I'm quite a noob as far as all of this stuff is concerned, so it'll take me a few days or more to get comfortable with the setup and the games.
As far as graphics are concerned...
...OMG!, far ken awesome, and my TV doesn't blur!!!, as far as I can tell, but I'm happy as is and glad I don't have to upgrade TVs again.
I've only had a fiddle with Fifa so far (got spanked on the default difficulty so will turn it down) and am currently waiting for I think my fourth or fifth upgrade now for various things, I had the first one on GT fail for some unknown reason, hope it doesn't matter. Looking forward to being mindblown when I put COD4 in for the first time and Ratchet should be pretty cool as well, sis will love it.
Dobes, I just bought the Gran Turismo pack ($795) with an HDMI cable ($38) and PS3 remote ($58) so about $900 all up. I had the internet cable allready from my PS2 when I got it for RL2, they aren't that expensive.
So just gotta plonk the hundy down for GTA4 on Monday or Tuesday then thats me until MGS$ and the next batch of EA offerings.
I do have a concern though, my broadband speed is shite, will look into switching asap.
My user ID is RadmanNZ
I'll add y'all as soon as possible.