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Playstation 3

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Yeah, cheers esoj. I've downloaded the update and guess I'll have to wait a few days now. At least I know why thanks to you.
RADMAN has joined your party!.

Chalk up another one.

I caved in and got it earlier then I ideally wanted too but GTA4 was too tempting. Just about to go unpack it and sort everything out. I bought a HDMI cable, Remote control with it and 3 games off trade me, I got COD4, Fifa 08 and Ratchet and Clank for $200 brand new which I thought was a pretty good deal.
Hell yeah good spotting. Out of curiosity what did console plus cables etc sting you?
Congrats, someone else to game with besides my husband, my psn id is: AmyIversen!
Me too, my psn id is: craigiversen

I am sooo pleased, another TRF person to play COD4 with! I'm going to be up and running for games with people hopefully by Monday when my new router arrives!

I know your gonna love the PS3 after you've downloaded the latest firmware!
I'm quite a noob as far as all of this stuff is concerned, so it'll take me a few days or more to get comfortable with the setup and the games.

As far as graphics are concerned...
...OMG!, far ken awesome, and my TV doesn't blur!!!, as far as I can tell, but I'm happy as is and glad I don't have to upgrade TVs again.

I've only had a fiddle with Fifa so far (got spanked on the default difficulty so will turn it down) and am currently waiting for I think my fourth or fifth upgrade now for various things, I had the first one on GT fail for some unknown reason, hope it doesn't matter. Looking forward to being mindblown when I put COD4 in for the first time and Ratchet should be pretty cool as well, sis will love it.

Dobes, I just bought the Gran Turismo pack ($795) with an HDMI cable ($38) and PS3 remote ($58) so about $900 all up. I had the internet cable allready from my PS2 when I got it for RL2, they aren't that expensive.

So just gotta plonk the hundy down for GTA4 on Monday or Tuesday then thats me until MGS$ and the next batch of EA offerings.

I do have a concern though, my broadband speed is shite, will look into switching asap.

My user ID is RadmanNZ

I'll add y'all as soon as possible.
looks like the ps3 section on trf has picked up rather nicely. not long ago it was just mr iversen flying the ps3 flag.
Mind you I used to think esoj was a shitehead! I can be wrong as the first sentence plainly shows! I'm sincere about that, if you like an under-rated person getting a break, consider voting for a humble un-self-promoting bloke like esoj in the under-rated member catagory for the TRF.

I mean that, he should be in most improved but isn't nominated!!
if you want to play GT5 online you need to download the update.

what i did is start the game, in the settings there is somewhere where you need to change the internet setting to nat 2. then go into gt tv and it will start to download again.

let me know how you go :)
Yeah I downloaded the Gttv one sweet but the first one before it let me play didn't work, or are they the same?.
Help me someone, please!, I got my new cable internet installed today but can't go online with my PS3 with the new Modem. Can someone help sort me out.
Did it have an install disk with it? Also, what brand and model modem is it?
Help me someone, please!, I got my new cable internet installed today but can't go online with my PS3 with the new Modem. Can someone help sort me out. [/b]

Is it wireless your modem?
i guess you can jump on the interent, is it wireless or connected with cables?

give me a pm with your msn and i can try help :) though i wont be online too much longer, waiting for the tv to become free
Nah not wireless, model is motorola sb5101 surfboard cable modem.

I think I need to buy a router so I can connect both comp and PS3 together. I unplugged the cable from the comp and plugged the PS3 cable in expecting it to work.

My problem once I get it is that I mucked up my PS3 settings trying to fix it.
should be able to automatically dectect settings for everything and it should be fine.

i would definatly get a router.
Definitely get a good router, not some cheap Belkin turd. In the mean time I can't see any reason that if your modem's ethernet cable is going into the back of your ps3 that there should be any problem.

What you need to do is go to Settings, then network settings, then reconfigure your connection. It should work under easy configuration settings.
So it shouldn't matter if I have unplugged the computers ethernet connection cable from the modem?.
You should have the ethernet cable which comes out of the modem go into the ps3. Unless your modem has wireless equipped, then you won't be connecting anything and you'll be configuring network settings under wireless settings.

Just looked up your model. It's not wireless, so just have the ethernet cable go from the modem into the ps3 until you get a router. Get a good wireless on too.
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