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Game of Thrones


Thought the episode was really good, though I too was annoyed at no Greatjon. Anyone else think Robb looked like he was wearing a Batman outfit without the cowl?

Future Spoilers

Also be interesting what happens now since Jeyne and the Blackfish were there and as far as I could tell the Blacksfish also died. Obviously that will change a lot as I think he's about to become very important in the books.
Is there not a spoiler tag?

Test spoiler:
this should now be hidden

Edit. hmm doesn't quite work like it does on other forums.

Future Spoilers

Also be interesting what happens now since Jeyne and the Blackfish were there and as far as I could tell the Blacksfish also died. Obviously that will change a lot as I think he's about to become very important in the books.

Black Fish was ******* in a bush at the time so he seems to have survived, and fact that they killed Rob's wife just puts to bed speculation about a heir.
Black Fish was ******* in a bush at the time so he seems to have survived, and fact that they killed Rob's wife just puts to bed speculation about a heir.

I thought that was the case but then I thought I saw his body. I'm probably wrong as he'd probably be given screentime for his death.

I watched ep.9 with my wife, and she felt sick watching the wedding incident - maternal instincts and all. Had a tear in her eye and genuinely cranky!

A damn good episode all in all. I haven't read the books so this is all new to me with no inkling of what may come next.
No maternal instinct and I had many tears in my eye. :p

I'm a wimp, ok?

Who the frick is Blackfish and should I love him? I did notice that one guy did excuse himself before the doors closed.

Is all this red wedding malarky the changing point where the fans of the books seem to branch out in their favourite characters?

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Blackfish is Catelyn's uncle, the guy who left to take a ****

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Yes love the Blackfish he's a ligind. He's Catelyn' uncle Brynden.

G&G did an article comparing the Super Rugby teams to families of Westeros. Some aren't too bad particulary like the Rebels and Crusaders comparisons.
While George R R Martin seems like an amazing writer (based of the television series) - I can't help but feel he uses several techniques that I employed in my year 5 short stories writing class. "And then...everyone dies"
"Nick, you've still got 120 words left to write to pass the class"
Also it seems for every character thats is killed off 3 more are written in.
People's reaction to the climax of last night.

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/78juOpTM3tE" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Poor sods not reading the books.

Can't wait for the two twists of next season.
What did people think of the finale? Thought it was excellent some fantastic scenes.

Would have liked Coldahands and Donal Noye to be in it because if this show needs anything a one armed blacksmith and a dead guy riding a dead elk are those things.
Thought it was a good episode, but was expecting it to get a bit further through the story/have a bit more drama.
Enjoyed it though, especially the Ramsay Bolton part.
Tyrion and the Hound also badasses.

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As a recent book reader I think it's paced perfectly for the next season

*spolier alert*
s4 ep 1 introduce the Viper, show the fate of lady Starks corpse
S4 ep 2 introduce the crows eye
s4 ep 3 PW, lady stoneheart
s4 ep 6-7 the duel
s4 ep 9 bad time to use a loo

Well that's my guess
Lady Stoneheart isn't in the books until Feast for Crows (well, she's epilogue of SoS), so I can't imagine we'll see her that early in the show. The same goes for the Crow's Eye, unless you literally mean introduce his existence as a character :p Is PW the next wedding?
Yes PW is up next, I'm fairly certain that the iron islands stuff at the start of feast runs parallel to the second half of ASOS because the crows eye is introduced or at least talked about in ASOS because of what happens to Balon. It's feast where we meet the pov of Victarion
The Iron Isles stuff (shown in this episode) and all of the Theon/Bolton's B*stard stuff in the season hasn't happened where I've read up to in A Feast for Crows (yet?).
However I can understand them rearranging to put it in, as otherwise you've got a season with Theon and people would just forget about him :p
The Iron Isles stuff (shown in this episode) and all of the Theon/Bolton's B*stard stuff in the season hasn't happened where I've read up to in A Feast for Crows (yet?).
However I can understand them rearranging to put it in, as otherwise you've got a season with Theon and people would just forget about him :p

Forgot to mention the Iron Isles stuff with Asha/Yara very interesting development.
Yeah when that's dealt with in the books it's in a retrospective style so it makes sense we're getting that filter through now.

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