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Suggestions/ideas for Rugby 2012

I've just been playing myself a lot of Rugby Challenge 2006. If I could suggest anything, I'd suggest giving that a play, and then implementing systems for Rucking, Scrumming, Lineouts and Place Kicks.
Those sound good. I'd much rather have simple press A at the right time timing, rather than over complicated QTE mashing.
I know that the Madden comparisons are getting a bit tiresome but so was scrolling through every player availible for a country to select a fullback. The Madden player selections are fantastic, you can select the whole team or look at each position individually and you can then sort them by all of the different stats.

So if you were selecting your second rowers and were looking for a mobile pack you could bring up all of the second rowers and sort them by speed. Have a problem at the lineout? Sort your hookers by throwing ability and then cylce through and see who your better jumpers are. It would really help you select a team to suit your style of play.
Inspired by another thread, I would like to see these types of jerseys for national teams -


Perhaps each shirt would be unlocked after winning the world cup with that country?
The scrolling idea is brilliant, although I would just be happy if I could press Up, and go from Prop to Fullback. Even happier if I could press Right (for instance), and jump like, 20 players down the list.
While I'd like to see gameplay being the first priority, I wouldn't mind seeing little things implemented that would add authenticity to the game. You guys should play games like NBA 2k10 and MLB The Show to get ideas and try to duplicate things they do. Things they do well are player accessories, animations, and signature style. This could mean more kicking styles/routines and different fends and sidesteps for different players eg. slower sidesteps for forwards. Also please get rid of the canned sidestep animation as well, I'd like a system like Maddens, where you can either sidestep with the triggers or by moving the left stick quickly left or right.

It would be better if you got rid of most of the cutscenes as well and make everything happen in real time like in NBA 2k10. It just adds to the realism and then we won't get random cutscenes for no reason.

Give us the ability to edit players as well and get a better create a player system. 04's system was better than 05/06/08's. Either make the create a player better or just give us templates to use so that our players blend in with everyone else and we don't get big headed freaks who you can notice a mile away.
For me, this is important.

- More depth to the actual gaming experience. Rugby is not a complex game, when you aren't running, you are on a set-piece. Lineouts just need to be given more options. Scrums need to be worth winning. Rucks need to be playable. When the game is stopped for a moment, i.e breakdown of the ruck, options need to appear clearly and a simple use of the d-pad will choose what happens, like a pick and drive, that kind of thing.

The rules, nothing wrong with 06, but they changed for 08. That's just bad research, easily fixable.

- Regarding the players, there should be a decent player editor. This means you can change their skintone, accessories, playing style and such. It's not hard at all. You should be able to edit faces. Either upload your own, or create a face like as in PES. That is truly awesome.

- Regarding the competitions, if the licences are out of reach (it is a rugby game after all) then a fully customiseable tournament/league editor. You should be able to edit the teamnames. Just because the game has to be released as fictional names, it should be able to be changed. That is not illegal, otherwise no game could be modded, it'd all be encrypted etc.

In my experience, as a patcher.. i often find issues with the game that clearly the designer had. The whole xml thing is utter garbage. NBA Live 2003 uses .dbf files. This means at the blink of an eye, you can effortlessly code your teams, kits, cyberfaces and the whole game behaviour at the toggle of some data entry. It's a lot less work for the designer too. You can import and export lines of data as you please with no issues.

I appreciate i am not a games designer, i know very little of the expertise it requires, but editing EA Rugby is akin to typing command lines on a ZX Spectrum. It's so retarded, it's beyond retarded. DBF is much better, so if i had one wish, it'd be that they make the game much clearer to edit. If EA Rugby was like NBA Live, i've have patched a whole entire game in 2 months by myself. That's why after this news, i'm backing off editing EA Rugby.

It's very hard work to do this, when it's not just doing it, it's trying to unravel a ball of rubber bands. HB clearly appreciate the effort of guys like me and Uli and all the other patchers. It means their game has made it as such, and they didn't make it to not give a toss while doing it.

The whole kits thing is a pain in the ass too. The templates need to be better, so you can actually make a logo the size you want, not have to skew it and hope it looks alright. Only EA Rugby has this bizarre image skewing fetish.

And none of the random filename business!

Just type a code like aliver.. the game will load the file in whatever folder you bypass the original with. Easy. Though i got to admit, the file drop-in system in EA Rugby is truly excellent!
I'm not sure if this has been suggested however a scrum minigame like the line out would be better if say it went : crouch = X, touch = square, pause = hold triange and releace on engage, feed and hook = circle. That way it's not just so much luck for things like turnovers. The higher rated the prop/hooker the more leeway you get on stabalizing if you are slow to engage etc. And the joysticks can remain the control of the scrum. Anyway, it's just an idea...
A great idea! Your success in the scrum is more like how it works on guitar hero, you have to press the buttons in the right way to get maximum shift in the scrum. And same with lineout, ruck, maul etc. To run the call, you press a small combo and this determines the height and success of the jumper, fumbling, losing or winning.
So you mean in a similar way to Rugby Challenge 2006?
I can't remember that game, how it worked with scrums, but with everything else there was no depth to that game at all!
I just thought of something a bit ridiculous but it would be awesome. Basically they have the rosters of the NRL teams and The Super League and if you offer the player a good enough contract he could cross codes, i know its not feesible but with the amount of dual code internationals and leagueies coming over to union it would be quite cool.

e.g. 2012 Former Dally M award winner Billy Slater joins Melbourne Rebels from the storm on a 4 year $7 million dollar contract, LOL
I just thought of this watching Biarritz-Ospreys today:

Referees could have stats influencing the way they ref the game. Weak referees could then miss a few things in the game. They could receive notation on their performance in the game, and therefore would more or less likely to be chosen during the season for "great" games based on their overall performance.

By extension, some ref would be more likely to give yellow cards than others.

General Play

Run Left analog stick
Sprint R2


Pass left/right L1 / R1
Offload pass (NEW) X (when pass is offloaded it should not be simple, the longer X is held in the
further the pop pass and hence more knock on's etc. I like the choice to have simulation or arcade. Simulation required more skill and the pop
Score try (NEW) X (would like to see a variety of scoring options. Maybe tapping X twice = dive, holding in = Swan <TV> dive, one tap = simple dotting down.
To add to that it would be great to see a player tackled just short of the line opting to stretch and place the ball over the line by pressing SQUARE, □ .
There should also be the risk of losing possession if this option is taken when the defence is strong, ie. More than 2 players at the tackle breakdown point.
Long pass left/right Hold LI / R1
Dummy Pass Tap L1 then R1 (or visa versa) before pass is executed. This needs to be more exaggerated when executed and AI needs to fall for the occasional
dummy not all of them. Rugby 2000 had the dummy working properly, just graphics sucked.
Quick Pass left/right Tap L1 / R1 (before pass is received). We don't want scrums all the time but there should be more knock on's and forward passes if used when players have a low ball handling skill. This is to avoid players from flicking the ball around ARCADE style.
Chip Kick (NEW) ∆, Tap triangle quickly to chip ball through or over quick defence (not a grubber)
A grubber can still stay ∆, but must be held or tapped for grubber effect.
Sidestep Right analogue stick 90 degrees from running direction
Handoff Right analogue stick 180 degrees from running direction
Shoulder Charge Right analogue stick in running direction
Dive on loose ball X


Change player L2
Tackle Run into opposition player
Hard Tackle (NEW) Hold R1 and X (If you are not quick enough it will be a High tackle)
This could be used to hold up a player even if he has gone over the try line. It could also result in a turnover if the attacking player is isolated or light weight.
High Tackle Hold R1 and run into opposition
Dive Tackle X, but please limit distance of dive OR have option to change to ARCADE or SIMULATION in OPTIONS menu. Maybe allow better tacklers to dive further but no SUPERMAN dives. This is important for online (simulation) gaming.
Jump to catch kick O, Team kicking in should not be able to obtain possession so easily from kick off. Receiving team should have more control after kick off.
Dive on loose ball X
Defensive touchdown O
Call a mark □
Execute set plays Arrow keys, ← ↑ → ↓

Scrums (NEW IDEA)

Keep as is but give option for ball to be picked up by scrum half, 8th man, left or right flank when breaking off from scrum. This can be done by selecting player before scrum is set like line outs. Opposition would have to guess what you are doing at each scrum. Defensive team needs to be 10 metres from 8th man's feet which will create more running space.

Rucks (NEW IDEA)

Keep controls as is but Referee strictness could apply which would make ref and flow of game important. Killing or slowing sown of the ball should only be penalisable if the ruck has formed (3 or more player from attaking team has joined the ruck). Maybe allow a defensive player to push attacking players off the ball if they are slowing sown the game.


Keep as is just improve graphics during maul.

Line – Outs

Brilliant! Maybe add another player option to use in the line out like set moves from the scrum.
Maybe, choose before the game start who you wanna use in the line out?


Punt X, Players should only be able to kick it so far. The ball has to be kicked in-field if the ball is passed from outside and back into the 22m. The distance is not really the problem it is once it has landed that it keeps rolling way too far. Special players should only be able to kick it proportionally further than others not right across the field.
Grubber/Soccer ∆, I like it but it needs to be tweaked. Currently the player always knocks it on if kicked too late. This should not be the case as you don't want to kick it too early or the defence has time turn. It should not take too long to execute the kick. That should solve the problem.
Up and under □, When the attacking team catches the ball from their own kick the player is often turned over immediately after going to ground. That needs to be more realistic otherwise all good.

Drop goal attempt O, I did prefer the Rugby 06 drop goal engine over the Rugby08's. If you do not have special kicker it is almost impossible to do a drop kick. It would also be great if a player like Francois Steyn and Morne Steyn could do a drop kick from half way like they do in real life.

Place kick at Goal
(NEW) I suggest using the Tiger Woods 10 analogue swing (L3), position marker where you would like to aim taking wind and angle into consideration. Tapping X for power through the kick. If your swing is not straight or full you will hook or misjudge the kick. I would maybe use this L3 option at the kick–off, restart and drop goal as well.

Tap Kicks are fine as is but a quick tap option should be available.


Impact players - Must stay but have option as in Rugby 08 to remove stars.
Team Chemistry - Should build up over time when a team starts winning and visa versa.
Customize Players - If players details and attributes are incorrect on the game it should changeable.
Positions - A player should have preferred positions but allow us to change this too ensure accuracy.
Form Keep as is.
Morale Keep as is
Tournaments - Customize / Create a tournament or Cup at home against mates. Eg: Tri Nations but without All Blacks but rather a team of choice.
Set Plays - Keep as is (maybe add some new moves)
Challenge Mode - Drop kick the challenge mode
Online - Online tournies, come on!!!!!
Tries - Have TMO decisions if tries are dodgy and defending team feels it is required.
World league - Keep, maybe add more features.
Lions Tour - Rugby 06 had it but we want to be able to play against them too!
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I am happy to assist in player data details. You should have all registered players and their names. Change their iniatials if you do not have a licence. Put the list out here for us to rate. Put all Locks on one page, wings on one page. This will create more accuracy. Then do the same for the teams. SA, NZ. Aus, France, Ireland, etc (the IRB has rankings for the rugby teams, www.irb.com.
I am happy to assist in player data details. You should have all registered players and their names. Change their iniatials if you do not have a licence. Put the list out here for us to rate. Put all Locks on one page, wings on one page. This will create more accuracy. Then do the same for the teams. SA, NZ. Aus, France, Ireland, etc (the IRB has rankings for the rugby teams, www.irb.com.

Implementing the irb ranking and irb points exchange for countries would be pretty cool (not to mention pretty easy to do)
* I would like Legends in the game with their stats when they were in their prime...

* All Blacks 90's team and 80's team with the top players from each decade... Also, Aussie, SA and England teams of 80's and 90's...

I would just love to play as AB team with like, Jonah Lomu, Jeff Wilson, Christian Cullen, Fitzy, Zinny, Bunce, Osbourne, Kronfeld, Michael Jones, Buck Shelford, Mertens etc...
Joined to post this

1)Fix the turnover rate, EA Rugby 2008 allowed you to retain the ball 5/6 times max before you got turned over. In reality Rugby Union teams retain possesion in the breakdown 95% of the time, so on average you would have to be tackled 20 times before losing possession.

2) Fix the offloading, make it so that if you are tackled, while you are still on your feet you can pass the ball right or left same as in normal gameplay with the same buttons to a player near you.

3)Give us control over whether the flyhalf stands deep or flat so we can control tactics.

4) Give us control over how flat the team plays so we can control tactics.

5)Fix the dropkick.

6)Fix the glitch where if you play a player slightly out of position he can't catch or throw a ball.

7)Fix the AI,
(a)the team in possession of the ball always has all it's players on one half of the pitch near the breakdown, so if you are in possession you always get raped whenever the ball is turned over as there is a huge overlap.

(b)I'm sick of watching my players running alongside/away from the guy they are supposed to tackle.

8) Apart from the present situation where you are assigned a player when the other team has the ball, have a mode where you are the player closest to the opposition ball carrier, and another mode where you can play as one player for the whole match.

9)Allow us to come up with plays the players will execute off set pieces.

Basically the graphics are fine, but the gameplay in EA Rugby 2008 is appalling. It isn't fun to play at all and is a very different game than rugby union.
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A lot of people have been talking about how long kicks take to do. So I was thinking, as the left analog stick on the PS2 version of Rugby 08 wasn't used for anything I don't think, why not use this to kick. It could be like Tiger Woods how the further you pull it back and then push it forward depends on how far the ball goes. This way, if the defense is rushing up quickly and you just need to get the ball away, you don't have to hold it back as much :)
A lot of people have been talking about how long kicks take to do. So I was thinking, as the left analog stick on the PS2 version of Rugby 08 wasn't used for anything I don't think, why not use this to kick. It could be like Tiger Woods how the further you pull it back and then push it forward depends on how far the ball goes. This way, if the defense is rushing up quickly and you just need to get the ball away, you don't have to hold it back as much :)
It'd be pretty hard to do on the fly, you'd have to use your right hand if you were running at the same time as kicking

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