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Suggestions/ideas for Rugby 2012

REALISTIC Suggestions for Rugby 2012

While there are alot of great suggestions in the other thread, i felt that most of them were suggestions for an ideal world where the HB has a much larger budget.

Those suggestions are very valuable, but i felt another thread was needed for suggestions that can realistically be accomplished with a small budget. The type of changes that could have been made on the Rugby 08 game.

My Ideas

*A Stats and Attribute Editor- This is a must, in every game so far there have been problems with players names getting players' country wrong or their physical statistics sometimes even skintone. Then there is the huge problem of opinion in players attributes, Nick Evans being rated as as 60 speed used to get on my nerves to no end. So, if these mistakes are going to be made, why not just include an editor and let us fix your mistakes ourselves? i wouldnt mind at all. Also if a customer buys the game and thinks that Chris King is massively underrated, whats the harm in letting them boost his stats?

*The default veiw should be front on - Rugby cant be played with a side on view like in FIFA. In football, its very important to see whats happening the length on the pitch. In rugby, length doesnt really matter. the importance is all in the width, spotting gaps in the line.

*The ablitity to select the weather - In the previous rugby games, when it starts raining, players slow down to a crawl after 10 metres (This is a gripe in itself, but ohwell.). The big problem with this is that it is then impossible to play an enjoyable game of running rugby if the weather is bad, and at the home grounds of most European teams the weather is ALWAYS bad. I therefore find myself avoiding choosing european teams in world league because i want to run with the ball. Just let us choose to play on a sunny day.

*Change the World League players! - I can not express in words how sick i am of the likes of Heffler, Berti and Katalau. enough of these guys.
Why not just pool all the worst players in the game that arent already involved in the world league into a list of free agents. So the list would be full of the Russian, Japanese, Fijian internationals ect, but exclude any players that are over 55 or 60overall or something. Then at the start of the world league you get to select your side from this list of players. Then, not only is there an element of skill in a persons squad selection, but the players in the team would all be real people! I would also sugget putting a cap on the combined overall value of the team at initial selection so you cant just choose all of the highest rated players.

*Improve the create player system - It is impossible to make a created player that doesnt look completely ridiculous. The only face you can make looks completely deformed. There is already a huge array of faces available in the game, why cant you just make these faces available for us to use? Similarly, why is there an impressive range of mullets available in create a player, but a tiny selection of actual hairstyles? just let us have hairstyles and faces that dont look out of place.

*Get rid of the star player system - The star player system just doesnt fit. Not only is it very subjective (Australias 6 star players to South Africas 3?) but it goes against the whole essence of rugby. Its all about teamwork and everyone doing their part. Yet somehow there is some bloke with a star on his head that is more important than everybody else. Also, no star players in the tight 5? I doubt England would have won the world cup without Martin Johnson, and the same for South Africa and Matfield and Smit.

*Players play out of Position in Rugby all the time! - Currently, if you play a player out of position, they become absolutly terrible. They are unable to catch a ball. This is just wrong.
If you want your winger to play at flyhalf, the thing that discourages you should be the fact that his passing kicking and positioning isnt good enough, not that he might forget how to catch. If his passing, kicking and positioning is good enough, then he should play well there. Fifa uses that type of system and it serves them well.

*Morale and form are completely meaningless - I realise that these are present in the rugby games, but currently they do absolutly nothing. It would be nice if they could do something :)

*Record more commentry - There is simply not enough commentry. It gets very old, very quickly. Every starting player in the top international teams and club sides should have a couple of sentances recorded about them.
Just little things like the school the went to and if any other famous players came from that school. If they are well known for exploits in another team you could mention that, if they have relitives that play or just interesting things like Aaron Crudens overcoming cancer or Isa Nacewas eligibilty concerns. That way every time you play another team you would learn a little fact about a couple of their players and it would be a break from the same old stuff.
A lot of people are advocating the hit-stick, but you have wonder how generous Madden would be with their beloved hit-stick. If this hit-stick is not an option, surely HB could asign various types of tackle using the 'X' 'Y' 'A' 'B' (or PS equivalent). Correct me if I'm wrong but the only button on the pad that was used to tackle was the 'X' or 'A' button?
I feel that even with a hit-stick, it should be made optional, even for die-hard fifa players who know nothing of hit-sticks, beginners, or even people who might have difficulty using the right stick (there was a poster around here who had this problem).
Perhaps a hit-stick should be like the "advanced" line-out throwing in 08, that players can use it as they become better at the game?
Obvious and already mentioned, but a proper career mode like Fifa is an absolute must. The World League thing was so limp on R08, couldn't even buy the players you wanted! Hit stick sounds good, they've got plenty of time to develop it too. Oh and one final request, don't let a bloody Canadian make it this time, they don't even know what rugby is!
I think that 'big' players (By which I mean someone like Brian O'Driscoll not Eifron Lewis-Roberts) should have their names recorded for the commentary. Not everyone, but for the International teams, it should at least credit Shane Williams when he scores a spectacular try. Just saying the names of the starting XVs for the 10 major international sides (NZ, SA, Austrailia, Ireland, England, Wales, Scotland, France, Italy, Fiji) wouldn't be too much of a strain on Brian Moore or whoever the commentator is's vocal chords.
my english is not very good.
I have a suggestion too: in my tournament mode, it could be great to have the possibility to choose the number of the teams (international/club), just like in FIFA.
Also, I would like to play the British Lions Tour( NZ, Aus, S.A.) in the new rugby game :D
Of course a great idea is the online multyplayer mode.
I'm leaving this up for about another 6-7 hours. I will delete this thread then. All suggestions go into the suggestion thread. Non-realistic ones will not make the front end (Post #1) cut for that thread. We will not have multiple suggestion threads. Please transfer your suggestion to the other thread prior to this one's deletion. :)
Merged. Please read the forum and the threads that are pinned before making new threads.
I'm not that fussed about licences and all that jazz, good to have but not essential to a good game. Gameplay is vital, especially some improvement on the defence. After that, I don't really mind.
A lineout system based on timing like 05 would be great. It actually made lineouts sort of a challenge.
Have people punching other people in the rucks like on Rugby 2004. I was so excited when i saw that.
I'm not sure that the promotion of physical violence will endear HB Studios to the IRB, no matter how many people want to "Bring back the biff", lol. :)

I agree with what everyone is suggesting here the kicking needs to be improved, scrums, line-outs and open play all need improvements. i also agree that players need more control in the rucks and mauls, e.g introducing pick and drives for slow ball. I also want to point out that none of you have mentioned the possibility of having a video ref in the game. The ref on the pitch is a must along with licensing all teams and players:)
Hahaha, this is true. What i'd really like to see in the game is heaps more plays that are smoother. Rugby 04 had lots and lots of plays even ones from lineouts. It would be cool to see a similair amount in '12
I woke up this morning and had an idea of how a pick and drive thing could work. Usually (in my experience anyway) pick is drive is most effective within like 5 meteres of the line so i was thinking that if you have a ruck within 5 meters of the goal line and you press the pick and drive button (what ever it may be) it then turns into something similair to the Fight for the Fumble thing on Madden whereas you have to tap different buttons and if you get it to the top, you get the ball or in this case a try. If you fail to do it in a certain amount of time, the ball has been held up :)
I've just been playing myself a lot of Rugby Challenge 2006. If I could suggest anything, I'd suggest giving that a play, and then implementing systems for Rucking, Scrumming, Lineouts and Place Kicks.

Rucking: I really enjoy seeing myself get tackled, and then having that bar tell you which way the ruck is going. If you pile people in but don't time it right, you might lose that ruck. It's like, it's based on momentum almost, and it feels less random.

Scrums: You put the ball in and the teams engage as per normal. The fun bit is a little circle that appears above the scrum, and a white dot goes around and around this circle, and you have to press "a" whenever the circle points towards the other team. Do it often, and again, momentum kicks in. It also makes it a little easier to push the scrum back, against the head.

Lineouts: While I'm not very good at them, I do enjoy them. First you select how many people you want in the lineout (3,5,7), and then you select which person you'll throw to. Then you hold down "a", and a line appears on the ground, that moves up the lineout as you hold it down. (To show you how much power there is in the throw). Then the hooker throws the ball when you release "a", and a lineout is done.

Place Kicks: After scoring a try, you control the fly-half, and he walks up and down depending how far away you want to kick from (which I thought was great!). You then point an arc at the posts and press "a", and then you select the strength (too hard and the ball has more chance of flying to the side of the previous arc), and then you have to press "a" when another white dot is in the middle of an 'accuracy guage timer' kinda thing.

Rugby Challenge 2006 is a very fast paced game though, and rucks and scrums don't stop or slow down the clock, even though they take a long time, so maybe something could be done about that.

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