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I believe that just as there are different people in the world, there are different mind sets and thus God might need to appear in a different light to be able to reach out to these people. As such, for me, my faith is absolutely right, but for the next guy, he might be better off following the views of Islam.

As for this whole idea about religion starting wars, this is a convienient excuse for people who don't want to be bothered about God and the rest, "religion is crap, so let's forget the whole thing". Life needs to be a search for answers, in fact, God loves us so much that He's searching for us, He wants us to let Him in to our hearts, our lives. For those who say that religion isn't the answer, that it starts more problems than it solves, I say what a load of bullshit. the people who start wars "in the name of God" are simply woefully misinterpreting the message, or contorting it to control a people. True faith in God is to love your fellow man, to be generous, to solve all problems through non-violence, such as with Martin Luther King jr. or Mother Theresa. You might say that humans are convienient excuse to hide everything bad about religion, but it's 100% true what I tell you.
God being god - you know omnipitent, all powerful etc. - why can't he take the time out (coz what is time to god, anyway?) and prove to each and every person who has any doubt, or just stright-up doesn't believe, that he DOES actually exist.
I mean, he could take human form, and endlessly impress you with his uneblievable party tricks.

I'd love to hang out with god for a weekend, i mean, he'd probably be a great laugh and leeching off his back i'd be able to get a really hot girl!

I realise saying this could be quite offensive to those who believe in god, but it's something firm, some solid form of evidence like that, which i'd need for me to concede that, "Yes, there is a god."

I question how many religious people are cursing me as they read this now.
God being god - you know omnipitent, all powerful etc. - why can't he take the time out (coz what is time to god, anyway?) and prove to each and every person who has any doubt, or just stright-up doesn't believe, that he DOES actually exist.
I mean, he could take human form, and endlessly impress you with his uneblievable party tricks.

I'd love to hang out with god for a weekend, i mean, he'd probably be a great laugh and leeching off his back i'd be able to get a really hot girl!

I realise saying this could be quite offensive to those who believe in god, but it's something firm, some solid form of evidence like that, which i'd need for me to concede that, "Yes, there is a god."

I question how many religious people are cursing me as they read this now.
"Nate From America Says Your Gay!"

I mean, he could take human form, and endlessly impress you with his uneblievable party tricks.[/b]
Family Guy: Jesus' Abillities
You've been watching Family Guy again, haven't you?
Hah, but He did take human form through Jesus Christ, being at the same time Him and His son. If he came down and suddenly did all this fancy stuff, would you really believe? God is all-knowing, if He thought He could open your eyes with a few parlor tricks He'd have done it. I often think of what might happen if He really did come down, we'd likely just try to explain it away. After all, God is in everything only if you're willing to see Him.

I DO feel i may have been slightly influenced in my way of thinking thanks to the likes of simpsons and family guy etc. when issues arise regarding god and his/hers/its existence.

But seriously, imagine you're a chick, and it's the year 29 A.D. and you're sitting at a bar in Jerusalem, then all of a sudden a guy comes and sits next to you. He's got rough hands, he's wearing a tool belt - he LOOKS like a carpenter.
He orders himself a pint of Jersualems finest and then adds a glass of water to the order for the "good lady" sitting next to him.
You're sitting there thinking, "A glass of water? What a cheapskate!"
He gets his pint, you get your water.
With a wry smile, you politely thank him and than BHAM!
It's wine, right in front of you.
You can't believe what you've just witnessed; you kick up a fuss, the Carpenter tells you to keep the noise down but you can't contain yourself. Before you know it the Barman is arguing with the Carpenter.
'Listen, i told you not to pull those tricks anymore, not in MY bar!'
'Aww, come on, man! She was lonely, needed a bit of cheering up - so i did the classic Water-into-Wine trick!'
'I don't care, man! We had this talk before...YOU'RE BARRED!'
The Carpenter gets up, nods politely to you and walks out with his head hanging in shame.

Don't tell me you wouldn't follow him out of the bar.
Coz you would!

I'm not sure what point i'm trying to make here...
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'Absolute truth'... hmmm, yeah not with religion. I'd argue that there could be an absolute truth with certain simple and concrete things (i.e. the statement "this tree is a tree"), but even that is highly subjective to anybody who's done a little philosophy. There is no way you can prove/disprove the existance of god, so to start talking about 'absolute truths' is nothing short of self assuring dellusion.

As for "religion being the cause of all war"... well no, but it certainly does help mobilise people when you tell them (and they believe you) that they're fighting "god's cause", but then again so does nationalism.

What I'm not saying is that I'm absolutely right. I'm not going to get into a debate about my religious views vs. someone elses religious views. What I am saying is that there can only be one (geez...sounds like I've watched the highlander one too many times). If there is a God, and He has set forth a way of redemption/enlightenment/spiritual perfection, then there is only one way. Only one of our world religions could be absolutely true.


Why? What if 'god' couldn't give a flying f*** which religion you choose just as long as you use it to seek to better yourself and are compassionate to those around you? Why must one MANS (because like it or not all religions are those of men) chosen path be correct in gods eyes? Why must god want these things? Why must god 'want' anything? Is that not merely another human drive anyway?
Why? What if 'god' couldn't give a flying f*** which religion you choose just as long as you use it to seek to better yourself and are compassionate to those around you? Why must one MANS (because like it or not all religions are those of men) chosen path be correct in gods eyes? Why must god want these things? Why must god 'want' anything? Is that not merely another human drive anyway?
because like it or not all religions are those of men
Not true...just in your eyes. Judeaism was God selecting Abraham. Muhamed was contacted by St. Gabriel.
It's how you look at it I guess.

But do you think God would make such an effort to contact humans as He has done in my faith, if it weren't the absolute way?

That is a yes or no question. So please answer, yes, or no, and then you can continue debating me.
No, I don't. I actually don't think that any of these people were contacted by anything divine...

But let me ask you this: What's the point of it? I mean really, what's the point of 'creating' life etc and then almost demanding that they worship you? This is what gets to me, it just doesn't make sense. Also, why is it that only humans are given this option? Is not all life relevant? Why is our life seemly worth so much more than the rest of that which exists on this planet? These seem to be just more human value judgements (arrogant ones at that) on the importance of our existence over everthing else (god created us in 'his' image etc).
I think if there is a 'god' it is not how we imagine it and it probably does not differentiate between what is considered by us to be 'good' or 'evil', it most likely 'wants' nothing and probably has no 'will' in general as we would define it.

To me there are just far too many questions about religion that make the whole concept utterly baffling.
No, I don't. I actually don't think that any of these people were contacted by anything divine...

But let me ask you this: What's the point of it? I mean really, what's the point of 'creating' life etc and then almost demanding that they worship you? This is what gets to me, it just doesn't make sense. Also, why is it that only humans are given this option? Is not all life relevant? Why is our life seemly worth so much more than the rest of that which exists on this planet? These seem to be just more human value judgements (arrogant ones at that) on the importance of our existence over everthing else (god created us in 'his' image etc).
I think if there is a 'god' it is not how we imagine it and it probably does not differentiate between what is considered by us to be 'good' or 'evil', it most likely 'wants' nothing and probably has no 'will' in general as we would define it.

To me there are just far too many questions about religion that make the whole concept utterly baffling.
As baffled as you are, it doesn't mean it's not real. Quantum Physics baffles me.
Anyway, I don't really see it as God creating us and then demanding us to worship Him. The bible doesn't actually paint the picture that way. We were the only creation created in his image: soul, mind, thought. Most religions preach that we are governers of the earth...by that I mean caretakers. The bible literally says God gave us dominion over all the earth. We are the only beings capable of mimicing creation. You don't think there is something inextrensibly (sp) special about us? You don't think the fact that we have done and accomplished what we have doesn't vastly seperate us from every other known being? We are widely different from dogs and sheep and trees. We are the only beings that would see those three objects and put them to use (the tree for shade whilst keeping the sheep...keeping the sheep for food and clothing...using the dog to aid in sheep keeping). What I believe God has wanted, and what is the actual story of Christ, is a reuniting of us to Him. The story of Genisis shows a relationship between Adam & God.
I tell you one thing, if we're caretakers of the planet then I think god needs to rethink the strategy... we're doing a pretty **** job at the moment.
Honest question:

If God took human form and come to us as Christ, then what's the deal with the Pope?

Call me ignorant if i get this wrong, but isn't he supposed to be a human form of God?
Yet, when one dies a bunch of guys from the top of the hierarchy VOTES who's to be next.
What gives them the divine right to decide that after 70 years of good work for their lord that all of a sudden one is deemed worthy of being god's representative.

If there is a god i could honestly say i don't know any one who could fill his shoes.

Not a criticism, just an honest querie, which has confused me somewhat.
Honest question:

If God took human form and come to us as Christ, then what's the deal with the Pope?

Call me ignorant if i get this wrong, but isn't he supposed to be a human form of God?
Yet, when one dies a bunch of guys from the top of the hierarchy VOTES who's to be next.
What gives them the divine right to decide that after 70 years of good work for their lord that all of a sudden one is deemed worthy of being god's representative.

If there is a god i could honestly say i don't know any one who could fill his shoes.

Not a criticism, just an honest querie, which has confused me somewhat.
Yeah, that's a little off basis.
He's the head of the church, so the natural presumption is that he would therefore be closest to God...but not God on earth or anything. Pope is a slang term for father that was adopted a very long time ago. He is technically the Bishop of Rome and the Vicar of Christ (which means he's the sole caretaker of the body of christ, which is the church).
If there is a god i could honestly say i don't know any one who could fill his shoes.
Good point...I agree.
The Catholic church seems anything but holy a lot of the time I have to say... the conservative nature of the whole establishment makes it seem far more political than religious, which makes it hard to see them in a positive light.
The media focuses on a lot of the messed up stuff Muslims say about women etc, but I remember a year or so ago Cardinal Pell (******) was asked about his views on child sex abuse in the church, to which he responded that it was all blown out of proportion and that it was far less damaging to society than homosexuality any way... I remember thinking "yes, that's right, because a consensual homosexual relationship hurts so many more people than a priest in a position of power getting little kids to please them sexually." :rolleyes:
>>The Catholic church seems anything but holy a lot of the time

That's 'cause a lot of the time they aren't in the news...they are just dedicating their lives to helping their communities and doing untold amounts of charitable works all over the world abd just generally just living decent lives.

Just 'cause Ian Huntley killed those two girls does that mean all school caretakers are paedophiles?
We could just all convert to scientology..... there problem solved!!

What? It's late!
We could just all convert to scientology..... there problem solved!!

I was at a footy match down in Bristol where everyone in the ground was offered a free box of chocolates and a copy of L. Ron Hubbard's latest book.

I can imagine that'd be a pretty good Scientology meeting...Tom Cruise, John Travolta and 1,500 hairy ar$ed Evertonians.

The Catholic church seems anything but holy a lot of the time I have to say... the conservative nature of the whole establishment makes it seem far more political than religious, which makes it hard to see them in a positive light.
The media focuses on a lot of the messed up stuff Muslims say about women etc, but I remember a year or so ago Cardinal Pell (******) was asked about his views on child sex abuse in the church, to which he responded that it was all blown out of proportion and that it was far less damaging to society than homosexuality any way... I remember thinking "yes, that's right, because a consensual homosexual relationship hurts so many more people than a priest in a position of power getting little kids to please them sexually." :rolleyes:

A few men ruin it all for the whole. I've read that out of 400,000 preists worldwide it breaks down to less than 1% (like .7 or something). click here

I remember thinking "yes, that's right, because a consensual homosexual relationship hurts so many more people than a priest in a position of power getting little kids to please them sexually.[/b]
You're right...that was way off basis. Even if you do believe that a homosexual relationship is immoral, it is consensual and only affects the two consenting parties. Rape, molestation or abuse is not. How someone could even compare the two is ridiculous.

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