for [slowing the ball down or not releasing it], depending
on the referee.
Numbers: Id imagine it to be too difficult to program around the ruck technique as this counts very much, however numbers to the ruck will ensure a
better chance of winning the ball.
Numbers though should only influence one the ruck has become static and a counter ruck starts.
You should be allowed to add and remove players from the ruck area
General: With the new laws the ATTACKING team is favoured, as should be the case with Rugby 2012.
Scrumhalves should be quick to the ball, and if they're not the ruck must be influenced by numbers commited by either side.
Certain teams can also be favoured by the strength of the players forming the ruck.
usually when backline players form a ruck the ball must be played very quickly because once the heavies arrive they almost always lose the ball
An excellent feature here could also be to let players hit into the ruck {Bakkies Botha / Brad Thorn style} in order to gain momentum, or get rid of
the play trying to steal the ball.
CodeMasters released a rugby game some time ago, and the rucking engine was very similar, but the ball took too long long come out and every ruck
seemed to take too much effort [and pressing of the X button].

- should be based on timing, with crouch/touch/pause/engage [using a combination of X, O, A, D] - {on difficult mode }
a nice feature could also have users press a button for the props to bind [using a timing issue] OR
using the Right analogue stick to hold the bind {if up against a stronger scrum}
getting this wrong can result in a free kick/penalty
- there should be better simulation as to the movement of the scrum on the hit
- after the engage, defending team can also be penalised before the ball is put into the scrum, or the referee can tell the scrumhalf to put the ball
- if both teams have strong scrums at some point they need to collapse
- if one is stronger than the other, the weaker team pulls up or collapses the scrum and concedes a penalty, but the stronger team cant just push
forward, they also have to balance the scrum in case its being wheeled or whatever tactics the Australians use :)

- No 8 pickup should only be allowed to run one way, i.e. on the opp side of the scrumhalf
- Scrumhalf running away from the scrum just before the No8 picks up and passes to him [in either direction]
however there must be a timing issue here [the scrumhalf cannot be i think 5/10 meters away from the scrum while the ball is still in]
Also the AI needs to be smart enough where the players automatically shift away if this play is triggered.
This shouldnt be a set play, but should always be an option.

PLAYER/TEAM FORM [tournament/online/random]
- Even the best players are not always at their best, Rugby 2012 needs to have this in the game
When playing in a tournament, form can fluctuate [within each players ability range], in fact areas of their play which they do not use should
deteriorate, while the aspects they use more commonly should improve.
e.g. if Dan Carter hasnt done grubbers in the past few games, when he does it again it mustnt be perfect, the same applies for passing, kicking
stepping, tackling etc. But it must get better the more they do it.
When having online play though each players form must be totally random[but within their range]. This will make the games more spontaneous, exciting
as anything can happen on the day.

- Skip pass mustnt be done with holding in the pass button, as one can hardly pull this off if you want to play a fast paced game.
Rather use the R2 and L2 buttons whilst in open play for this [like Jonah Lomu Rugby]
- A smarter AI to trigger players to run onto the ball will also be nice [similar to the Fifa 11].
This feature can be implemented from a set piece [ruck /maul /lineout /scrum] and players doing a backline move as well.
For backline moves one should be able to use different triggers to tell a player to run short or wide
The defensive AI also needs to kinda follow the attacking players [so as to open up gaps in defense]
eg. to tell a player to run short, but skip pass and you put your second receiver away into a beautiful gap.
This is to be done dynamically with no set move being called.
- Trigger a switch and pass inside [no set play required]
- Obviously when players overrun, the ball gets passed forward and its a scrum / or the timing isnt correct and the player fumbles the ball.
- Allow a trigger to tell your backline to stand flat or deep, [trigger now for next play]?
Depending on their current position it will take n amount of time to the trigger you selected

- Allow forwards to run in the backline as well and backs to run closer to the contact area.
- Allow players to either commit to rucks to attempt to win the ball.
- Allow players to be sucked in.
- Allow the mismatch [backs running against forwards, forwards running against backs]
- Better simulation of taking a high ball [standing under it, or running onto it]
- Referees often get affected by the home team crowd often favouring the home team. Therefore referees should also have a range of how much they're
affected by the crowd, maybe based on experience or just totally random.
- Speed up the game [or allow different speed settings]

hahaha more like a whole dollar's worth...nice overview
* World league: this is a must for any next generation game. This mode has ENDLESS replayability because it is very rewarding to be able to upgrade your team from a poor starting side to an elite (impossible) dream team through scoring tries and making good trades. However, more variety in starting players and clubs who can be downgraded to play would be better, along with longer seasons more tiers, and a possible online mode?<o:p></o:p>

I agree the world leagues were good but i don't think they were as good as the could be. They could have included more options like changing the stadium your team plays at. Upgrading staff and also more money management e.g sponsors and ticket prices. I think what would be great, that no other game has done is have real sponsors. Why doesn't someone make some money by getting companies who sponsor rugby to put money forward to the development of the game and in return they get branded on the game. More money... more resources... better chances of the game going the distance and becoming a yearly thing.
hahaha more like a whole dollar's worth...nice overview

Also like what he had to say...many very good points if they want to make this game a full on simulation, which they should be doing...hope they (hb) read it.
This has probably been suggested so sorry in advance but I think it would be cool to have some form of 'Ultimate Team' like fifa 11 on Rugby 2012. Especially since there apparently isnt going to be a manager mode- obviously it would have to be called something like 'Allstar Club' but I think it would be awesome to play people online and in tournaments with full availability of all players in world rugby, choice of kits, trading with coins but without the annoying contracts. Anyone else agree?
This has probably been suggested so sorry in advance but I think it would be cool to have some form of 'Ultimate Team' like fifa 11 on Rugby 2012. Especially since there apparently isnt going to be a manager mode- obviously it would have to be called something like 'Allstar Club' but I think it would be awesome to play people online and in tournaments with full availability of all players in world rugby, choice of kits, trading with coins but without the annoying contracts. Anyone else agree?

Not sure about using it online, otherwise you would end up having the same players against each other, which would be annoying. And it would be pointless playing against people with an all star without using an all star team themselves.

Would like to have an all star team to make though, and then do a tour with them, where you play all the top international teams.
For online play, a kool idea would be a selection process where you take turns at selecting any player in the game until you have your 22 man squad. Once a player is selected he will no longer be on the list for selection... This may take up some time but it would make things pretty even.
For online play, a kool idea would be a selection process where you take turns at selecting any player in the game until you have your 22 man squad. Once a player is selected he will no longer be on the list for selection... This may take up some time but it would make things pretty even.

ooor, to compensate for the lack of manager mode, lets say a default 50 stats team will be granted to each online acount. And based on the players stile of play, only traits of certain players will increase. So if you prefer expansive plays, its more likely to have good wingers and poor forwards. And if after a while you change your mind by seeing locks frequently breaking your line, you should be able to trade players to even out the line.

Sadly, this wont happen with this game.

and sorry for the mispelling, my apostrophe doesnt work.
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Tbh any of these would do for me- I still think ultimate team would be awesome for rugby because even tho there arent as many players to choose from like in fifa I think you would still see a lot of variety in the teams. Just like fifa not many people have ronaldo or messi cus they cost a fortune in coins but it would be the equivalent with Dan Carter and Richie McCAw. Plus u can get packs which is awesome. But tbh I just want something that has some aspect of management in it but sadly i dont think thats gonna happen- ah well.
Rules and Refferees

Rugby 08 was well known for its magical refs who were invisible but omnipresent on the field but as they appeared in every cinematic when a penalty was awarded.:rolleyes:

Since HB boasts Rugby 2012 as a rugby simulation game, I expect a high level of realism from the refereeing side. Many people on the forum have requested referee strictness sliders, and since a similar slider was present in FIFA 2000, I don't see why 11 years of technical evolution can't support this feature.

Also, other things that should appear in the game are of course the refs. Even if they don't affect anything, their presence there makes the game visually better. I'm sure the engine can support 33 characters on the field.

And if somehow the refs make it in the game, these are some small suggestions

-make their voices sound realistic (at least make them shout):p
-the whistling from rugby 08 was linear and annoying. record more samples.
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Real kicking Power eg with francois steyn how he can dropkick over 70 meters and something that makes a player someone like jonny wilkinsons kicking technique :)
for me i would say the rucking needs to be improved. In rugby 08 it all felt robotic and you knew who was going to win the ruck from who dived on the ball first. I think there should be more attacking options from the scrum, plus more defensive options like flankers peeling off quicker. But mainly in rugby 08 some players were simply too good. Lawrence Dallaglio could run through about three people whereas in today's game every player can tackle one another.But lastly there needs to be more realistic kicking at goal. In rugby 08 ronan o'gara would score every conversion/penalty when he was on the opposition. But also the ball used to fly so high in the air but instead of sloping back down towards the posts it would just fall from the air about 20m short if you were attempting a long kick.
How about when defending, you have to hold a shoulder button (for example, L1) and this puts the player in a braced position, on his toes and sharper so you can cover the attacker when he tries to sidestep. Not holding this 'brace' button and just sprinting into the tackle would see bigger hits but would be easier to miss and get sidestepped. I think this would make the big hits more rare and could make them really special :)
Could we have a screenshot in the next month or so? And also could we have a release date please?
Things I believe should be added include:

- an ability to thieve the ball that increases depending on ability/position of player eg. if a flanker or no8 get to a tackled player/ruck first they should be able to take the ball off them
- more tactical kicking options, especially a greater ability to chip & grubber the ball.
- options to rip the ball of standing players.
- better hit up options off ruck and mauls - 3 forwards standing together for charging runs/pick and drives.
- a way of holding up tries - rather than if a player makes it over the line they have a 99% chance of scoring a try unless they knock it on
- more lineout moves involving the switching of players, false jumps
- more control over scrums, eg - experienced front rows crippling the opposition front rows.
- a more controllable back line - eg running onto the ball rather than receiving a pass standing still
- a better stepping function. In 08 the step was * and slow to react. Games can be won/lost in real life through a perfectly executed step. Fly halves, centres and wings should possess this ability.
- more control options at the ruck - counter rucking, infringements at the breakdown etc.
Name some key features

You know what would be great is if you could see your coaches on the sideline as in fifa world cup or in madden! also post match presentation
You know what would be great is if you could see your coaches on the sideline as in fifa world cup or in madden! also post match presentation

Hmmm... But coaches never stand on the sideline, some shots of them up in the box would be kool though.

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