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Suggestions/ideas for Rugby 2012

Be a Pro Be a Pro Be a Pro!!!! And more tournaments and little chip kicks, not the limitation to grubber and up and over kicks.
AI set to random so that you can't just learn how to beat the line every time
Theses ideas may or may not have been suggested already but I'd like to see:

1. No "impact" players with stars above their heads. Ability should be based purely on ratings like FIFA. For example, in Rugby 08, even if you edited a player's kicking power to 99, Jonny Wilkinson or Dan Carter would still be able to kick much much further than them (simply due to them being impact players). I'd like to see ratings actually having an effect in game.

2. Customisable & dynamic set plays. In Rugby 08, set-plays were automatic and the player didn't even have to do anything during it. I'd like to see set plays that are more user-controlled, e.g. the timing of each pass. Also, building your own set play would be a good feature and would make the game much less repetitive.

3. Get rid of the sideways 22-to-22 kicking glitch.

4. Less generic tackling. More variations in tackles would be great. E.g. not every tackle is around the legs in real life, and not every tackle results in the ball-carrier going to ground (mauls formed from tackles that don't go to ground). High tackles should occur occasionally (although not always extreme). In Rugby 08, every single tackle Jerry Collins/Lawrence Dallaglio/Schalk Burger made was huge. Although big tackles should be a part of the game, just because a player is capable of making them, doesn't mean they happen all the time. Also Chris Latham NEVER missed tackles at full-back, which is just stupid and unrealistic. Also, the 08 AI defence would just run towards the ball carrier until the tackle was made. In real life, especially in a 2 on 1 situation, the tackler often backtracks with the ball carrier and times his tackle. This should be included in Rugby 2012.

5.A fallible referee. I think it should be possible to handle the ball in the ruck, it happens all the time and the referees don't always spot it 100% of the time. Also, a referee will miss the occasional offside, especially if its far away from him. Each referee should vary slightly on his interpretation of the laws (e.g. at scrums, mauls etc)

6. More emphasis on forwards' play. Even if your back-line is world-class, if your pack isn't upto scratch, you'll lose the match. I think this should be reflected in the game. E.g. A pack with better rucking ability should win more balls at the breakdown than the other pack, a pack with higher strength should win more mauls than the other pack, a pack with tall players (with good handling ability) should win more lineouts. Also, the rucking animations need heavy remodelling from Rugby 08. Also, it'd be nice to see tacklers getting on their feet & competing (i.e. Richie McCaw, George Smith). Also, PLEASE MAKE AN OPTION FOR FORWARDS TO PICK & DRIVE. In Rugby 08, the only pick & drive you could do was with a scrum-galf. It should be made possible to pick & drive with 2/3 forwards around the fringes (like it happens in real life when close to the try line).

7. Less generic tackle breaking/avoiding. The side-step/handoff/shoulder charge combination of 08 is just too generic and unrealistic. Especially when you have a player like Shane Williams/Habana that can sidestep every tackle. Getting past a tackler should be made more manual (i.e. quick keyboard movement) rather than pressing a button to automatically break a tackle. Also, the dummy pass needs to be made more effective, to reflect its success rate in real life. Also, attacking kicking moves MUST be improved. In Rugby 08, unless it was Habana/Rokocoko, it was impossible to execute a grubber kick without it being a knock-on/being tackled. Also, it should be made possible to chip the ball lightly over the defence (the Q button for the up&under didn't work for chips). Body positions going into tackles should be low without having to press ****+w.

8. Realistic offloads. In rugby 08 it was ridiculously easy to make a chain of 5+ consecutive offloads (even when clearly the ball-carrier is not in a position to). Offloads should only be available in certain circumstances (when the carrier's arms are free), and should always have a chance of failure, i.e. the ball doesn't reach the intended target. Players with better handling, i.e. Dan Carter, should have a higher chance of making a successful offload (also be capable to make one-handed offloads) than a player like Adam Jones.

9. Use of speed. In Rugby 08, if you had a quick player, you could just run sideways and then suddenly run forward (tricking the AI player into diving hopelessly to tackle you). I'd like to see some sort of realism in terms of speed/acceleration. When running at full speed, it should be made harder to change direction (like FIFA kind of) this is where the agility rating would come in. More agile players would be able to change direction much better than less agile players. Also the sprint button should NOT be space, as it is impossible to run diagonally left on a keyboard. Also, in Rugby 08, there are only two speed settings, light jog and full-on sprint. I think the light jog should be kept as a default but i think the players should get gradually faster to reach their full speed (depending obviously on the acceleration rating).

10. Tackling. In Rugby 08, every single tackle Jerry Collins/Lawrence Dallaglio/Schalk Burger made was huge. Although big tackles should be a part of the game, just because a player is capable of making them, doesn't mean they happen all the time.

11. Competitive scrums/line-outs. In Rugby 08, even if you were New Zealand playing Portugal, i was practically impossible to turnover opposition scrums. I'd like to see more realistic scrummaging based on ratings. Scrums should be MUCH messier, not nice and tidy formations moving in a straight line. There should also be penalties for collapsed scrums if a team's scrums is too weak and also penalties for binding on the arm, feeding etc. It was also much too easy to turnover opposition line outs in 08, all you had to do was wait for the hooker's hand to twitch and then press S (the first pod shouldn't be able to reach a ball going to the second pod. Also it should be possible to hold a lifted position in a line-out. It'd also be great to hear line-out codes from the hooker, so that codes can be deciphered if you're clever enough. So more competition in scrums & line-outs!

12. Controlling forwards. In Rugby 08, flankers do not break off the scrums which is incredibly unrealistic (and incredibly easy for fly-halves to clear the ball). Also, the pick & go from the back of a scrum by a No. 8 was too ineffective. It should be possible to control a player in a ruck/maul, in 08 these 2 important parts of the garm were largely neglected. Greater player involvement with forwards & forward play is much needed. Forwards should also be more involved in set-plays & attacking moves, think players like Pierre Spies that love tu run at defences. The AI should also utilise forwards more in attack rather than passing out to the backs every time.

13. Held-up tries should definitely be included, video replay could be useful here.

14. Drift Defence. Rather than 15 defenders chasing the ball-carrier like a bunch of headless chickens, AI & player defences should be more intelligent, by drifting and covering players. E.g. if a prop has just made a tackle on one side of the pitch, and by the time he's got up the ball has been passed to the other side of the pitch, the prop in real life won't just run to the breakdown, instead he'll join the defensive line with the backs.

15. Use of running angles. Outside of set-plays & skill moves, Rugby 2012 should use some basic form of physics in the game engine so that running angles are taken into account. If a defence is drifting as the ball is moving laterally, and suddenly the ball's given to a player running straight (via a switch or something), even if the receiving player isn't quick or strong, his chances of breaking through a tackle is much better as the defence is flat-footed in its attempt to cope with the change in direction.

16. GET RID of unrealistic knock-ons if a player is playing out of position. Just because a winger is playing as a fly-half, doesn't mean he'll suddenly drop every single ball that comes to him.

17. Wind should affect kicking. In Rugby 08, wind only affected goal-kicking but not kicking in normal play.

18. Customisable controls.

19. Fatigue. In Rugby 08, as a game went on, players stamina bar went down, which meant that the players could only sprint shorter distances. Instead of this, i think players' top speeds/acceleration should decrease as a match goes on (Higher stamina players would obviously be able to maintain higher top speeds than players with lower stamina). For example, Habana is quicker than Ashley-Cooper, but 75 minutes into a game, if Habana has been playing for the whole of it and Ashley-Cooper has just come on off the bench, Ashley-Cooper could very well outrun him, simply because he's fresh. This featuer would make substitutions much more tactical (i.e. a quick player with poor stamina would be tactically useful as an impact substitute late into a game where stamina wouldn't be an issue and speed would be a valuable attribute). This could also be applied to strength & handling (both depreciating as a game goes on, rate of depreciation dependent on stamina). Out of all the features this is one of the most important ones as it adds so much more realism into the game.

20. Passing variety. Whilst the odd interception did occur in Rugby 08, passes were generally generic & perfect. A varied passing system would be much more realistic and interesting to play with. E.g. a scrum half might sometimes pass the ball too low or too high resulting in the fly half having very little time to do anything. Deep passes, long passes (missing more than one man), flat passes are all neglected in 08. Also players with poorer handling will take longer to shift the ball down the line (e.g. a prop). These variations in passing would create much less predictable outcomes, e.g. an interception try (Jean de Villiers???), loss of possession, knock-ons, forward passes. All of this would be dependent of passing & handling ability, hence backs making less handling errors than forwards (who's more likely to successfully catch a long bullet pass, a front=row forward or a back?). Weather should also DEFINITELY have an effect on handling. Rain = slippery ball = more knock-ons & errors.

21. Full backs should join the back line in attack (even if its not a set play). Full backs were also neglected in 08, rarely getting the ball, never scoring tries and rarely making any real contribution, in 08 having a world class full back made very little difference (which is highly unrealistic). Think of Jason Robinson, Mils Muliaina, Christian Cullen, all great attacking full backs who constantly got involved in attack, always wanted the ball and always scored tries. In real life full backs join the line and provide an extra man in attack, this should be the case in Rugby 2012.

If all these suggestions are implemented, I think Rugby 2012 would be a must-have for any rugby fan (like FIFA to a football fan). Hopefully, some of the 21 changes I've suggested can be applied in the game. I'm just sick and tired of rugby games playing second fiddle to more commercial sports like football (FIFA), golf (PGA Tour) etc.

Come on EA & Therugbyforum, let's do rugby justice with this game.
i think that there should be two,three kinds of impact players
e.g:the current impact player (yellow star) would be players such as Dan Carter,Conrad Smith etc.
And the legendery impact player (gold star)would be old legends such as Jonny Wilkinson, Tana Umaga,Jonah Lomu etc.
There could even possibly be a upcoming impact player ,rising impact player(black outline of a star)e.g Quade Cooper,Aaron Cruden,SBW etc this would be harder to predict though.

stars are stupid
jst came up with this..
Instead of in '08 where it shows your team already engaged in the scrum, you can have buttons to press before each scrum so when the ref yells "TOUCH" you press circle/B or any other button etc.. and then you "PAUSE"... when the ref yells "ENGAGE!" you press triangle to engage and if you time it early you can then get penalized for early engagement. If not you can contest for the scrum which will make things more interesting.. Also having the halfback feeding the scrum automatically will make this easier.
Thats an idea
has there been any announcements about the game?
Whether there 'on track', 'ahead of schedule', 'behind time' etc??
Yeah, I kinda thought that they would try to announce something since Rugby Challenge has been announced...
1. One idea which doesn't have any feature in FIFA is a 'training mode'. by that I don't mean just mean 'practice in the loading screen'. I would love to see actual training practice sessions where you can work on scrimmage, line-out practice, scrummaging, tram-tracks, back-line moves, speedwork, gym work which boosts a players attributes but also adds to the TEAM CHEMISTRY. Would be ideal for manager mode.

2. would love to see a rugby 7s world series within the game. make it more difficult in the little things so its not ridiculously easy to score tries (don't just employ 15-man AI into 7s). Make stamina run down very quickly. make it imperative for good drift defence, running the right lines the most important thing in attack etc.

3. ability to control a specific player entering the ruck. I would love to contorl Richie McCaw/Pocock as he comes into pilfer a ball. If he is selected not as tackler, make controls so he goes in quickly with good body placement, strength...that way if i was an opposition team - i would see that McCaw wants to come into steal the ball and I would send in all my forwards to counter him.

4. quicker sidestepping/bumping/palming animations. a player doesn't do a 'slow jink' like in 08. Shane Williams for examples puts a step on quickly

5. greater difficulty

6. different types of tackling. around the legs for big players, over the top to stop the offload like with Sonny Bill Williams. Ability for a two-man tackle perhaps

7. allow switches/ wraps or any moves between two players, without the use of a set backline play. in other words make the other player 'make a run' like in FIFA. if i was running toward the sideline i could make the other player 'make a run' so he would run back inside and I could make a switch

8. no stars above heads
Rugby 2012

I was very pleased with rugby 08 however I have a few ideas of how rugby 2012 can be better. Apart from the obvious which would be the gameplay must improve I feel that more teams need to be added as on the other rugby series it seemed as though there wasnt too many. Compair that to fifa where they have almost every league in the world. For the new rugby game i think that it needs fully licensed: Magners League, Guinness Premiership, Top 14, Heineken Cup, Amlin Challenge Cup, Super 15, Currie Cup and AMI cup (New Zealand Air Cup). Also 6 Nations, Tri Nations, Rugby World Cup and Lions Tour. I also think that a tournament creater would be good too.

I hope that every team in the tournaments listed will be fully licensed aswell as the tournaments. I would very much like to see a category called "Other". This could include teams such as bristol and worcester who are very likley to be back playing in the Guinness Premiership and that would prevent the game from becoming dated so quickly as I found with Rugby 08 with Leeds Carnegie not included. I also think that a career mode could be very good. Similar to the manager mode on the fifa series.

Another thing which I would hope for is online gameplay, and the ability to download updates for kits, players, boots, rugbyballs ect...

A usfull thing to have aswell as player creator would be an editor, where u can edit a player. One thing i found anoying on Rugby 08 was when ever I tried to recreate a match I had scene on TV I found that certain players could not play in thoose positions. Eg, on Rugby 08 Berrick Barnes can only play fly half, and thoughout the 2008/09 season he played at 12 for the Wallabies.

I feel that all stadiums should be playable in day, night, dry or wet. And then in certain stadiums snow could be an option also.

I would love for theese things to be included in the new Rugby 2012 game and any feedback would be greatly appreciated.
I was very pleased with rugby 08 however I have a few ideas of how rugby 2012 can be better. Apart from the obvious which would be the gameplay must improve I feel that more teams need to be added as on the other rugby series it seemed as though there wasnt too many. Compair that to fifa where they have almost every league in the world. For the new rugby game i think that it needs fully licensed: Magners League, Guinness Premiership, Top 14, Heineken Cup, Amlin Challenge Cup, Super 15, Currie Cup and AMI cup (New Zealand Air Cup). Also 6 Nations, Tri Nations, Rugby World Cup and Lions Tour. I also think that a tournament creater would be good too.

I hope that every team in the tournaments listed will be fully licensed aswell as the tournaments. I would very much like to see a category called "Other". This could include teams such as bristol and worcester who are very likley to be back playing in the Guinness Premiership and that would prevent the game from becoming dated so quickly as I found with Rugby 08 with Leeds Carnegie not included. I also think that a career mode could be very good. Similar to the manager mode on the fifa series.

Another thing which I would hope for is online gameplay, and the ability to download updates for kits, players, boots, rugbyballs ect...

A usfull thing to have aswell as player creator would be an editor, where u can edit a player. One thing i found anoying on Rugby 08 was when ever I tried to recreate a match I had scene on TV I found that certain players could not play in thoose positions. Eg, on Rugby 08 Berrick Barnes can only play fly half, and thoughout the 2008/09 season he played at 12 for the Wallabies.

I feel that all stadiums should be playable in day, night, dry or wet. And then in certain stadiums snow could be an option also.

I would love for theese things to be included in the new Rugby 2012 game and any feedback would be greatly appreciated.
I'd love all that as well, but sadly they've said that there will not be a Manager Mode this time around as they want to get the core basics of the game rite which has taken a lot of the hype for the game away from me as I was looking forward to it. And also considering there will be no manager mode I doubt there will be a Be a Pro mode similar to Fifa 09, 10 and 11 which I would love but again, most likely wont be included. Hopefully the Rugby Challenge game coming out will have it all, but I hope the ideas you have put forward happen and a manager mode is actually available.
Another great feature I'd like to see is the ability to make your own set plays, so you choose the paths that players take and the buttons to pass to another player etc.
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i would like to see personalised traits for each player, such as quade coopers step and goal kicking, kurtley beales chip and chase, sonny bill williams offload etc. i would also like to see sevens in the game somewhere, updated team kits. another thing i would like is to be able to make your own team, customize the kit, stadium, put them in a competition or make a competiton. a career mode would also be good if you could do it in any comp such as super 15 etc. also a few glitches in rugby 08 need to be adressed. when the ball goes into touch you lose advantage, teams stand behind the posts at penalty kicks for goal instead of being spread out, and there is no chip-kick option. it would be cool if you could make your own set plays aswell. there are no back row moves of a scrum, and lineouts are really basic, no special pod changes or anything. these changes would be freaking awesome! hope rugby 2012 is a big success.
I'd love all that as well, but sadly they've said that there will not be a Manager Mode this time around as they want to get the core basics of the game rite which has taken a lot of the hype for the game away from me as I was looking forward to it. And also considering there will be no manager mode I doubt there will be a Be a Pro mode similar to Fifa 09, 10 and 11 which I would love but again, most likely wont be included. Hopefully the Rugby Challenge game coming out will have it all, but I hope the ideas you have put forward happen and a manager mode is actually available.
Another great feature I'd like to see is the ability to make your own set plays, so you choose the paths that players take and the buttons to pass to another player etc.

how do you know there is no manager mode
Player Tattoos

i suggest to include all the famous player's tattoos it will bring a more realistic features for the players and game play...
players like Sonny Bill Williams, Maa Nonu with sleaves tattoos
Carlos Spencer
Lome Faatau with the Samoan Tatau.
Jerome Kaino
Liam Messam
Matt Banahan
Quade Cooper
Hosea Gear
Neemia Tialata
Sione Lauaki

i suggest to include all the famous player's tattoos it will bring a more realistic features for the players and game play...
players like Sonny Bill Williams, Maa Nonu with sleaves tattoos
Carlos Spencer
Lome Faatau with the Samoan Tatau.
Jerome Kaino
Liam Messam
Matt Banahan
Quade Cooper
Hosea Gear
Neemia Tialata
Sione Lauaki

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This is an absolute must! I did read somewhere that the reason they take the players photos with there shirts off is to try and get a clear view of some tattoos so hopefully this will in included
after reading q&a it seems like once again the game is going to be very similar to the 3 previous version.
This is disappointing as i was looking forward to the potential of a manager mode or some new features.
I will now defiantly not be buying this game.

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