1stly...Maybe u shouldn't b here neho2
2ndly...Ur quite lucky..if i was to say anything like you have, my warning level would go up.
Anyway, i think you have just deliberately said those things for people to dislike you but thats just my opinion and more often then not (according to certain people...ill shutup now) im wrong. But in this case i belive i'm correct.
Who are you to say whether god exists or not?...Don't get me wrong, i don't believe, but thats only my choice, and although its unlikely God exists, he (or she) may very well be real.
Also, you claim this isn't a place for socialising. This is a discussion forum, we socialise with our peers whilst discussing issues about, but not limited to rugby and a few of the lucky ones meet together for gaming tournaments and meetings.
How about you reassess the reason why you are here?
I have learnt to discuss and somethimes argue without abusing and being a blazing idiot (no im not admitting i am) so maybe you could to.