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Playstation 3

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two of us got it the same week even :) crazy stuff :)

personally i think the ps3 is much better, i know people with a 360 and they cant do anywhere near as much cool stuff we can with a ps3. mainly multimedia stuff i am thinkin of :)
Woosaah and GG, you guys done the new update yet? It really only does a couple of things.

Firstly it updates the Playstation Store so that it runs much faster and looks way slicker. It also adds extra sound options like DTS-MA (Master Audio) for those with the flashiest of AV receivers!
I'm going to make sure I don't buy anything remotely like HALO. During year end chalets, the entire group of 25 cousins get together and argue over two sets of XBOXs, mainly HALO.
ohhh yeah so i can gave DTS-MA now wicked... i know my system does DTS, i have no idea what DTS-MA is...

still i have all the sound going out the light thingee (too early in the morning, brain not workign) so i have pretty decent sounds coming out.
DTS-MA is DTS-HD (or Hi Def :p )an uncompressed Studio Quality Sound. It's encoded at a usual bit-rate of something like 10 times larger than the usual DTS.

Your receiver (and mine) probably won't decode it. It's pretty high-end and more realistic than you'd have ever heard before.
Cheers esoj. Really looking forward to Haze. Near the top of my list.
OMG!! Just picked up a new top of the range Bravia LCD and PS3 last weekend and have been blown away by the machine. It is so much more than I though it would be.

Even threw in a DVD data disk to find that plays all your music straight of the cuff as MP3s with out any drama! Find something new on it every day.

Blu Ray is wicked - GT5 is a blast and the online gaming is briliant additon.

The investment killed me this month, but at least while Im stuck at home with no money...
Out of the guys here who is getting GTA IV?
Who will be up for some GTA IV multiplayer fun?
So looking forward to it, just curious if you guys are getting it ;)
Are you talking about Prologue, if so I have, love it and nearly finished it, so up for an online race anytime!
nope talking about GTA IV when it comes out next week :p

but yeah whats your ps3 username? ill add you to my list. We cant just race in prologue, there is no online lobby to join with friends, well there wasnt when i last went in :) i need to play alot more to get used to it, i have hardly touched that game.
You can get me at dorian1975.

Any suggestions on some great 1st person shooters other than RFOM and COD4?
how about MGS? i have never played it but the beta just came online in the playstation store.

downloading the update now
real? what was i downloading when i left home then?

i cant check that site, i am at work. what does it say?
For woosaah
Metal Gear Online Beta postponed
Konami takes European and US servers down, extends beta period to compensate.
By Guy Cocker, GameSpot UK
Posted Apr 21, 2008 3:25 pm GMT

Metal Gear Solid fans will be well aware of the series' emphasis on sneaky stealth action. However, Konami followed the ethos of its game a little too closely last night when its Metal Gear Online Beta failed to emerge from the shadows at its allotted start time.

GameSpot users reported numerous errors yesterday when the beta was due to go live. Many bemoaned the amount of time it took to download an update to the previously released beta package, while others complained about the game's failure to recognise the two keys that they had registered on Konami's official Web site.

Today, Konami attempted to explain the problem with different statements from both the US and European offices. According to Konami US, the volume of traffic necessitated the temporary shutdown of servers until they were able to be stabilised. Konami's UK spokesperson recommends that users, "try the Game ID/Konami ID registration process over the following days...everyone who wishes to join the MGO experience will be able to register...in the next few days."

While the new start date for the beta has yet to be announced, Konami will be making another update on April 23 at 7 a.m. BST (April 22 at 11 p.m. PDT). The Japanese publisher also announced that the closing date has been pushed back from May 6 to May 11 to compensate for the late start.

also I saw this cool looking thing for fpses on the ps3 called fragfx.

thanks for that jose :) i am downloading an update to nothing lol :) will definatly be worth a look when it goes live.
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