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Playstation 3

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I tried connecting the cable but it doesn't work. Could anyone say if I could just use my old dsl-504g router modem for this?.

I switched from telecom to telstraclear so my settings will have changed but is it possible?.
Is your cable officially on yet? I've heard it can take a few hours.
Really weird that the PS3 does not recognise the modem...so what exactly has changed this time? Do you have a new modem? A new ISP? Or both? I think if it is a new ISP then the PS3 would have to redo picking it up again....I am just guessing...well obviously it would have to.
Both are new, I really do think it is a case of having to buy a router...hopefully.
I'm all good to go, I brought a d-link dir-300 wireless g router, hooked it up piece of ****, fixed my PS3 settings, it connected sweet. Haven't tried any games yet but hope our connection problems are sorted.

I'm really quite happy with my purchase of a PS3, it is quite an amazing console. The ease of use and all of the features are quite impressive.

Online is gonna take a bit to get used to being a noob and all and the fact that you are playing humans not AI adds a new and tougher difficulty to gameplay, espescially if I come up against guns at whatever game, but from the experiences I've had so far the future looks bright as far as online play is concerned. Can't wait to get owned by all you guys.

I bought a PS eye thingey as well, dunno why I'm a pretty shy guy but I suppose after a few that'll change and should add to the hilarity.
Ahh the reliable D-Link. Glad I followed the salespersons advice and spent an extra $60 for that brand.

Yeah I too have to get an eye toy thingy for the microphone etc thing to happen online.

So now there are four of us. Well soon we will meet for COD4 destruction lol!
Wow I didn't think the PS3 would outsell the Xbox for another 14 months minimum. For this to happen so soon is incredible!
it's outselling in europe in america I am pretty sure the 360 is still ahead with the ps3 only just catching up in monthly sales recently. I think gta IV and blu-ray could be what is driving a lot of sales recently, all good for sony.
Still there's a lot of great reasons to support Xbox 360, so the games well and truly not over yet.
indeed 360 won't just go away but at the moment looking pretty good for ps3.

also just on a sidenote I saw while on one of the gaming sites I visit that the Haze demo is out.
How much more capacity does the PS3 have to improve the games? With the extra power it doesn't seem to be outperforming the 360 at all and it has a life span of much more then the 360 apparently but does it actually have the ability to be a stayer?
Yes, it does. I'm out of breath (and pretty busy) from explaining the answer to that particular question in the past though, so for once I'll leave it to someone else.
Okay, but tell me what is it's capacity, can it get games that look like watching a movie, and not ALMOST, like....exactly like a movie. At the moment the games are there but still leave a little to be desired...if the PS3 is so powerful then it would be reasonable they would be putting out games that'd look exactly like life...
it's hard to say but there still are some good games coming to the ps3 and some of them I think will use the hardware better. john carmack and Id software I think will be ones to watch with their idtech 5 engine which can do some incredible stuff across all platforms. crytek will be interesting to see what they do on a console as they managed to push pc hardware over the limit with crysis. the top 3 guys from retro studios that made the metroid prime series have left the company and if they make a new studio for 360/ps3 it should be very good.
It's not that simple. In some regards it's no more powerful than the Xbox 360, in others it's far more dynamic.

Would you as a developer spend three times longer in development and three times the money, to get a mind-blowing game that only sells the same as a Xbox 360 game? The 360 has been around for 16 months longer and there's still plenty of catch up to do to ensure that the PS3 has an independent demographic strong enough to support overly technical projects. It's common sense. Why are people acting like the PS3's strongest points are going to be revealed NOW, right this minute?

If you are not aware of it's cell processors capabilities or aware of the 7 SPU's (Separate Processing Units) and why they are going to prove useful in the future then the key might lie in readin some of the earlier pages of this thread or Playstation 3's wikipedia entry:


The reason why I want someone else to answer the question you've asked is that I've done dozens of hours of product research on the Playstation 3 and spent large chunks of my spare time informing others in this threads for months. The question you have asked is easy to ask in a few words, but the answer is so much more involved and requires a long, long answer.

I suspect you are keen on Xbox 360 and that's fine, but I'm weary now from my long slog with trying to inform people of the benefits of the PS3. It's not like I get much rep for it like the big NH guns do for some quick quip or a well placed smilie. It's simply not worth the effort.

All I can say is they are both great machines with strong points. Weigh them up and decide.

I just read esoj's post. Thank the lord, someone else intelligent to answer questions rather than pose them. Please esoj, take the wheel!!!!!!!!!!!!
the ps3 will domimate in the end - its a bigger animal inside
but the xbox will always breathe with its online infrastructure
i'll get a ps3 - when its online is as good, or if they get exclusivity thats worthy - ie Rugby
anyways the ps3 is getting cheaper - i'll be on soon - its just a matter of when i decide the time is right, at the moment, they are too similar to own both
I would also like to add developers are finding some neat tricks to do with the ps3 like rockstar did with gta IV the output resolution was a bit lower than the 360 but they still got pretty much the same picture quality arguably a bit better by using internal ps3 hardware. I think this could be the future of ps3 development with companies understanding it more and placing more load on the ps3 hardware itself instead of everything on the graphics chip and game software engine. while this may not make the graphics exactly like real life I believe you will see a nicer cleaner image with some neat effects that you haven't seen before.

no problem Mr iversen happy to help out when I can
But if the PS3 is all just a matter of time before it starts firing on all cylinders, who is to say Microsoft will have brought out a far superior product for cheaper production costs and much better performance capabilities, that's the problem with the PS3, it's like buying a 486 back in the days when 286 was still the standard, alright for a while but then the Pentium blew it out of the water...I just don't see how Sony's high life span of the PS3 will pay off if they don't start drawing away from the competition now, before the competition is on level footing technologically...
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