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Game of Thrones

Pity the poor ******** who have to wait six years between each book ;)

But yeah, I legitimately can't see any way for the series to not last another decade - George R R Martin is just too slow a writer.

I intend to read the books after the TV series. Right now I'm loving the GoT TV series - but inevidably when you discuss it in a group, one of five people say "well it's good, but the books are better" or "they're deviating from the story" etc and I just think reading the books has ruined their capacity to enjoy the TV series - and I know I'd be the same. Bet George R R Martin is loving the delay.
I intend to read the books after the TV series. Right now I'm loving the GoT TV series - but inevidably when you discuss it in a group, one of five people say "well it's good, but the books are better" or "they're deviating from the story" etc and I just think reading the books has ruined their capacity to enjoy the TV series - and I know I'd be the same. Bet George R R Martin is loving the delay.

Yep, I guess it comes with any book really - the original readers simply don't think the translation compares with the source material. I do much prefer the books to the show, mainly due to things like not liking actors chosen (in the books Joffrey is described as being good looking, princely etc., whereas in the show you can tell he's a little **** from the moment you see him), the acting being poor at times, or awkward (I love Peter Dinklage, but his accent sounds so fake, like someone imitating Bane but with a deep voice), or the show just not being as epic as the books in general. I enjoy the books for their storyline, and for their plot twists/deaths - so after reading the books I don't enjoy the TV show as much because I already know the story, and I already know what reveals are coming up etc., so it loses a lot of it's charm. I'd overlook things such as the acting if I really enjoyed the story lines, but because I know them back to front I don't enjoy them as much as I should. The TV show actually does a very good job of cutting out a lot of excess crap, which is great.

I think that at the end of the day you'll enjoy whichever medium you experience first for this series. Are the books better than the show? I think so. Will you enjoy the books more than the TV show? Probably not, if you see the show first.
I intend to read the books after the TV series. Right now I'm loving the GoT TV series - but inevidably when you discuss it in a group, one of five people say "well it's good, but the books are better" or "they're deviating from the story" etc and I just think reading the books has ruined their capacity to enjoy the TV series - and I know I'd be the same. Bet George R R Martin is loving the delay.

The way I try to deal with this is by viewing them as two seperate entities and enjoying them for what they are.

Still get some slight annoyance about some changes though like Daario Naharris and the Second Sons.
I was completely disappointed with Daario Naharis, looks like a long haired wimpy twat in all honesty From the books I expected him to look at least like a little bit of a badass mo'****er.
With the "Books vs TV Show" thing, I'm the same as BG8, treating them as two different things despite having read all the books. Some things I prefer in the book, others I prefer in the TV Series. For example I like that Gendry seems like he'll be given much more of a role in the story after the stuff in the last episode, always liked his character and a big fan of the actor (Joe Dempsie) from his Skins days.
However, they definitely made the stuff with Sam and the Other a bit anti-climactic in the last episode - sounded like such an accidentally badass moment in the book!
Just watched the latest episode... That was terrible. It was so much better in my head, the way I planned it.
Just watched the latest episode... That was terrible. It was so much better in my head, the way I planned it.

Really it was exactly how I imagined it on a slightly smaller scale and honestly I have no idea why I put myself through that again it was bad enough reading it.
Really it was exactly how I imagined it on a slightly smaller scale and honestly I have no idea why I put myself through that again it was bad enough reading it.

Really? Curious... My vision of it was much different. To each their own!
Ohhh my life, i cannot wait to watch it! **** ewself time!
Jesus Christ - that last episode. Hows about you make me wait two week and then turn my world upside down!
Just watching it now

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Edit: jeeesssuuusss, that was amazing
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Crows before hoes - Jon Snow

Don't hate the flayer, hate the game - Roose Bolton
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/_oNpmSAvpGQ?list=PL7901C8C232406C99" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

good cover of the theme
Spoilers from the show ahead:

Haven't read the books, but I figured out from various places that Robb was going to die and that something big was coming, but god damn, I had no idea it would be so brutal. I just felt destroyed watching it. Catelyn was my favourite character and I feel gutted that she's gone. :( So that was the infamous "red wedding". Godddddd.
All I'm going to say is, if they've split the storyline the way I think they have, there will be plenty to be hopeful for in the next episode.
Also spoilers below (from this weeks episode)

Putting this down here to avoid spoilers: I have an intense hatred for the Freys, and praying a proper grisly end comes their way and soon. ********. Was so devastated when I read that chapter of the book, even found myself hoping theyd change something and Rob would live somehow, but he was butchered yet again :(
Also Im with lynam, I imagined it like that but on a bigger scale, only disappointment being there was no Greatjohn Umber being a drunken badass with arrows sticking out of him like I remember from the book.
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All I'm going to say is, if they've split the storyline the way I think they have, there will be plenty to be hopeful for in the next episode.
Hope so. I need some joy in my life now. :p

Putting this down here to avoid spoilers: I have an intense hatred for the Freys, and praying a proper grisly end comes their way and soon. ********. Was so devastated when I read that chapter of the book, even found myself hoping theyd change something and Rob would live somehow, but he was butchered yet again :(
Also Im with lynam, I imagined it like that but on a bigger scale, only disappointment being there was no Greatjohn Umber being a drunken badass with arrows sticking out of him like I remember from the book.
Walder has gone right to the top of the people I want to die. Hate Joffrey, but really Joffrey's just a spoiled and scared brat that seems to think brutality is an intelligent way of ruling. And Theon... at least Theon recognised the error of his ways. Walder Frey just went and practically destroyed a house because his honour was insulted? F- that. :mad:

All aside, I don't get the few people that seem to want to stop watching the show now. It's episodes like these that make dramas such as GoT as intense as they are. It also makes it unpredictable. As long as Robb/Catelyn stayed alive, the Stark-Lannister war goes on. I have no idea what will dominate the show now, and I love that I don't know.

Quick question: scenes like the "red wedding"... are they more intense to read than they are to watch?
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I'm sure lots of people will be very happy with some of the stuff that goes down next season. Hard to say whether it's more intense to read or watch... Once you know what happens it loses a bit of its impact :p I found this episode very underwhelming, personally.
I watched ep.9 with my wife, and she felt sick watching the wedding incident - maternal instincts and all. Had a tear in her eye and genuinely cranky!

A damn good episode all in all. I haven't read the books so this is all new to me with no inkling of what may come next.

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