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Suggestions/ideas for Rugby 2012

A more historical element added would be nice, as would a more in depth manager mode (al la Fifa) along with season updates and above all a more "realistic" game play experience would be welcomed.
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I would like a more realistic element to be introduced to the game (the realism can be controlled by an on/off option or a slider). It would also be nice if player statistics were influenced in some way by real statistics (ruggastats.com).
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In past Rugby games I have played you could side step an entire team just by violently throwing the left analogue stick left to right and holding down the sprint button all the way till a try was scored. I found the players speed and response overly exaggerated. Which I believe limited the re-playability of the games as it gets boring thrashing a team 100-0. Players abilities (based on statistics given to the player) never really came to the fore unless the player was a "star" player.
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So I believe that slowing the game play down (making movements less exaggerated) in terms of player movement (compare Fifa 98 to Fifa 10) would allow a players given abilities to become more pronounced, and allow the gamer to utilize the players "abilities" to gain an upper hand much in the same way a coach can utilize a real player; For example, Shane Williams is naturally gifted with acceleration, speed and agility… therefore when he gets the ball his step (without using the right analogue stick) can open a gap, his acceleration could take him through a gap and his speed would ensure that he can out run defenders or Rene Ranger has strength and speed and can therefore break tackles and out run defenders. Thus the primary influence the gamer has on the game is his decision making (pass, run or kick) which is effected through the players abilities/attributes which in turn is determined by the players statistics, leaving the gamer to rely less on "special moves".
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The "special moves" controlled by the right analogue stick must be kept but must be also based more on the players attributes and not a generic ability; also they should be harder to perform making them more satisfying when they do are completed accurately.
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If the AI had to control the two teams the without a gamers involvement, it would be like watching a game of rugby where only the players abilities are tested against each other.
should be like fifa wer you can hav a play now mode, Season play or challenge mode. also you should be able to make your own player like on previous games but on one of the past rugby games (either 05 or 08) your players rating could be 100 which to me is unrelistic becos thats like an academy player going straight to number one in the world so they should take a leaf out of fifas book and have your created player start at a fairly low rateing working his way up by scoring, the amount of time he has played for the club and you as a manager earing points to boost players attributes. continueing on the subject, you should be able to do team training wer you have a calender of the week or month leading up to a game as seen in games like EA Sports MMA. some options could include Weight training (Heavy, Moderate or Light) improving players strength and Fitness Training (Heavy, Moderate or Light) improving players overall fitness and also boosting there injury thershold. Both of these training sessions would take up both time and energy depending on the intensity rate e.g Heavy training taking up more of the players energy making them tired when it comes to match day and therefore underperforming. so i suppose you could also could have a rest option too. i would like to see a transfer window on a future game becos on either 05 or 08 you couldnt buy or sell players . Finally i would want to see a scouting system as on fifa were you pay people to find young talented people to come and play for your team also staring with a low rating as your created player did.
when a player is moved out of position it would be nice if they didn't suddenly lose their handling skills

Ha Ha, yes that was frustrating...u put a fullback at 13 and sudenly he can't catch anything...not very realistic.
agreed because on 05 or 08 i dont think there was no transfer window so if your number 8 got injured and you had no other players which could play that position he appeared red and suddenly as u say lost his handerling skills lol which is very unrealistic as u say because most pro players are trained to play more than two positions.
- I would love to see an option where you can create and practice your own set-piece or backline moves and use it in a game.
- Abillity to compete for the ball in rucks/mauls, Example: If you are defending and you get more players quicker to the ruck or maul or you have more aggresive rucking players you will be able to create a turn-over ball
- More control over the scrums/mauls: If you have a superior pack you need to be able to shove them off the ball (defending), put the other team under lots of pressure (defending) or score push over tries (Some previous ***les the scrums/mauls movement stopped after a while no matter how much more superior your pack is)
- Weather influencing players and matches - example in rain, goalkicking much harder and throwing the ball wide risky and mistake prone
- CPU gameplay less predictable

- Yellow/red cards for persistant professional fouls and dangerous play
- Blood bin replacements
- Teams/players must have form ratings that increase/decrease with good or poor results and effect their next match - example: team with low form finds it harder to win close matches or tough opponents
- 3rd match official (TMO) that have to review close-call tries and decide ''try or no-try"
- Rival/derby matches much harder
- 3rd match official (TMO) that have to review close-call tries and decide ''try or no-try"

i think this wont be needed in the game because say like a player commits a knock on ova the line in real life and pics its staright up again the ref will need to consult with his assistants and video refs but in the game if you knock the ball on the game automatically stops
- 3rd match official (TMO) that have to review close-call tries and decide ''try or no-try"

i think this wont be needed in the game because say like a player commits a knock on ova the line in real life and pics its staright up again the ref will need to consult with his assistants and video refs but in the game if you knock the ball on the game automatically stops

Good point Howzy, however I think it would be a fun feature especially if it was a try in the corner. Take the run-out refferal in cricket games, sometimes they still refer even if you are well in,but it still cause some nerves which adds to the game's experience. So the point is,the game should let a bit of advantage run and not stop it immediately, then maybe there can be some tight calls being reffered.
hey so i wasnt goin to read through 167 pages of comments so these thing may have allready been said.

lineouts- could be good to be able to have shorter line outs if you wanted, maybe control the number of players in the lineout before hand using a system kind of like the madden audible system but it wouldnt have to be anywhere near as in depth like just a simple 8, 5, 3 and 4 man would be great with the other forwards out in the backs able to run dummys or crash it up.

rucks...1. ok so from rugby 08 the thing that really annoyed me when playing, was when you made a really good break then got tackled by the fullback, the 2 players go to ground with no one near them and for some reason its automatically a turnover even though there is nobody in the ruck. And on the flip side when your opponent breaks through the line and you tackle him, one of your players is first to the ruck and stands there or leans in where they should be getting over the ball and stealing it, maybe if the deliberate hands in (i think it was R3) could be used to steal the ball in legal situations like this one and also you could use it as the offensive player to hold on illegally. 2. when forwards picked the ball up from the base of a ruck or scrum in rugby 08 they just stood up vertical and tended to get nailed straight away as they were at a stand still whereas in real life when forwards pick up the ball from the base of a ruck they stay low and drive 3. Backs can hit rucks too! and would in half the situations when theres one opponent in the ruck and your guys just fan out across the feild waiting for your forwards to make it there.

The defense needs improved because in the old games there was a wasy to run at a slight angle and after a few quick passes one of your players would be straight through a gaping hole in the defense everytime even if the defense had more numbers than the offense.

I think the madden 11 running controls and animations would be pretty sweet if incorperated into the game, especially momentum like in 08 you have scrum halfs nailing 18st plus forwards/backs like tuilagi which rarely happens in real life. also the madden animations of players keeping on driving in the tackles to gain yards and multiple person tackles.

In the scrums if one team is superior at scrumaging in their stats make them superior in the game and get them driving the other team back.

quick penalties in 08 was a good addition but they rarely worked like they do in real life, some refining of that would be good.

people have talked about having a TMO which is a good idea but if its included please make it used it places where there are some questions as to the score...im saying this because in madden there is a chain gang animation that comes out sometimes when it is blatently obvious that the player made or did not make the first down and its just annoying

If you could make quick ball as effective as it is in real life that would be great!

finally a manager mode where there is some form of player developement and new young players being created by the game to replace the old ones who retire.
Some very good points there...i have mentioned some before, but cool to see that i am not the only one.
i think that the ability to make teams and players in game would be a great addition to the game
i like all the ideas on here but what id like to add to these that id like to have on this game is trophy celebrations etc.. i mean you take your team through every tornament like super rugby, world cup, you fight your way to the top winning som tight games along the way or even losing som and to get to the final make it look and feel as though its a final. commentaters talkn bout previous games you played your stand out players through the tornament, full anthems if in world cup tri nations etc.. camera shots on your team lining up for anthems, players going up stage with names bein called out receiving medals each holding up trophy, team photos, and doin lap of honour with trophy thankn their fans,, hav a player of the day, i hope this will be better instead of a few seconds holding the trophy and then ok next tornament......game play and tht definitly comes first but yea this is what i liked to look forward too especially when you had close or awesome games to make it to a final..
why not if it is the official world cup game an it may not include clubs. why not add world cup qualifiers
why not if it is the official world cup game an it may not include clubs. why not add world cup qualifiers
Then it would take forever for the world cup to finish because there 84 teams trying to qualify.
Then it would take forever for the world cup to finish because there 84 teams trying to qualify.

And? What else are you gonna be doing? At least make the Single Player worthwhile incase something happens to your online (such as someone stealing your names/address' + passwords directly from Sony...errr I mean your online provider...)
here are a few simple things which would make everyone buy this game:
-accurate player faces,builds
-every single professional league or cup in the world
-be a pro (gameface) where you can customise every single possibiity(kicking stance, boots, kit...)
-create a stadium and create a club where there are loads of editiong options (colors, branded shirts, custom crests)
-smooth and new animations for tackles,celebrations,dives and more
-a classic XV like in fifa

here are a few simple things which would make everyone buy this game:
-accurate player faces,builds
-every single professional league or cup in the world
-be a pro (gameface) where you can customise every single possibiity(kicking stance, boots, kit...)
-create a stadium and create a club where there are loads of editiong options (colors, branded shirts, custom crests)
-smooth and new animations for tackles,celebrations,dives and more
-a classic XV like in fifa


I'm questioning myself whether that post is deliberately meant to be heavily sarcastic; poking fun at all the people who want the game Fifa-standard first time out, or if they are genuine suggestions.

I'm going for the latter! :lol: I think the game will have all those things, plus 'be-a-groundskeeper' mode. Thats a must.

C'mon HB - pull your finger out!!!!!11
why not have a game mode were u can pic 17 players from around the world and make ur own team. its basically like the fifa set up of the ultimate team but instead of picking random players you could pic anyone aslong as you had a big enough budget to buy them with. e.g. players such as johnny wilkinson and chris ashton would be two of the most expensive players and vise versa with new players being the cheapest.
I just want to be able to create my own player and have a career mode type of thing going on. Think that would be pretty good and wouldn't get boring if you could move clubs and get picked for internationals.

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