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Rugby World Cup 2011 Official Game

I been waiting 4 the game since 1932 . lol . Finally we can move 4ward from Rugby08 n all the bugs n stupid ratings . Thanks Hb studio Springboks !!!!!!!!!
Bro this licensing thing is p***ing me off.. why can't Sidhe stop being a bunch of pricks and be more lenient on the licenses eh?
Just want a decent rugby game, not a rugby 08 v2.0.

As said by Mario, Sidhe are most certainly not "being a bunch of pricks". You are unaware of who actually does the business to procure licenses and why. It's not good practice to call people things when you have no real knowledge of what's going on. Also, if you know anything of the business world at all, you can't just go giving away hugely expensive things to competitors, friendly or not. Who's to say that what your saying isn't really the reverse of who's being lenient? You can't honestly know.

When not in a position to know, don't accuse.
this game will not succeed we have seen this in previous generations, to many corners were cut to save time and money. Now I pray you prove me wrong but I am doubtful.

1. How do you know this game will not succeed based on previous generation games? Some of those were successful, some weren't.

2. How do you know corners were cut to save time? This game has had a reasonable length development cycle. Please give one real example.

3. Your trying to set yourself up for a win/win situation. If the game "proves you wrong" and is awesome, you'll win by having a good game. If it somehow isn't, you'll then say that you knew it all along. Very grown up. :)
1. How do you know this game will not succeed based on previous generation games? Some of those were successful, some weren't.

2. How do you know corners were cut to save time? This game has had a reasonable length development cycle. Please give one real example.

3. Your trying to set yourself up for a win/win situation. If the game "proves you wrong" and is awesome, you'll win by having a good game. If it somehow isn't, you'll then say that you knew it all along. Very grown up. :)
1. The idea behind this is to re-introduce the Rugby game into the annual sports scene, now when I say 'succeed' I am talking about just that, now a game with only 20 teams is not going to do that, you need the first game to 'wow' to bring people back the next year!

2. The game was originally called 'Rugby 2012' this gave them opportunity to release this game later even some time in 2012 but now that it is a world cup game it needs to be released close to the world cup, if they had a later release date they would have more time incorporate every aspect that they promised.

3.Yes I am, I would love this game to be a success but a am also being realistic, and buy the way I'm 16 years old mate I can be a immature as I like!
This certainty about information not yet released amuses me.
if they are only 20 teams the game ll' be interesting 2 weeks

I will say to you what I have said to everyone else who has stated this: Wait until the game comes out to decide this. Yes, it may only have 20 teams but the real deal-breaker will be in the gameplay. Think Jonah Lomu Rugby - everyone loved that, and it only had international teams. Why? Because it had brilliant gameplay. Look at Rugby Challenge 2006 - it was a very average game. However, it had lots of teams and competitions, but did it keep you playing? No, because the gameplay was very poor and thus the lifespan of the game was vastly decreased.

If this game has good gameplay and online I can guarantee you 90% of people will forget about its team and tournament shortcomings and embrace it for this one reason.
There's a valid point: JLR had 16 teams and 1 game mode.

Ironically, JLR was also a very poor gage which has forever been made out to be a lot more special then it was.
Its probably been said a million times, but Jonah Lomu rugby only has some 30 ish teams, but no-one crtiticsed them for it. I'm sure most of us that are hard core rugby gamers still play it to this day, and to be honest most of the time you go your own country or a "top tier" nation. I think we should all have a little chill, have faith and just wait to see more in depth info (vids, screens etc). If that turns out to be a pile of steaming poo (which it wont; i have faith) then the abuse can start legitimately.
And yet did Jonah Lomu Rugby go on to become a great success like the annual FIFA, NFL or NBA games, no! You could have amazing game play and yet if you playing it with the same teams and players every time you will get bored, people need new and fresh, why do you think the modders who mod 08 are so popular, because they keep Rugby 08 fun no matter how bad the game play, they do this through adding new teams and players! I was all for this game until now, and I know it must be hard to put so much work in to something and then see posts like this, but the truth is the promised something that is not going to be delivered.
And yet did Jonah Lomu Rugby go on to become a great success like the annual FIFA, NFL or NBA games, no! You could have amazing game play and yet if you playing it with the same teams and players every time you will get bored, people need new and fresh, why do you think the modders who mod 08 are so popular, because they keep Rugby 08 fun no matter how bad the game play, they do this through adding new teams and players! I was all for this game until now, and I know it must be hard to put so much work in to something and then see posts like this, but the truth is the promised something that is not going to be delivered.

The only thing HB promised from the start was to produce a rugby game ... as far as I can see they are doing this.
And yet did Jonah Lomu Rugby go on to become a great success like the annual FIFA, NFL or NBA games, no! You could have amazing game play and yet if you playing it with the same teams and players every time you will get bored, people need new and fresh, why do you think the modders who mod 08 are so popular, because they keep Rugby 08 fun no matter how bad the game play, they do this through adding new teams and players! I was all for this game until now, and I know it must be hard to put so much work in to something and then see posts like this, but the truth is the promised something that is not going to be delivered.

lol, when was Jonah Lomu Rugby going to go on to the kind of success as Fifa, NFL or NBA? They have a many times larger audience world-wide as rugby games and always were going to succeed, no matter how well they were made or not.

People did not get bored with Jonah Lomu Rugby, the developer's publisher was likely caught up in pouring resources into the developers of the more successful Colin McRae Rally and other projects.
Ok world market? So you telling me NHL hockey has a larger market then a good rugby game would? That's a joke Rugby is big all around the world besides the Americas where it is still the 3rd fastest growing sport, so any good rugby game, will have a big market!
It should be a world market, but it's not. And never has been.
Its never been a world market because there has never been a game that has been worthy of the worlds attention, that's what this game should have been, the game that bought rugby into the world market!
I presume, being 16 years old, you have distinctive memories of where the world was at when JLR was released?

Thought so.
lol, when was Jonah Lomu Rugby going to go on to the kind of success as Fifa, NFL or NBA? They have a many times larger audience world-wide as rugby games and always were going to succeed, no matter how well they were made or not.

People did not get bored with Jonah Lomu Rugby, the developer's publisher was likely caught up in pouring resources into the developers of the more successful Colin McRae Rally and other projects.

Totally have to agree, I was about to write a similar response. The reason JLR did not become a worldwide success is probably because of lower audience levels (the game only became pro in 1995) and funding. EA sports make or developed all those games that you just stated and have massive funds available in comparison to JLR, as well as the huge North American market for NHL and NBA and the whole world for FIFA.

Sethry 101 states: "why do you think the modders who mod 08 are so popular, because they keep Rugby 08 fun no matter how bad the game play, they do this through adding new teams and players!" - So the real core of his argument is that there are limited teams, and if there were more he implies he would not care how bad the gameplay was because it would be authentic.

Although he is free to take this opinion, I would just like to say I think that is a shallow reason not to like a game.
Ok world market? So you telling me NHL hockey has a larger market then a good rugby game would?
TBF they'll have a HUUUGGGEEEE market in America/Canada and then also fans worldwide that will want to play it too