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Game of Thrones Discussion [SPOILERS]

Cercei does know that dany only has 2 dragons now and suspects something must have happened and they brought a walker back so she knows theyve been beyond the wall, shes not stupid and she will know if the dead win they will come south and turn ALL things dragons included so maybe she has dragon glass arrows made incase of that.

Just a theory.

Oh I think there's a pretty good case to be made that Cersei is stupid...or at least not as smart as she thinks she is. More so the second, in fact I think it's a defining character trait. She thinks she's Tywin but is nowhere close really.

Also I think the only known obsidian mine is on Dragonstone so she doesn't really have a source. Normal weapons can still stop a wight and fire kill it. Also probably a good chance there's at least one Valayrian steel weapon in Kings Landing.

Winds of Winter preview chapter spoiler
Euron at least potentially has an entire set of armour made out of it but doubtful of it being introduced at this stage.
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Thats a point, Can he even be turned? He is already pretty much dead and had no explanation on if he is alive in the way he was or alive on the way of the white walkers.
There's a theory that Jon can't be turned since he's already died.

I don't really buy it but it's food for thought.
Can the Starks even be turned?? Uncle Benjon sure showed us that he has found a way to prevent it from happening. Then there is the fan theory that the Night King is a stark ancestor... With the name of Bran.
Benjen was saved by the children of the Forrest wasn't he? Since they perished in the Hodor episode they won't be around to save the Starks in Winterfell crypt. It remains to be seen by if the NK is a Stark or even Bran. Bran intimated in the last episode that the NK wants to kill him and wipe away his memory. Unless the other fan theory of Bran warging into the NK turns out to be true.
I don't actually buy the theory of the dead Kings of winter being turned in the crypts and slaughtering everyone. I think that the crypts are protected by magic (has to be at least something special about Winterfell) and there's an escape route out of there. I will genuinely break my hole laughing if all these little skeletons from 1000 years ago get up and just start flailing at people.
Aye, I think it's more likely that it's their way inside the walls than the skeletons are gonna get up and start swinging
I always thought only those killed by the White Walkers / their wights were able to be brought back, and everyone north of the Wall just burned their dead as a precaution no matter how they died?

Don't think that's ever been explicitly stated either way, but always assumed that was the case anyway for some reason!

Not buying the idea of the dead Starks smashing out of their crypts shouting "Here's Johnny!" at the women and children down there, but some **** is gonna go down there either way - most likely along the lines of what Olyy said.
Was just reading in today's Times that Battle scene for the next episode is believed to be an hour of the 82 mins, so should more than make up for the lack of acton in the first two episodes. It took 750 people 11 weeks to film; one shoot was 55 straight nights. The director even studied the LOR film to make sure viewers don't suffer from Battle fatigue. Sounds like an epic one.
Makes you appericate the tactical nouse of the Rohan.

Actually used their fortress and stocked up on arrows and oil. The lack of Archers is shocking.

Why have all your army outside of it?

(Had to vent)
Like the episode as a whole.
But damn are the white walkers weak.

Glad Arya killed the knight king.

But still feels off none of the main cast died.
(Except Jorah :(. )

Also Cersai is the main baddie ........
(Dorne will surely have to have a hand in the final battle?)
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Like I definitely enjoyed the episode, but still feel like it needed more?

All the shots of the carnage in the courtyard did make me laugh as despite all the death and destruction... the main cast are somehow all more or less the last ones standing?

Completely agree with Tigs though - **** me the tactics of that battle were dumb :rolleyes: charge all your cavalry head on into the force massively outnumbering you, because it's not like FLANKING WITH CAVALRY IS A F*CKING BASIC MILITARY TACTIC IS IT? Especially if you're planning on trying to hold the larger force outside the walls.

Lose most of your elite disciplined troops outside the walls, when they're probs ideal for holding choke points inside the castle, barely any archers etc?

Again - enjoyed the episode overall just had a lot of moments I wasn't sure on / were massively predictable. Don't even get me started on the dead Starks crashing out the crypts...

That said, as predictable as Arya's clutch play was, it was still straight up awesome. Be interesting to see if that "kill the Night King kill them all" thing will be in the books or not.

Gonna have to rewatch this one again when I'm less tired either way, hoping it'll grow on me a bit more.
Really enjoyed the episode; had a ton of moments where I was screaming at my TV.

On the Dothraki charging in and how stupid of a tactic it was, I don't necessarily think that it was a tactic. The Dothraki have never been the most disciplined of fighters and after Melisandre gave them the flaming weapons they were so pumped that they just went for it. Jorah's expression after they started charging definitely gave the impression of "oh right, I guess we're going now" more than anything else. They were too overconfident/cocky and it bit them in the ass.

And as for those saying they should've remained within the walls, having that many people in such an enclosed area when the NK had a dragon could've been disastrous. Literally could've wiped out the entirety of the armies within seconds.
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Hope the that toby above is right and the Dothraki just went for it as i dont think Jon is that stupid as well as the other warriors but why were they at the front they should be hidden to flank the walkers.

Still as much as it was so obvious that they were all going to survive at the end but im glad they did we need them for the next 3 episodes.

How will they get an army ready to take on Cercei, dorn? Jamie turns his troops against Cercei s9 she only has the golden company? Who else is there?

And we knew it already but damn Arya is a beast!
Emotionally drained after watching that. Words can't describe how unbelievable that episode was. 1 more hour and then watching the one at 9pm.
That was amazing,

Surprised at all of the main squad surviving though - all on the frontlines, all the last men standing...

I thought we'd fo sho lose Greyworm and one of Jaime/Brienne, maybe even Tormund.
I fully thought Arya was going to die after she cracked her head on the wall

RIP in Peace the Mormonts :(

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