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Game of Thrones Discussion [SPOILERS]

Just so thought Bran was going to Warg into the NK at the end.
So is that the end of the Night King/White Walker/Wights storyline then?

I know that was an insane battle but it kind of feels a bit anti-climactic to have the thousands of years big bad enemy just killed with a knife to the belly.
I think there is going to be 2 more epic episodes, before the last one wraps it all up. Still more deaths to come of the main characters i think. Never going to kill off The Hound with Cleganebowl guaranteed.

The problem with the NK storyline is it could only go on with him winning in the end; how else do you beat the undead without killing him? They couldn't. Maybe that is the only way to be truly satisfying for some; with him on the Iron throne. 3 more to go and I will hold judgement until I have seen them all and where it fits in and whether it would have been better to have dragged it out until the very end and with him winning or being killed. But the unrelentlessness of the dead stood out for me.
Yeah I think the Bran warging into the crows was the draw the NK in maybe, as he was just chilling up there out of sight?

Watched it again, and definitely enjoyed it a hell of a lot more. Still not convinced on the battle plan, but do kinda get the whole "Dothraki do what Dothraki wanna do" theory leading to them Leroy Jenkinsing into the distance.


That said - Jon hasn't ever shown he's a master tactician in the past either, and he did kinda royally mess up the majority of the Battle of the ******** until the Knights of the Vale came in to help them.

Seen a few people saying the NK will come back somehow as it was kinda "easy", but not convinced myself.
Best not to think too deeply about lack of battle plans. It was the living v the dead. The battle plans go out the window.

Also did Rhaegal die? He crashed to the ground and threw JS off. Did Viserion wound him enough to kill him?
Best not to think too deeply about lack of battle plans. It was the living v the dead. The battle plans go out the window.

Also did Rhaegal die? He crashed to the ground and threw JS off. Did Viserion wound him enough to kill him?

Also true... I have spent a stupid amount of time playing Total War games over the years so maybe that's where the chip on my shoulder is coming from!

As for Rhaegal - I have a feeling he might have survived as we just saw him crash, not die? Basically I imagine if we didn't see someone actually die, they're ok?

That said I did initially think Viserion rocking up inside the castle at the end was re-animated Rhaegal - the visual effects around that scene were bloody amazing, withe the fire flying out of his messed up neck / mouth.
Well that was a pretty frantic episode although I do find the ending kinda anti-climactic. I had been expecting the night king to stay out of the fight and avoid the trap allowing the army of the dead to be defeated and the living army to retreat without it fully ending that story arc.

I think Cersei is going to go even more ***** mode, hoping to immediately exploit the weakened state of everyone else to further her own aims. Personally I see Jamie finally hating her for the ***** she is and killing her. I also see Daenerys eventually turning into a full blown tyrant to try to keep the throne from Jon Snow. Slowly through the series she has shown less regard for the suffering she causes to achieve her aims and has become more power hungry, a parallel with Cersei and the direct opposite with all the "good" characters who have shunned power in favour of the greater good.
Joffrey had more impact on the plot than the ancient evil Night King. Did not rate that resolution at all. They did a really good job of showing how hopeless the fight against the dead was from the off, but ending it like that was just cheap in my opinion. Really dark episode. I don't mean tonally, it was just hard to see. If that's it for the White Walkers I don't think I'll look back kindly on this series.
Seeing this and Endgame within 24hrs is weird. Not quite sure how to feel. Was incredible in a lot of ways but also anticlimactic.

The tactics displayed in the show have had plenty of clangers anyway (not that they are alone in this by any means at all and it's actually better than a lot of other TV and film) so wpuwould get to bogged down with that.
"Lets have our cavalry charge into the night for no reason at all and all die straight away, instead of just flying our dragons over and BBQing as many as we can before they get to us, thus lighting up the battlefield for our troops"
"Lets leave arguably the most necessary troops in the war against Cersi outside to die" Rip unsullied
Writers suddenly decide to make Arya have a destiny.
Jon is literally the dumbest person on the show.
Worlds biggest threat gets spudded in one night at Winterfell.
Jorah dies without even getting a proper kiss or a "Thanks mate"
House Mormont = House Destroyed
Brienne, Podrick, Sam, Tormund should have all died to give it a better sacrifice feel.

Sansa and Tyrion should have committed suicide in the crypt holding hands, would have been a good end for their character arc, and been even more heartbreaking when the Arya hit the offswitch on the dead moments later.

Bran should have just stood up and shanked the Night King, woulda been hilarious if he could walk this entire time.

Would have been great if the Night King got shanked and then another WW just stepped forward meaning they were ******.
Looking back on it this was never really about the NK because he was never interested in the Iron Throne; just to wipe out mankind and their memory through Bran. The White Walkers were a big distraction. Whether plot wise needed or not.

Back to the Game of Thrones and the human side in the next 3. Maybe a good thing otherwise it just turns into another walking dead type the dead endlessly killing. I personally was expecting the NK to win last night's battle and Dany and John on one of the surviving dragons to save a handful of survivors.

I think GOT has gotten so hyped now that it is now never going to please and can now only disappoint. It may just end predictably with good overcoming evil. And this will not please those wanting and expecting a cruel twist. I think I am ready for both. Invested too much in this now. Whatever ending I hope it is in keeping with the series.
Well I enjoyed that episode immensely. It kinda had the same feeling like the return of the king from LOTR. And perhaps there is something to be linked with that and the way Arya killed the Night King as she's a woman, just like Eowyn killed one of those Witch Kings and saying "I am no man".

But I didn't expect Arya being the hero of the episode.

Also I read that Ghost and Rhaegal is still alive, and that only Viserion died.

I think this episode warranted the end of the white walkers. Yes they were an integral part of the whole series, but it was always going to be the battle before the battle for the iron throne.

The Red Woman frustrated me. She needs to learn about braai. We know how to start a fire, even when it's wet and cold.
The thing is we now have to go back to the political intrigue side of things, which was severely neglected and generally weak in the last few seasons. We were told that who sat on the Iron Throne didn't matter in the face of the army of the dead and then they're resolved in one episode? You're telling me that it turns out the Night King was just a plot tool to flip the balance of the war with Cersei against Dany after 8 seasons of buildup, taking only a handful of disposable characters with him? Colour me unimpressed. I really hope there's more to this plotline and Bran has some ulterior motive at least, because Cersei's character has been explored in extreme detail at this stage. I can't make myself care about who sits on the Iron Throne now. Just seems to pale in significance compared to the WW thing for me, but that's always what I've been interested in.
The thing is we now have to go back to the political intrigue side of things, which was severely neglected and generally weak in the last few seasons. We were told that who sat on the Iron Throne didn't matter in the face of the army of the dead and then they're resolved in one episode? You're telling me that it turns out the Night King was just a plot tool to flip the balance of the war with Cersei against Dany after 8 seasons of buildup, taking only a handful of disposable characters with him? Colour me unimpressed. I really hope there's more to this plotline and Bran has some ulterior motive at least, because Cersei's character has been explored in extreme detail at this stage. I can't make myself care about who sits on the Iron Throne now. Just seems to pale in significance compared to the WW thing for me, but that's always what I've been interested in.

Surely Aunty Dani and Aegon will have a tiff now... I think in the end neither Cersei nor Dany will be sitting on the throne, unless Dani goes and kill her nephew.

Also, I'm patiently waiting to see Bron, Tyrion and Jaime's reunion. And whether Tyrion will double the fee Cersei said she would pay him to kill her 2 brothers.
Ultimately the NK and WW was a device to unite several warring factions. Something needed to be bigger than all of them and the throne (excluding Cersei of course) to unite them. I expect they will splinter back now that the NK/WW is over.

As for the too dark criticism. I just drew the curtains and made sure I was in a dark room so no glare and turned up the brightness on my iPad. Didn't have any problems personally. I could see after 5 mins of watching it in my extension that watching it with glare and it being so dark would drive me mad.

It was a legitimate criticism and can see why it was frustrating for some but you could also argue that it was called the battle of the long night. The darkness added to the mayhem of the battle. However, maybe it's something they can rectify when they release the blu ray and digital download versions.
Surely Aunty Dani and Aegon will have a tiff now... I think in the end neither Cersei nor Dany will be sitting on the throne, unless Dani goes and kill her nephew.

Also, I'm patiently waiting to see Bron, Tyrion and Jaime's reunion. And whether Tyrion will double the fee Cersei said she would pay him to kill her 2 brothers.

You meant Bronn right?
Best not to think too deeply about lack of battle plans. It was the living v the dead. The battle plans go out the window.

Also did Rhaegal die? He crashed to the ground and threw JS off. Did Viserion wound him enough to kill him?
Rhaegal (and Ghost :D ) both confirmed as alive by next week's preview.
Ultimately the NK and WW was a device to unite several warring factions. Something needed to be bigger than all of them and the throne (excluding Cersei of course) to unite them. I expect they will splinter back now that the NK/WW is over.
So what you're saying is Bran is Dr Manhatten from Watchmen?

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