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For example, look at the change in heights between generations. A hundred years ago, people did not grow as tall as they do now. Evolution to adapt to changing circumstances.[/b]

Well how does being taller help in our circumstances? what changed which meant that we needed to be taller?
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For example, look at the change in heights between generations. A hundred years ago, people did not grow as tall as they do now. Evolution to adapt to changing circumstances.[/b]

Well how does being taller help in our circumstances? what changed which meant that we needed to be taller?

Harsher climate? More athletic lifestyle? Shops keep getting bigger and having higher sets of shelves?

It's like all other things in nature - natural adaption for some purpose.
but how would a harsher climate mean we need to be taller?

i know im being a picky *******, but i really don't get how there is any proof of evolution in the sense of us originating from amoeba's(sp?) i can understand it in certain circumstances but to have evolution there must be a mutation in the cells of a parent and if there is only one cell how can it know it needs to change? and how would it make the change so it could pass it on.

do correct me if im wrong on any of that... just attempting to understand :p
Cells multiply. That's what they do. One cell wouldn't 'work out' that it needs to grow, it just would. Once the cells have split countless numbers of times they have to evolve to avoid being eaten, generally wiped from existence etc.

Humans getting taller was the first thing that came to my head, and was just an example. How about the evolution from ape like creatures dragging their knuckles on the ground, to 6ft + men standing tall in Armani suits, glued to their mobiles all day.

Slightly off point but it's yet another thing which intrigues me - why has human technology had to evolve from the very beginning. Surely if 'God' had wanted us to have any of the things we do now he would have just presented them from the off, rather than leaving it for thousands of years until humans finally discovered the technology.

And what's up with Wasps? I'm sorry, most insects have a purpose in the world, fine - Wasps do nothing useful!
ok so go back to the beginning of time when man was just a cell, when the world wasn't formed, when the Big Bang hadn't happened yet, no matter what, it's "illogical" to think that there wasn't some sort of beginning.
ok so go back to the beginning of time when man was just a cell, when the world wasn't formed, when the Big Bang hadn't happened yet, no matter what, it's "illogical" to think that there wasn't some sort of beginning.

The Big Bang was the beginning of the Universe - that's the point.

No one knows what there was before that, because essentially there was nothing. It's a question that will never be answered anyway, "What was before the Big Bang?".
Well actually, scientists now think that our universe is but one of an infinite number of universes that are constantly bouncing off each other. They theorise that when this happens they create a chain reaction causing a massive outpooring of mass and energy, thus creating a 'big bang' and a new universe... What existed before that? Who knows. The concept of eternity and infinity are really too much for the human brain to understand logically... the idea that there are simply no limits doesn't fit with our own understanding of how life works, and I suspect it's something we'll never be truly capable of completely grasping.
haha religion wat a bloody waste of time god real? you have to have a screw loose to beleive that 1 u chumps!!!
haha religion wat a bloody waste of time god real? you have to have a screw loose to beleive that 1 u chumps!!!

Sort of what I've been going for, just delivered in a more blunt and abusive fashion.
haha religion wat a bloody waste of time god real? you have to have a screw loose to beleive that 1 u chumps!!!

There's no need to insult people for believing in God. That's harsh.
How can you judge someone on their beliefs?
I don't believe in God, but i respect other people's opinions and i don't go around spewing crap about how you would have to be crazy to believe in God.

Try improving social skills before submitting your on thoughts on sensitive subjects such as these.
haha religion wat a bloody waste of time god real? you have to have a screw loose to beleive that 1 u chumps!!!
Hm you say this yet in your sig you have 'proud to be wearing new zealand colours, thanking god everday they weren't selected for islanders 1st'.

God real? yet you acknowledge him in your sig. Hmm whose the 'chump'?
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haha religion wat a bloody waste of time god real? you have to have a screw loose to beleive that 1 u chumps!!!

There's no need to insult people for believing in God. That's harsh.
How can you judge someone on their beliefs?
I don't believe in God, but i respect other people's opinions and i don't go around spewing crap about how you would have to be crazy to believe in God.

Try improving social skills before submitting your on thoughts on sensitive subjects such as these.

the god thing in my sig just a figure of speech, winge winge.

social skills ???? is this forum considered as been social lmao..

haha dont insult me 4 insulting you i thort u god people were meant to be peaceful......wait no thats y wars are started :bleh!:

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haha religion wat a bloody waste of time god real? you have to have a screw loose to beleive that 1 u chumps!!!

Sort of what I've been going for, just delivered in a more blunt and abusive fashion.

yea im known to be very straight up
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haha religion wat a bloody waste of time god real? you have to have a screw loose to beleive that 1 u chumps!!!

There's no need to insult people for believing in God. That's harsh.
How can you judge someone on their beliefs?
I don't believe in God, but i respect other people's opinions and i don't go around spewing crap about how you would have to be crazy to believe in God.

Try improving social skills before submitting your on thoughts on sensitive subjects such as these.

the god thing in my sig just a figure of speech, winge winge.

social skills ???? is this forum considered as been social lmao..

haha dont insult me 4 insulting you i thort u god people were meant to be peaceful......wait no thats y wars are started :bleh!:

figure of speech?? you acknowledge someone in your sig who you say 'you have to have a screw loose' to believe in. :wacko:

haha the 'wars' statement is pathetic. before rolling out some cliches, try having something to back it up.
social skills ???? is this forum considered as been social lmao..

You're a simple, simple man and i pity you. Really, i do.
The quality of life is wasted on you.

And yes, this whole website is social.
Just look up the term in the dictionary and i'm sure you'll find yourself deeply shocked. :blink:
Neh you're making a fool of yourself again....

i dont care u guys think ur better than every1 else wen ur nuthin, u cant comment on sum1 wen u dont even know them, ur just a bunch a wankers if you do that internet social if u beleive that i feel sry 4 your boring ass
1stly...Maybe u shouldn't b here neho2
2ndly...Ur quite lucky..if i was to say anything like you have, my warning level would go up.

Anyway, i think you have just deliberately said those things for people to dislike you but thats just my opinion and more often then not (according to certain people...ill shutup now) im wrong. But in this case i belive i'm correct.

Who are you to say whether god exists or not?...Don't get me wrong, i don't believe, but thats only my choice, and although its unlikely God exists, he (or she) may very well be real.

Also, you claim this isn't a place for socialising. This is a discussion forum, we socialise with our peers whilst discussing issues about, but not limited to rugby and a few of the lucky ones meet together for gaming tournaments and meetings.

How about you reassess the reason why you are here?

I have learnt to discuss and somethimes argue without abusing and being a blazing idiot (no im not admitting i am) so maybe you could to.
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Neh you're making a fool of yourself again....

i dont care u guys think ur better than every1 else wen ur nuthin, u cant comment on sum1 wen u dont even know them, ur just a bunch a wankers if you do that internet social if u beleive that i feel sry 4 your boring ass

Who's the biggest ******?
Us for coming here, enjoying ourselves whilst SOCIALISING with other memeber, or you coming here - for god knows what reason - and spewing your hatred?

Your comments are actually entertaining me now.

Boy do i feel good about myself right now!
blah blah blah winge winge winge, any of u fallas bretherins or watever u call it. those fallas are a prime example of how f***ed up religion can make u lol they a bunch of interbred retards haha

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Neh you're making a fool of yourself again....

i dont care u guys think ur better than every1 else wen ur nuthin, u cant comment on sum1 wen u dont even know them, ur just a bunch a wankers if you do that internet social if u beleive that i feel sry 4 your boring ass

Who's the biggest ******?
Us for coming here, enjoying ourselves whilst SOCIALISING with other memeber, or you coming here - for god knows what reason - and spewing your hatred?

Your comments are actually entertaining me now.

Boy do i feel good about myself right now!

dont know y, i know i wuldnt be with a smile lyk yours hahaha

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