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Suggestions/ideas for Rugby 2012

One little thing I'd like to see is for it to say who did the foul. Like, instead of just saying "Penalty - Hands in the ruck" it'd say "Penalty - Hands In The Ruck - Stephen Ferris (Uls)"
make south america teams as sic,casi,carrasco polo,sao paulo athletic and insert qualyfing in the world cup.
The right analogue stick is used for fending and side stepping...

You could have the existing kick buttons as modifiers for the right analogue stick.

So, while ordinarily the right stick would be for fending and side stepping, if you press x, the stick becomes a tool for punting, where you pull it back and forward like the tiger woods games ect.
To return the stick to fending and side stepping again, you would just press x again.

You could do the same for the grubber, bomb and drop kick buttons aswell.
I'm not sure if this has been suggested however a scrum minigame like the line out would be better if say it went : crouch = X, touch = square, pause = hold triange and releace on engage, feed and hook = circle. That way it's not just so much luck for things like turnovers. The higher rated the prop/hooker the more leeway you get on stabalizing if you are slow to engage etc. And the joysticks can remain the control of the scrum. Anyway, it's just an idea...

Im not a fan of pressing a whole lot of buttons in sequence.. it seems like more of an arcade game then a sports simulation which is what i'm after. Based on your idea i figure scrums could be done like this;

At the referees call (the timing of the referees call would vary from scrum to scrum, a quick reaction to the "engage" call would mean a better initial hit. So the timing of the call has to change so that players cant accurately predict when the referee will say engage)
Crouch - Pull BOTH sticks down
Touch - R1 and L1 (While still holding both sticks down
Pause - keep holding the sticks down..
engage - Fire the sticks forward
Hook the ball - R2

This way, the left stick controls the left prop, and the right stick the right prop, so you would have a very intimate and responsive control over the balance and power of the scrum.
I also envisage the sticks controlling how much power you exert in the scrum. So if both sticks are jammed as far forward as they can go, then the players are giving 100 percent. If the sticks are untouched, the players are not pushing at all, the sticks are halfway up = 50% exertion. If one stick is all the way forward and the other is only three quarters of the way, then the scrum gets turned subtly..

The way you would prevent everyone just holding at 100% the whole time is by including a power gauge that shows how much scrum-power the players have to give in the scrum. The amount of scrum-power a team has would be directly related to the individual players scrum rating. So if your team was;

Tony Woodcock - Scrum rating 89 (Props ratings would be 75ish to 99)
Anton Oliver - Scrum rating 85 (Hookers would range from 65ish to 99)
Carl Hayman - Scrum rating 98
Brad Thorn - Scrum rating 60 (Locks ratings would range from 30 to 60, with the average being about 45)
Ali Williams - Scrum rating 49
Ruben Thorne - Scrum rating 15 (Loose forwards would have to have very low scrum ratings, with the highest possible about 25)
Richie McCaw - Scrum rating 14
Jerry Collins - Scrum rating 20

Then your teams scrum power would be 430. This would be a very high team scrum power rating meaning that they could push at 90 to 100 percent exertion for the duration of the scrum.

If you had a team such as Samoa with a scrum rating of 300ish and you played the before mentioned all blacks team, you wouldnt be able to just out muscle them at scrumtime, you would quickly run out of scrum power and then be pushed back 5 metres, conceeding quick ball with momentum to the opposition. You would have to be clever, your options would be;

*Back your reflexes to the engage call and try and get a better initial hit than the opposition, use up all your scrum power at the beginning in a risky attempt to win the ball as quickly as possible. If you dont win the ball outright, you run out of energy and get marched back.

*Get a decent hit and use 60-70 percent exertion for the duration of the scrum, this has a low-to-moderate chance of conceding position if it is your ball and 100 percent chance of conceding if its the opposition put in. Its favourable though as you wont go backwards, if you do it will only be slowly and wont give the opposition much momentum.

*You could try to wheel the scrum around.

*You could CHEAT! like pretty much everyone does in the real game. Cheating could be done by;
-Pulling back on the sticks and collapsing the scrum (Make the referee more lenient than in rugby 08, it was a penalty every time in that game, sometimes the ref gets it wrong, its part of the game, maybe if the player only barley pulls back on the sticks hes less likely to be penalised than if they are pulled all the way back.)
-Angling the sticks inward slightly, this would allow you to exert more force, without using up as much of your scrum power gauge. The more they are inverted, the less scrumpower is used up, conversely however, the more inversion, the more likely the referee is to penalise you for boring in.
-Throwing an uppercut with L2 to diminish the teams scrummaging power (This is the front-rowers equivalent to a sidestep, it would be great if it was included)
-Preempting the referees engage call and trying to get an early hit, if you are near enough to the call the referee might let you get away with it

When the ball is won by either team, the camera zooms out and controls revert back to general play controls.

Its my hope that this kind of system is used, in the previous rugby games the forwards were useless. The only ones of value were the ones that could break tackles or had the speed of backs. This just isnt the case in rugby. This system provides a tanglible benefit to picking the fat boys that cant catch and arent too good around the field.
It would mean that players have to weigh up their options when deciding weather to get a good ball-running front rower, a front rower who is good at the break down or a front rower that was a good scrummager. More importantly, it would mean that players like Carl Hayman that can do all 3 would be some of the most valuable players in the game.
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You could have the existing kick buttons as modifiers for the right analogue stick.

So, while ordinarily the right stick would be for fending and side stepping, if you press x, the stick becomes a tool for punting, where you pull it back and forward like the tiger woods games ect.
To return the stick to fending and side stepping again, you would just press x again.

You could do the same for the grubber, bomb and drop kick buttons aswell.

Maybe by holding down the R2 button and then kicking with the right analog stick and then when you don't hold down R2 you can do steps and stuff.
I have made a dedicated thread for this. People are making suggestions in the original thread and I think they could get lost in there. Use this thread to post your ideas about the up and coming game. Please keep them sensible - "Rugby with the FIFA engine" won't wash, for example.

HB ARE watching and may well choose to contribute at any given time. I strongly suggest if you have made a suggestion in the previous thread, you copy and paste your idea into this thread as a new post. This is your chance to get your voice heard. Keep it logical, keep it thoughtful, and make it count!

Edited by C A Iversen
Collected Rugby 2012 Thoughts:

Gameplay Thoughts:
Ruck control improvements
Quicker kicking animations
Slight limitations on larger punters and enhancement of smaller punters
Set play enhancements
Another lineout throw option (from 3 to 4)
More tackling options, or at least improved animations
Scrum control (turn that works, intentional dive which will occasionally not concede a penalty)
Referee on the field (also may make errors - perhaps an options slider for this)
Weather which may actually have an effect on the game.
Gameplay options to tweak some rules, for a more simulation feel or arcade play.

Online Thoughts:
Multiplayer online
Roster updates (if absolutely necessary users would possibly pay for this)
Patches for killer errors, like the '06 France injury one, and the general '08 injury one.

Statistical And DatabaseThoughts:
Improved player database accuracy
Playing positions being editable
More licenses for competitions, players etc.
Allow for mods/easy editing of kits/ faces/teams via usb stick.
Create your own team for World League and take them to the top.

More of your condensed suggestions will be added to this end of the thread at a later time. :)

PLEASE ALLOW : CREATE A TOURNAMENT (Purely for 3- 10 mates playing at home against eachother)
Im not a fan of pressing a whole lot of buttons in sequence.. it seems like more of an arcade game then a sports simulation which is what i'm after. Based on your idea i figure scrums could be done like this;

At the referees call (the timing of the referees call would vary from scrum to scrum, a quick reaction to the "engage" call would mean a better initial hit. So the timing of the call has to change so that players cant accurately predict when the referee will say engage)
Crouch - Pull BOTH sticks down
Touch - R1 and L1 (While still holding both sticks down
Pause - keep holding the sticks down..
engage - Fire the sticks forward
Hook the ball - R2

This way, the left stick controls the left prop, and the right stick the right prop, so you would have a very intimate and responsive control over the balance and power of the scrum.
I also envisage the sticks controlling how much power you exert in the scrum. So if both sticks are jammed as far forward as they can go, then the players are giving 100 percent. If the sticks are untouched, the players are not pushing at all, the sticks are halfway up = 50% exertion. If one stick is all the way forward and the other is only three quarters of the way, then the scrum gets turned subtly..

The way you would prevent everyone just holding at 100% the whole time is by including a power gauge that shows how much scrum-power the players have to give in the scrum. The amount of scrum-power a team has would be directly related to the individual players scrum rating. So if your team was;

Tony Woodcock - Scrum rating 89 (Props ratings would be 75ish to 99)
Anton Oliver - Scrum rating 85 (Hookers would range from 65ish to 99)
Carl Hayman - Scrum rating 98
Brad Thorn - Scrum rating 60 (Locks ratings would range from 30 to 60, with the average being about 45)
Ali Williams - Scrum rating 49
Ruben Thorne - Scrum rating 15 (Loose forwards would have to have very low scrum ratings, with the highest possible about 25)
Richie McCaw - Scrum rating 14
Jerry Collins - Scrum rating 20

Then your teams scrum power would be 430. This would be a very high team scrum power rating meaning that they could push at 90 to 100 percent exertion for the duration of the scrum.

If you had a team such as Samoa with a scrum rating of 300ish and you played the before mentioned all blacks team, you wouldnt be able to just out muscle them at scrumtime, you would quickly run out of scrum power and then be pushed back 5 metres, conceeding quick ball with momentum to the opposition. You would have to be clever, your options would be;

*Back your reflexes to the engage call and try and get a better initial hit than the opposition, use up all your scrum power at the beginning in a risky attempt to win the ball as quickly as possible. If you dont win the ball outright, you run out of energy and get marched back.

*Get a decent hit and use 60-70 percent exertion for the duration of the scrum, this has a low-to-moderate chance of conceding position if it is your ball and 100 percent chance of conceding if its the opposition put in. Its favourable though as you wont go backwards, if you do it will only be slowly and wont give the opposition much momentum.

*You could try to wheel the scrum around.

*You could CHEAT! like pretty much everyone does in the real game. Cheating could be done by;
-Pulling back on the sticks and collapsing the scrum (Make the referee more lenient than in rugby 08, it was a penalty every time in that game, sometimes the ref gets it wrong, its part of the game, maybe if the player only barley pulls back on the sticks hes less likely to be penalised than if they are pulled all the way back.)
-Angling the sticks inward slightly, this would allow you to exert more force, without using up as much of your scrum power gauge. The more they are inverted, the less scrumpower is used up, conversely however, the more inversion, the more likely the referee is to penalise you for boring in.
-Throwing an uppercut with L2 to diminish the teams scrummaging power (This is the front-rowers equivalent to a sidestep, it would be great if it was included)
-Preempting the referees engage call and trying to get an early hit, if you are near enough to the call the referee might let you get away with it

When the ball is won by either team, the camera zooms out and controls revert back to general play controls.

Its my hope that this kind of system is used, in the previous rugby games the forwards were useless. The only ones of value were the ones that could break tackles or had the speed of backs. This just isnt the case in rugby. This system provides a tanglible benefit to picking the fat boys that cant catch and arent too good around the field.
It would mean that players have to weigh up their options when deciding weather to get a good ball-running front rower, a front rower who is good at the break down or a front rower that was a good scrummager. More importantly, it would mean that players like Carl Hayman that can do all 3 would be some of the most valuable players in the game.

damn that's a great idea ranger. if u fire the sticks forward to early also would end up in a penalty etc and the more perfect ur timing the better ur scrummaging would be. so say your that crappy samoan team (haha GO TONGA) if u went up against that all black team, even though ur scrum is weaker, if ur timing was better than the opposition and u were to get a perfect hit in the scrum then u would have a temporary boost for that scrum and therefore add 20% bonus to ur scrummage power and u may just end up out scrummaging them and pushing them back 5metres and maybe even get a push over try!
obviously the poorer your scrummage power the harder it is to get a perfect hit etc.
awesome suggestion though ranger.
I recommend FHB Studios approach the IRB (International Rugby Board) and get them to go in it with you.
They will have all player stats etc. Alternatively you could approach MTN and Vodacom (cellphone companies in South Africa).
They sponsor a lot of our rugby. Their logo's could be advertised in the game and this way FHB could obtain licences.

Codemasters has done a brilliant job with ASHES CRICKET 2009. They have some licences but have used all the players names and only changed one letter in the surname to make editing easier.

EA Sports Sucks, FHB Studios, you guyz can do it!!!!
Maybe by holding down the R2 button and then kicking with the right analog stick and then when you don't hold down R2 you can do steps and stuff.

another frustrating thing in 08 was getting tackled mid-way through attempting to take a kick, you'd then lose the ball forward.

How about if you press X to switch to kicking mode, you then flick the right analogue to do a kick, the animation kicks in but then say a defender is closing in fast and you dont think your going to get the kick away in time you can press X and it will override the kick animation and you can then either pass the ball or attempt to evade the defender etc. happens all the time in real life rugby.
damn that's a great idea ranger. if u fire the sticks forward to early also would end up in a penalty etc and the more perfect ur timing the better ur scrummaging would be. so say your that crappy samoan team (haha GO TONGA) if u went up against that all black team, even though ur scrum is weaker, if ur timing was better than the opposition and u were to get a perfect hit in the scrum then u would have a temporary boost for that scrum and therefore add 20% bonus to ur scrummage power and u may just end up out scrummaging them and pushing them back 5metres and maybe even get a push over try!
obviously the poorer your scrummage power the harder it is to get a perfect hit etc.
awesome suggestion though ranger.

Great Idea but I would just use one analogue stck like in Tiger Woods 10. If you hit up at an angle that is the angle you are hitting th scrum. If you pull back or down slightly yo disrupt the srcum but face the chance of being penalised.
* I would like Legends in the game with their stats when they were in their prime...

* All Blacks 90's team and 80's team with the top players from each decade... Also, Aussie, SA and England teams of 80's and 90's...

I would just love to play as AB team with like, Jonah Lomu, Jeff Wilson, Christian Cullen, Fitzy, Zinny, Bunce, Osbourne, Kronfeld, Michael Jones, Buck Shelford, Mertens etc...

True that, like in Madden when you could unlock legendary players who would then be added to the free agent list etc.

HB - Can we make suggestions for legendary players and teams to add to this list if you were to make one?

Legendary Team suggestion - 1973 Tongan team that beat Australia 16 - 11.
Legendary player suggestion - Kei 'Iongi - Winger for that 1973 Team who apparently invented the side-step, before him players only used to swerve haha. He was also part of the 1969 team that beat the NZ Maori.
another frustrating thing in 08 was getting tackled mid-way through attempting to take a kick, you'd then lose the ball forward.

How about if you press X to switch to kicking mode, you then flick the right analogue to do a kick, the animation kicks in but then say a defender is closing in fast and you dont think your going to get the kick away in time you can press X and it will override the kick animation and you can then either pass the ball or attempt to evade the defender etc. happens all the time in real life rugby.

The idea behind the using the anolog stick like in tiger woods to kick can help getting tackled mid way. In Tiger Woods, in your back swing if you stuff it up you can let go of the analog stick and it stops the swing. Maybe during the "backswing" of the kick you can pass it stopping the kick. I think that having to switch between a kicking mode and sidestep mode would be silly, when really just holding down L2 or RT would be much simply.
The idea behind the using the anolog stick like in tiger woods to kick can help getting tackled mid way. In Tiger Woods, in your back swing if you stuff it up you can let go of the analog stick and it stops the swing. Maybe during the "backswing" of the kick you can pass it stopping the kick. I think that having to switch between a kicking mode and sidestep mode would be silly, when really just holding down L2 or RT would be much simply.

Either way, they need to put something in place that allows the player to cancel the kick and take evasive action.
Update the HC rule if there is a draw after EXTRA TIME then it is PLACE KICKING from various positions. Gradually getting more difficult when the FORWARDS must kick!

(Like it was for the classic Cardiff Blues v Leicester match in 2009)
Either way, they need to put something in place that allows the player to cancel the kick and take evasive action.[/QUOTE

Just letting go of the analog stick would stop the kick. Watch a Video of EA Sports Tiger Woods PGA Tour 10 and you'll understand what i mean
How about........

An unlockable TRF SQUAD & HB SQUAD. Which could be a customisable team. Also usable for the World League.

Members who are especially good contributors up until the close off date could win a place in this elite team of danger men?
How about........

An unlockable TRF SQUAD & HB SQUAD. Which could be a customisable team. Also usable for the World League.

Members who are especially good contributors up until the close off date could win a place in this elite team of danger men?

And so began an influx of suggestions..... :)
Injuries to be more realistic i.e. occasionally bring on a stretcher to the field.
During World League there should be a section with player injuries stating how long the players will be unavailable for.
During World League if the referee misses an incident then a citing commissioner can ban a player for a period of time.

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