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Game of Thrones Discussion [SPOILERS]

Can't say i've seen Watchmen, so can't comment.
Basically Dr Manhatten manufactures a big bad evil (an alien invasion) to cause world peace as everyone has to unite to face it.

Maybe this whole Night King story has been a long play by Bran/3 Eyed Raven to unite the 7 kingdoms

It's far fetched but your post reminded me of it :p
I think way too much of the main cast had plot armor (Theon also went). And agreed about the tactics they really need to explain why you don't defend a castle inside the bloody castle.

Dothraki were always Calvary so that kind of makes also for the fact Dany's armies are essentially obliterated.

On Night King has an dragon well Dany and Jon had two one would think those two could keep them off.

Enjoyed the episode as a whole and Arya story arc culmination was great (some idiots are calling her a Mary Sue despite spending 8 seasons training for this). Bran still feel like theres something missing to his story.
The snow storm was a great leveler for the NK on V versus Dany and JS on their dragons.
Basically Dr Manhatten manufactures a big bad evil (an alien invasion) to cause world peace as everyone has to unite to face it.

Maybe this whole Night King story has been a long play by Bran/3 Eyed Raven to unite the 7 kingdoms

It's far fetched but your post reminded me of it :p

Nerd alert but it's actually Ozymandias who tries to create the unifying threat.

I disagree with people saying it makes sense that the NK storyline was a distraction because the show is called Game of Thrones. It's based off a series called A Song of Ice and Fire which would suggest a different focus. It's anticlimactic because we're meant to be getting, in broad strokes, the ending of the books and this seems somewhat against what the books have been doing. They've always been about deconstructing the tropes of the fantasy genre before reconstructing them. Which would mean the elemental threat being more than a sideshow.
I don't mind Arya killing the Night King honestly, but I think Jon should have at least engaged with him in the episode and had a scrap with him or at least some of his other walker mates just to round out the fact that his entire history in the show has been addressing and fighting the White Walker threat. Arya killing him made sense because she's unconventional unlike any other character, while everyone else played right into the Night King's expectations.
Another gripe, not to harp on it too long was that although the episode was gorgeous in so many ways the editing was done in such a way that made it really hard to suspend my disbelief. Take Sam as an example. In one scene he's pinned under loads of Whites, yet several scenes (minutes) later we cut back and he's still managing to bench press 6 armed relentless homocidal bodies off him? Similarly when the NK raises the dead around Jon he looks absolutely boned but when we cut back he's just cutting through them and manages to hold his own as if the Whites are following the rules of an 80s martial arts B movie and attacking one at a time. I just don't feel this episode was on the level of Hardhome or the Battle of the ********.
People enjoying the episode is completely fair, but having sunk so much love into the books and the lore I always viewed the political maneuvering and petty politics as a sideshow to the greater apocalyptic threat, not vice versa, because that's how the show told me to view it. I'd agree with BG8 that this is a song of ice and fire fundamentally, but it's gone another direction now. I know book readers being overentitled is eye roll worthy, but it's just a preference thing. I'll of course keep watching every week with huge interest, but I'll be pleasantly shocked if the outcome leaves me satisfied as we stand.
No mateer what we wanted and how we wanted it to go the white walker storyline was a means to an end, no matter how or what happened it had to end and the bulk of the season had to be the fight for the throne.

Lots to criticise but overall and epic episide to rival BotB. Arya is a beast. Dani is strong but so utterly defenceless without her dragons. Ghost better survive and the 2 dragons as jon on a dragon aswell is epic.

So looking forward Dani and jon, cercei. And gendry i guess have a claim to the throne. The north doesnt have an army. Theories on how they can get one and pull this off?
It would have been great had Arya morphed into one of the WW or undead before because of her Faceless men training hence deceiving the NK and WW etc rather than leaping out from no where to stab him.

Also my only gripe when watching it was John managing to hide behind a wall and a mound and be protected from Viserion's fire breathing. The same fire that brought down the wall.

How much of the NK is mentioned in the books? I understood he is referred to but not fully developed which is why the tv series has filled in the gaps.
Dorne has an army right?

They could join in maybe?
Did they get wiped out by the greyjoys? I can't remember if the army was with the sandsnakes when they got taken or if it was just like a small guard army

If not then they'll be well up for revenge after losing all the sand snakes and oberyn to the lannisters

Nerd alert but it's actually Ozymandias who tries to create the unifying threat.
Ah **** I was getting mixed up between the book and film cause in the film they frame Manhattan instead of using the aliens
It's been a while since I saw or read either
It would have been great had Arya morphed into one of the WW or undead before because of her Faceless men training hence deceiving the NK and WW etc rather than leaping out from no where to stab him.

Also my only gripe when watching it was John managing to hide behind a wall and a mound and be protected from Viserion's fire breathing. The same fire that brought down the wall.

How much of the NK is mentioned in the books? I understood he is referred to but not fully developed which is why the tv series has filled in the gaps.
The Night King is never obliquely mentioned in the books. The Others (aka WW) are still very much in the mystery zone rn. The attack on hardhome hasn't really materialised yet.
Who is mentioned however is the Night's King (there is a distinction GRRM says) as a legend in the age of heroes (thousands of years ago) who was a Lord Commander of the Nights watch who found a woman with skin made of ice beyond the wall. He brought her back to the Wall, married her, and was corrupted in some way. He bound the Nights watch to him with magic and ruled as a king. It took the king beyond the wall and the king in the north uniting to bring him down. Some say this guy was a Stark himself.
The Night King is never obliquely mentioned in the books. The Others (aka WW) are still very much in the mystery zone rn. The attack on hardhome hasn't really materialised yet.
Who is mentioned however is the Night's King (there is a distinction GRRM says) as a legend in the age of heroes (thousands of years ago) who was a Lord Commander of the Nights watch who found a woman with skin made of ice beyond the wall. He brought her back to the Wall, married her, and was corrupted in some way. He bound the Nights watch to him with magic and ruled as a king. It took the king beyond the wall and the king in the north uniting to bring him down. Some say this guy was a Stark himself.

The NK story in the books is pretty cool really there's a great line from Old Nan about him being a warrior without fear and it being his downfall 'for all men must know fear'.

I must admit that ASOIAF could also refer to John by himself or John and Dany.
But what else is there for Bran. Apart from Warging and seeing the past present and future, what else is there for him to do? I'm wondering if he's going to merge with the white tree he loves to sit at, and maybe have the treepeople be reborn. Or something like that to basically reset the past.
Did they get wiped out by the greyjoys? I can't remember if the army was with the sandsnakes when they got taken or if it was just like a small guard army

If not then they'll be well up for revenge after losing all the sand snakes and oberyn to the lannisters

Ah **** I was getting mixed up between the book and film cause in the film they frame Manhattan instead of using the aliens
It's been a while since I saw or read either

Thought there was 5 sand snakes alive still.
Thought there was 5 sand snakes alive still.
Ah jeeze is there that many?
I remember a bunch being killed on the ship, and the one got poisoned in the cell in front of her mum
Either way, if there's still some alive they'll be up for a scrap as well
Ah jeeze is there that many?
I remember a bunch being killed on the ship, and the one got poisoned in the cell in front of her mum
Either way, if there's still some alive they'll be up for a scrap as well

Even the wiki that I read was pretty grey on what Dornish forces remain. There were certainly some on the ships that were left to burn my Euron's Iron Fleet, but it appears unclear how many remain. As the last we saw of Ellaria was her sat in a cell watching one of the (many) Sand Snakes die, I'd have thought that we're highly likely to see her again, so in turn, it's highly likely that the Dornish folk will have a part to play in the end game.
I personally think they'll want to draw minimal attention to Dorne considering how it flopped. Their armies should in theory be untouched as they got jumped on the way to Dorne, but there's zero remaining named Dornish characters so there's that. I mean in fiction a kingdom has their entire leadership slaughtered and doesn't get involved in the war? Probably not. Hope they're given a part to play.
I personally think they'll want to draw minimal attention to Dorne considering how it flopped. Their armies should in theory be untouched as they got jumped on the way to Dorne, but there's zero remaining named Dornish characters so there's that. I mean in fiction a kingdom has their entire leadership slaughtered and doesn't get involved in the war? Probably not. Hope they're given a part to play.

Have I missed something? As I said in my last post, unless I've forgotten something, Ellaria Sand is sat in a cell somewhere in King's Landing. Given how much GoT likes killing people off, I'd have though that they'd have they'd have bumped her off in the episode in which Cersei poisoned Tyene unless she was going to have a further role to play.

There's going to have to be some sort of deus ex machina employed (along the lines of the BoTB) to bring the story to the promised bitter sweet conclusion. It's hard to see the three men and a dog left back in the Iron Islands toppling the Golden Company et al and I'm struggling to see where else the cavalry coming over the hill is going to come from. Time for Varys to get his rolodex out! He's been very quiet of late, but I suppose that's understandable given the focus of the first three episodes. On the other hand, maybe we'll have two and a half episodes of incest / pirate sex, Clegane Bowl happening somewhere in no man's land followed by Maester Pycelle forgetting where he is and accidentally flicking his tab end into the wildfire stores!

Edit: fair point about that the show runners would be keen to forget all about Dorne given the panning that the episodes it was involved in received.

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