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Suggestions/ideas for Rugby 2012

While I realise this project is run on a hugely tight budget , could I suggest that maybe it would be a great idea to include the super 15 and all other MAJOR tournaments .. I cannot stress how much intress it would generate throughout rugby fans to play their favourite competition on a game console thus generating a fair amount of revenue .. Stick to the dire needs though , this project should be here for the long haul improving throughout the years .. I have confidence in this HB studios productions however my excitement has dampened after seeing there will be no manager mode , im sure it will be a good game though . Sadly i've become accostmed to bad rugby ***les throughout the decade hopefully HB could change this !
Appreciate the hard work Guys
I think there should be, like FIFA 10 & 11, an Ultimate Team. Or something of the same idea. The idea to build your own team from scratch, buy, trade and sell kits, badge, manager, coaches and stadium. And rise your team to the top.

Another idea would be to have, again like FIFA 10 & 11, an arena, where you can hit some kicks, such as, set where you want to take a free kick/conversion from and take it or just run about kicking and chasing. Then pressing the Start button to access things like Kick Off, Game Modes ect.
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kinda sad but I couldn't sleep last night so I was lying there thinking of more ways to improve the next rugby game.

Off the back of the rucks I think we need more options for runners and the way to control them.I think we need an option for

a) running forward crash ball
b) forward pick and go
c) flyhalf ball
d) half back snipe
e) forward 'slot' ball

I think the way to control this would be to hold L1 or R1 depending on which side to pass to then + Triangle for 9 snipe, + square for forward slot ball, + circle for running forward crash, + X for pick and go and just R1 or L1 for ball to the flyhalf.

Also more depth in selecting backline running plays. Eg the directional pads simply decide if you want - inside centre crash/outside centre crash/ball through hands/chip. Then if you hold R2 + directional pad you get more tricky plays like the ones in the game already or more that you can come up with.

I think you need more control of the next receiver when running the ball too. Eg when you are running with a player, Square and Circle control the nearest receiver on either side of you, allowing you to decide for inside ball or to run a switch.
Rugby- Create a Team

Wouldn't it be great if we had a game mode like fifa ultimate team, where players could be purchased of other online players and sold ect. A basic team should be given at the start then when matches are won you recieve coins, these let you purchase players you want in your team of the online market.

Players should be given an individual rating based on real life performance which puts them into a category..... bronze, silver or gold.

Packs which give you players should be able to be bought with coins, giving you a certain chance of receiving certain players.

Matches could be played online and offline.

You could purchase which kits you want (home and away) and the logo you want your team to have.
i cant understand why a manager mode isnt being put in the game will just get boring quickly otherwise
I know the new rugby game is a rugby world cup game but i think that it would be alot better if it rugby union clubs e.g Sale Sharks, in it aswell.

If not that, then a 'Dream Team' feature where you can pick a squad of any of the players in te game to be in your dream team. You could use your drwam team in the world cup, a quick match or even against your friends online.

Another thought I had was maybe having something a bit like FIFA's 'Be a Pro' where you create a player and he plays for your favourite team. You controll only that player and you help him progress through his career as he becomes a more important member of the team, from bench-warmer, to team captin.

To give the game more customization, you could even have a create your own team mode, where you make a team from scratch, from the players to the kit.

I hope you give my ideas some thought.
Ok, in the light of the recent announcement that there will only be the 20 international teams in the world cup playable in the game. I thought that it might be a good idea to give us the ability to create our own teams.
Basically, it is the FIFA 11 creation centre, so that we can create our teams and fill them with players. They could also have all the existing players on the game in a big pool to add to your created teams so that you don't have to create a player who is already on the game.
5 must have things in the game:
- Superstar mode like in madden (control your own player and tackle, kick, hit rucks, push in scrums/mauls, etc.)
- The crowd needs to be updated, its 2D and looks like blocks of painted concrete jumping up and down) what about flags, banners
- In the equivalent World League mode, have a player ban system, where if they get red/yellow carded they may be banned for a week +, just like injures
- Ruck and maul breakdown, HUGE area of concern, any player should be able to pass the ball out of a ruck
- you have to have different/ more animations for tackling, ball carrier contact, passing etc
Referees make mistakes and on field (OPTION)
Top players have there own skill
Better create a player e.g more boots/headguards/tape looks better.
Turnovers more realistic
Create a team
It would be quite good (like in fifa from corners) if you could design your own set play moves.
IRB 7's world series.
Aviva Premiership teams
Super 14/15 teams
Magners League teams
Women's rugby?

There is loads of things that HBS can do for DLC to make the game last longer, just a thought.
Ok, in the light of the recent announcement that there will only be the 20 international teams in the world cup playable in the game. I thought that it might be a good idea to give us the ability to create our own teams.
Basically, it is the FIFA 11 creation centre, so that we can create our teams and fill them with players. They could also have all the existing players on the game in a big pool to add to your created teams so that you don't have to create a player who is already on the game.

Where did you read that? All it said is it will have all the 20 teams from the World Cup, not that it will only have World Cup teams.

Outside of the game you could set your tactics more specifically with the AI, either for a team or an individual player a la Football Manager. This would increase the strategic aspect of the game in terms of whether you want to play with width, keep it tight, slow their ball down with counter rucking or gang tackles, have your defence spread quickly, which would really add to the depth of the game.

For instance, defensively a slider or setting so that when you make a tackle your nearest player will contest the ball by jackling (to slow the game down) or they will leave the ruck and fan out (to prevent an overlap off of quick ball).
In attack you can set individuals to make certain runs (forwards off of 10 or short crash ball lines etc. or for the winger to stay in the 5m channel to stretch the game).
These shouldn't be limited to one option either, the better the players you have the more often these lines would be run from open play or effective they would be against the opposition, therefore having a more developed AI system that doesn't entirely rely on you to do everything (like in FIFA better players losing their markers, making more/better off the ball runs etc.)


the passing was dissapointing in Rugby 08, miss passes (even from average players) should be flat and quick not 'looped' as some have suggested, that would make a big difference to the game play and aesthetic of the game...

Once you get to the try line and there is a breakdown you shouldn't be able to smash people backwards from ridiculous angles, this was annoying when you sent your No. 8 running at their 10 5 yards out and he got hammered, again maybe an out of game setting for defensive play in certain areas of the field to increase gang tackling.


The no. of lineout options in Rugby 06 was far better than 08, more choice like that...

Also with the scrums bit, perhaps u could use the right stick to 'time the hit'? so the game goes into side view and you hear the ref's 'crouch, touch...' and you have to move the R stick forward on the engage? timing could be made really crucial (so essentially a skill that was worth mastering) and would add a new dimension to the scrummaging, with early engagements, one side getting the upper hand, then being able to get a drive on, win penalties etc...

im sure i'll think of some more
There should be custom players that you only control and custom teams you manage that work their way up to greatness and an ultimate team feature like in FIFA
off loading is a massive part of the modern game! this has to be improved from rugby 08
PlAyers should have traits like Ashton on the end of a break and sonny bill williams offloading for players like these they should nearly automatically do these things maybe be able to turn traits on

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