Has anybody ever seen Parks make a tackle, there was 2 there were he just bounced off then ran away.
Our expectations are that we win, nothing spectacularly more or less
Bugger, gutting
Also, why did the commentators just say that that was a "Satisfactory performance"?
Scotland will get demolished against severely under performing Argentina and England squads if they play like that...
Are Scottish expectations really so low that this registers as a good performance? If this was an English performance the commentators would be slaughtering them!
Who said anything about it being a good performance? .
The commentators did....most of the way through the game. Gareth Thomas clearly doesnt agree, you can tell he thinks they were awful.
I was referring to on here. I don't think anyone would refer to the game or the performance as being "good" in the sense of entertaining or expansive, but we'll take the win in such circumstances. And Evans is always going to stick up for his friends and ex-team mates, and rightly so.
And I don't remember seeing that much expansive/exciting rugby during the England - Argentina game...