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Suggestions/ideas for Rugby 2012

Copypasta from "the other side," about training/practice:

I was going to write a reasonably detailed post on this subject, but ideally, a good practice mode should let you select any aspect of a game, playing conditions, attacking or defending, opposing players or not, and let you repeat that same selection over and over, until you choose to change it.

E.g., don't make us reset a goal kick on the halfway line, 5m infield, facing a 25kph headwind, with rain, after every attempt.
I hate it why im playing against the bro's and you taking a place kick and they pause the game and un pause it and you stuff up up the kick and you lose cause of the missed kick.Can this flaw be fix with a time delay so if somene pause's the game and restarts it again you have time to still make the kick,or you just get a re-kick.
In terms of the commentary aspect of the game, it would be good if their was some relevance implemented. For example if a game was being played in New Zealand, then Grant Nisbett and Tony Johnson would be the commentators, in Australia Commentators Greg Clarke and Phil Kearns, in South Africa the South African Commentators, sorry forgot their names. Features like man of the match would be good, in terms of competitions good to add the super 15 obviousley to replace the super 14. Another linout feature, is to chose to have a long form line out or a shorter form lineout. More variations of passing, some times seems static in terms of the options, like when the half back pick and goes to the forwards standing their, it just seems all to robotic, in reality they wont always be set up their all the time, how about about mid game being able to allocate a certain player to hit the gap at a certain point. The ability to also create competitions. I think the offloading ability is used to much too, it is a skill that is mastered not everyone can offload, I am not saying take it out completely but having it show up every time a player has the ball, in general terms how about if a player is near the sideline offloading it on a cue, or near the goal line. Because guys like Sonny Bill Williams or Rene Ranger who are natural offloaders, seem to have their gift depleted, how about when the offload icon shows up for them a, b, or c comes up being able to offload to any in a 10 metre radius. Also a guy like Richie McCaw or David Pocock who are great exponents at the breakdown, need to be exposed in a way when you put them into the breakdown 95 % of the time well turn the ball over. Also on the man of the match feature I eluded to earlier, during the game their is a icon gold, silver, or bronze shows up next to a player, during the game any player can reach silver or bronze standards by scoring tries or a goal kicker's goal kicking perecentage, or amount of metres gained, or amount of tackles made. But only one player can receive a gold standard for scoring 5 tries or doing all of the above. I just think this would add motivation in the game, because some times when your up by 50 points the purpose of the game gets wayed down a bit.
-Well The laws to be updated and proper in 08 they gave penalties if you didnt throw the ball in straight at the linenout... plus the laws have been updated since
-Kicking too be dumbed down a bit I could kick a good 40metres with props
-Rucks too be smarter, If a player is on the ground in real life you just pick the ball off him not dive into a ruck against no one
-More set plays/set play options
-Manager mode would be cool
-Custom sound tracks on PS3
-Roster Updates
-Make it harder I won the world cup with nambia for fun
-If there is a player creation mode dont make it so you can put all stats too 100
-Positional play improved
-Smarter AI all round
-A ref on the field (I am one and I can get in the way influencing a play, purposely done by players sometimes)
-Chip kick option
-If possible obstruction rule put ub place but properly
-No option too turn injuries and knock ons off
-Make new commentators, possibly 3 in box rather then 2 or different commentators each game
-Sevens Mode
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I think the main problems in penalties were
06: Early tackle is always un punished, high tackles un punishes 90% of the time
(on elite mode as well)

Advantage being given and then used if the ball goes out was bang on, however in rugby 08
if you have an advantage and the ball goes out, the other team gets a lineout

Also, in 08, sometimes perfectly timed tackles would be given as early,
also, late tackles (and high at the same time) arent punished enough, if at all
Maybe in some cases the ref could miss this, but in reality, a late (let alone high) tackle is seen 70-95% of the time
I have played a shocking amount of rugby '06 for the Xbox, mainly against the computer on all modes. I have played real club and school rugby in Canada (I know not the best rugby nation) for 6 years as a prop/backrow, touring England and Scotland's provincial sides. I also follow the international television game very closely along with the super 14. I have thirsted for rugby 2012 every since I have heard about it. That's enough about me; let me tell you how to make the dream rugby game.<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:eek:ffice:eek:ffice" /><o:p></o:p>
5 Things I loved about EA's rugby 06/08<o:p></o:p>
* World league: this is a must for any next generation game. This mode has ENDLESS replayability because it is very rewarding to be able to upgrade your team from a poor starting side to an elite (impossible) dream team through scoring tries and making good trades. However, more variety in starting players and clubs who can be downgraded to play would be better, along with longer seasons more tiers, and a possible online mode?<o:p></o:p>
*inclusion of extremely variable player creation mode: one of the things I most enjoyed was the ability to set my player stats to whatever I wanted. I made some dream teams (100 stat in every stat) some crap teams (0 in everything) some imitation teams (my H.S. team) and everything in between. If you want to include a "realistic" player development system like the madden franchise has done, (i.e. "strength" stat determined by bench-press mini game, i.e. rapidly tapping "a") at least allow us to override this system so we can play with the stats and create super/crap team ect. the player creation system definitely needs more fleshing out in general though, like madden did with superstar mode, and more variety in player modeling.<o:p></o:p>
*inclusion of a variety of tournaments/game modes: aside from the genius world league mentioned above, EA's rugby games definitely had a lot of content where licensed tournaments are involved. Although they pale in comparison to the WL, it is a lot of fun to run different club scenarios, especially if an online component were included. <o:p></o:p>
* variety of useful attacking methods in game: we'll get to the problems with EA's engine later, but what made rugby 06/08 fun was the sheer amount of ways you could attack the opposition. Grubber, Garry Owen, box kick, hands, set piece, pick & go, forward charge and many more. Although they shockingly left out the switch pass, I was still discovering new ways to attack the opposition years after playing the game. Part of this relies on EA's famous animation system, which unrealistically sucks players into different canned animations in hopefully appropriate situations. Sometimes is makes the game look god-awful (as most EA animation systems do when you get right down to it, see: madden) but it makes for some breathtaking tries. How you replace this system will the make or break rugby 2012 and everyone knows it. this brings me to the offload system. while it looked terribly unrealistic in rugby 06 (players zooming or teleporting to catch the offload) it made the game playable, and added another dimension of attack. It would help to add more variety of offloads, but the EA system was actually enjoyable to attack with in the offload play.<o:p></o:p>
*kicking: although the stupefying back 3 AI made kicking a joke EA really designed a kicking system which was an accurate fun and useful. It could use some work, i.e. more balanced kicking (Dan carter and jonny Wilkinson overpowered, to name a few), faster delivery of kicks, more possibility for a charge down. However, other than that it was a fun and fluid system to use.<o:p></o:p>
5 Things to change:<o:p></o:p>
*No online play/support: this has to be number one on everyone's list. Honestly, despite the EA's rugby's many small errors, we played the game, loved it and mastered it. Every true rugby player did. and if you live in New Zealand and everyone and their brother plays the game good on you, but I live in North America, and if you bring a rugby game to a friend's house you have to spend half an hour teaching the rules before you whoop their ass (or use 10% of your skill). seriously, if Rugby 2012 were just a rugby 06 clone with updated rosters, graphics and online mode I would still by thanking god on my knees with tears streaming down my face. Seriously. And you may flame me for saying that, but I'm sure many people on this forum secretly share my opinion.<o:p></o:p>
*Inconsistent AI: now many people before me have simply put "bad AI" and this is not true, because in some ways the AI is too good. let's start with the bad: back 3 are terrible (it's easy to boot 60 meters over the head of the fullback, wings leave huge holes in defense), spacing of the backs is also bad (centers often leave huge gaps, no rush defense, drift defense simply runs sideways, forwards not joined to backline), certain moves trick computer every time (pick and go, Garry Owen, scrum half wipers, fly half wipers, blind side overlap) while certain moves fail every time / or are impossible against a human opponent (p and G, MOST set piece moves, forward charge), computer is unable to mount a decent attack (I beat the WC with Uruguay, rating 42. nuff said). CPU's best attacking abilities include punting you the ball from any position on the field, Garry Owen, or obvious set piece plays, while AI is too good is ruining your ability to use set pieces, explained next.<o:p></o:p>
* huge revamping of set piece game required: the modern international game is full of scintillating open field play, with forwards in the back line, loops, misses and two lines of attack. EA's response was to build a horribly stiff, animation heavy and predictable set piece system, which is impossible to use because it is so easily countered by CPU and human players alike. the new set piece system should be dynamic, unpredictable NOT animation centered, different every time, set up faster and with more players filling in different positions (like the international game, i.e. hookers scoring tries from the wing a la the all blacks), and most importantly FUN AND USEFUL, everything the EA system wasn't. The animation system made it so I could use my fly half and run down the line, and perfectly pick out the opposing wing with a dive tackle, with no chance of a counter. c'mon, that doesn't even happen in elementary school rugby, why here?<o:p></o:p>
*revamping of forward play: as a forward, I know how fun and engaging forward play can be through rucks, mauls lineouts and scrums. However, unfortunately it is really the pea soup of rugby, and as video game player/enthusiast, I know that this part of the game can be extremely difficult to map on to a controller. EA made a decent run at it but it feels unsatisfying and clunky. The scrums were all right, but the play in the rucks and maul must be more dynamic, controllable by the player, with more options for attack. Same with the lineout's: any rugby player knows the EA obviously rushed this piece of the game i never fixed it up in any sequels. I mean short med, long. c'mon! There are an amazing number of different lineout calls in rugby and just as many types of defense. if you could put just a little more variety in these places, along with more forward participation in the set pieces/loose it would make me proud to play as a forward in your game.<o:p></o:p>
*modern replay system with saves, and online sharing: 'nuff said.<o:p></o:p>
Well that was quite the speech, I really have put a lot of time into thinking about how this game could be made better. I love the game probably more than any other does and I know many people like myself who are truly fanatic about it. I would say that you are handling something which is in many people eyes more precious than gold and I hope you know that, as do you publishers and investors. The rugby game market has been barren for so long, it is nice to see someone step up to the plate and deliver what every rugby fan who plays games desires and loves. We rugby gaming fans have had our disappointments, especially EA deciding to discontinue their franchise. Although the publisher has tons of money, they do really jerk their fans around a lot and their seeing the results now. Their effort on rugby 06/08 is about a B minus the way I see it. The inclusion of online play probably would have pushed it to an A- in my books, so if that is all you people do, you have my buy and my entire friend's buys too. However, I hope in my heart that you will aspire to more. I hope your company will make a rugby game that will stun us and have us begging to buy your sequel. Mine and everyone on this forum's hope rests with you. Good luck, love and may god or any other entity bestow that special ability upon you to listen, create and design the perfect rugby 2012!<o:p></o:p>

A man after my own heater. Rugby 06 is probably the most played game on my Xbox 360 lol. My missus got it 2 years ago for like £2. unfortunately it stopped working a couple of months ago, I tried Rugby 08 on my laptop and it was much improved. Only problem I have no controller and for some reason the keyboard doesn't like 3 buttons being pressed at once so sprinting at an angle or passing is a no no. Makes it a bit more of a challenge but still beatable lol.
I definitely agree that the referee's should be more fallible and inconsistent with a slider to adjust it to preference. Also to make the game much more exciting and realistic we should be able to get quick ball from the ruck if we want to keep the attack going forward and this would make the defense disorganized creating overlaps and gaps. And to counter act this the attacking team should be more more likely to spill the ball when you play quick ball, as in real life when a forward with feet for hands tries to catch the ball.

Really can't wait for this game!!!!!!
When you choose a Barbarians side, players socks change to their club socks.
I think it definetly needs an ultimate team feature, as this is a very popular feature of the fifa games and would give people the chance to create their favourite team and if they did who would be in yours?
I think that there should be team updates every season in the form of a DLC. That way, the teams will be up to date until the next rugby game is made (please?)

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