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Rugby World Cup 2011 Official Game

I never said I don't like the game, I have to play it first, I'm just expressing my disappointment in the lack of certain aspects of the game that I expected.
Possibly should make that clearer instead of speaking in extremes. It's a discussion about what has been announced SO FAR at the end of the day, not a be all and end all argument.
Ive just realised that;

HB probably could have put more things in the game, but why would they want to? We're all going to buy it anyway, and if this is to become a series of games, its an easy update to just put in more teams/tourno's, then flog it a year later to us all, grateful as can be.

Its what they do with IPhones isn't it; Yes of course Apple could put a better screen on the phone, or a better battery life, but thats what they're going to use to sell the new generation phone to you next year.

I, for one, will definately be one of those suckers who will buy the "new and improved" game when it comes out, all shiny and full of modes and teams that were absent from the outdated and flawed version (yet to be released), but just please let it be next year or sometime soon.

BTW if your username is prefixed by "TRF_" please dont come on here and try to rip me apart, a) you know i'm right and b) I'm not actually ******** on HB here, it makes sense to make the most of the world cup, and I'm saying I will buy the game, and if the gameplays good will possibly be fairly satisfied with the purchase.
I think what has been announced so far is good. The game shows promise and the lack of licenses could be compensated with awesome game play. As long as HB really and jazz up the whole occasion. With anthems, media build up and a real sense of this is the world cup should be class.
I'm not one for online play but this game should get a few months, at least 6.
Ive just realised that;

HB probably could have put more things in the game, but why would they want to? We're all going to buy it anyway, and if this is to become a series of games, its an easy update to just put in more teams/tourno's, then flog it a year later to us all, grateful as can be.

Its what they do with IPhones isn't it; Yes of course Apple could put a better screen on the phone, or a better battery life, but thats what they're going to use to sell the new generation phone to you next year.

I, for one, will definately be one of those suckers who will buy the "new and improved" game when it comes out, all shiny and full of modes and teams that were absent from the outdated and flawed version (yet to be released), but just please let it be next year or sometime soon.

BTW if your username is prefixed by "TRF_" please dont come on here and try to rip me apart, a) you know i'm right and b) I'm not actually ******** on HB here, it makes sense to make the most of the world cup, and I'm saying I will buy the game, and if the gameplays good will possibly be fairly satisfied with the purchase.

How can you make that statement until you officially know whats in the game?
I think what has been announced so far is good. The game shows promise and the lack of licenses could be compensated with awesome game play. As long as HB really and jazz up the whole occasion. With anthems, media build up and a real sense of this is the world cup should be class.
I'm not one for online play but this game should get a few months, at least 6.

If it's anything like rugby 06, try a few years :D
You make it sound as though HB are a bunch of cynical accountants working for Electronic Arts!

The rule of thumb is generally developers want to do too much - Every tournament, competition, team, kit, player, chant etc. and overstretch themselves. HB are no different to any developer in that sense. It's then down to publishers (which in this case due to circumstances isn't quite the norm), budget and time constraints to reel them in. A bit like a band writing 40 songs for an album then EMI only produce and release 12 of them.
I'm with you londonirishboy. That's the capitalist world we live in. However I am also one those people that would buy a yearly game with little improvements, perhaps just leagues.

Also I find this forum to be nothing more than a totalitarian bourgeoisie regime that delete, edit and close posts all the time. Remember must join click before posting.
Being described as successful entrepreneurs. How very kind of you.
ha. I suppose that's a way to look at it!! That made me proper laugh there, no joke.
How can you make that statement until you officially know whats in the game?

Because I'm obviously speculating! That's what we've all been doing for the last year or so so why is it such a problem now?!

I'm getting a little hacked off with having the sensorship HB defence squad jumping all over me every time I make a bloody remark, YES I know I need to be patient, YES I am obviously working on limited knowledge but who gives a ****? this is a forum not your private little party now give it a rest, and let us mere mortals have some fun.
Why no club teams.So no Super Rugby,Heineken,Tri-Nations,Six nations etc.
This will get boring pretty quickly?
It's not really censorship though is it?
It's just saying there's no justifiable reason to slag it off before you play it :p
It's not really censorship though is it?
It's just saying there's no justifiable reason to slag it off before you play it :p


Pity londonirishboy thinks he's part of gods given gift to the world. You may be speculating but the first part of your statement is rubbish because no one knows exactly whats in the game so you cannot come out with a statement without knowing whats in the game. So far we know 20 WC teams are going to be in it. We don't know if the game is only going to have just those 20 nations. Nothing has been said yet of the Avia Prem, Magners, Top 14 etc.
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If things do go well with these rugby games and theres seeable gains in all areas, then i can understand a " rugby 2012 " ***le can begin to become an ea franchise. Sit back and watch ea.

Pity londonirishboy thinks he's part of gods given gift to the world. You may be speculating but the first part of your statement is rubbish because no one knows exactly whats in the game so you cannot come out with a statement without knowing the facts.

I don't know what I said that makes you think I think im "part of gods gift", but you're proving my point exactly; I haven't slagged the game off, and I agree that the gameplay will only be decided by playing it, so whats your point? Is it that you don't like people giving a viewpoint? Or an honest opinion?

Can I also say that TRF_Cymro if you think it is that mature approach to turn a debate into a personal slanging match, I think you need to take a break from the computer mate.
I am getting absolutely sick to DEATH of seeing the word "censorship."

There is NOTHING of the sort going on on TRF. There never has been and there never will be. Admins, moderators, owners or whoever are expressing their personal opinions. Do not try and turn that into "censorship" if their opinions come down on the other side of the fence to yours.
Because I'm obviously speculating! That's what we've all been doing for the last year or so so why is it such a problem now?!

I'm getting a little hacked off with having the sensorship HB defence squad jumping all over me every time I make a bloody remark, YES I know I need to be patient, YES I am obviously working on limited knowledge but who gives a ****? this is a forum not your private little party now give it a rest, and let us mere mortals have some fun.
