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England v New Zealand - 2 November 2024

I've also seen him referred to as 'injured', so one way or another I hope he's OK.
As someone with a broken brain - describing a... lapse... as an injury would be 100% justifiable, 100% understandable, and TBH pretty damned accurate as well

Yeah, which proves my point he's a liability and I don't get why he's picked still.
Do you apply the same to players managing physical injuries?
As someone with a broken brain - describing a... lapse... as an injury would be 100% justifiable, 100% understandable, and TBH pretty damned accurate as well

Do you apply the same to players managing physical injuries?
No, because physical injuries are part and parcel of the game and being a pro athlete. Going on Twitter and saying some insensitive stuff isn't.
I guess they're not going to come out and admit it if it did play a role in his/their decision for him to leave. Better to keep it vague. Either way he's a bit of a tool isn't he. Don't know why they still put up with him.
He went home before he tweeted
As someone with a broken brain - describing a... lapse... as an injury would be 100% justifiable, 100% understandable, and TBH pretty damned accurate as well

Do you apply the same to players managing physical injuries?
I would add, though, that if some dude was a sick note and was made out of polystyrene and got injured all the time they would be a liability as well so in that sense I would treat them the same though, as I said earlier, I'd certainly be more forgiving of repeated physical injuries than I would repeated mental outbursts, whether related to a genuine mental problem or not.
X users (I'm not one) correct me if I'm wrong but the screen shots I've seen suggested he said it should be binned in one post and then followed up in a separate post about being tedious if unchallenged.

I can see why the first would provoke some and many, including me, would agree with the second.
Technically yes, but it was a "thread", so both posts were linked together and would appear together in people's timelines
Essentially two paragraphs rather than a post then something separate a day later
If I could link this back to the politics thread where we discussed things around this type of thing from a British empire point of view, I do find it funny, for lack of a better word, that the overriding feeling you get on here (and to be fair this marries up with most English rugby fans views I meet in real life) is oh look they think they're so special, get it in the bin, it's a joke, it's not fair blah blah blah when we're talking about a colonised people who most people accept we should do things to let the. embrace and express their culture or things that are important and traditional to them. I find the English push back so tedious and boring as well as insensitive coming from descendants of people who murdered these people and who would have ridiculed the same things that people are ridiculing now. How times change.

Anyway, it's done their team talk for them and I hope they absolutely smash you. But I would've hoped for that without this noise.
In terms of Rugby. Yes
But we're talking about culture. It's part of their tradition and history is it not. I mean, even from a rugby sense it's been going for longer than we've had world cups FFS. By rugby terms that a pretty long time.

England fans don't like it because…… actually I don't really know why.
We're talking about world rugby banning a proper response, actually

Spinning this into Marler being a racist colonist because he...liked the rugby league test the other day is wild
This does feel like 'I don't like him, therefore he is super evil'.

Anyway, seems as though it isn't mental health related - given his history I imagine it something along the lines of not liking being away from family, but we'll never know.

We're talking about world rugby banning a proper response, actually

Spinning this into Marler being a racist colonialist because he...liked the England vs Samoa rugby league test the other day is wild
I'm not saying he's racist. The word I have been using is insensitive.

We've clarified he made 2 comments the first 2 were apparently it's ridiculous and needs binning off.
I do find it funny that you look at the twitter and Reddit threads and the Kiwis, for the most part, are agreeing that it should be nose to nose again - the angry responses are overwhelmingly South African, Scottish and Welsh fans
Teams should be allowed to respond.

If your going to bin the haka, you have to apply the same to Tonga, Samoa and Fiji.

Doesn't bother me tbh rugby has far more serious issues.
I think the kiwis like it when you front up to it. It's accepting the challenge and it's a sign of respect (as long as you're not doing disrespect verbals or what have you)

Slagging it off on social media before the game is not fronting up to it. It's just ******** on another countries culture. But I think he realised this which is probably why he made the second comment about it's ok as long as people front up to it.
I do find it funny that you look at the twitter and Reddit threads and the Kiwis, for the most part, are agreeing that it should be nose to nose again - the angry responses are overwhelmingly South African, Scottish and Welsh fans
I don't know if you're talking about me but I like that, as I've just said, I think the kiwis like that as well. But I don't think they like verbals on social media prior to the game. I think they probably find that a bit disrespectful
I don't think calling to bin it from World Rugby is insensitive either, it's not part of a match and wouldn't be a part of the game but for the eyes it gets on it. Soccer don't allow it and no one bats an eye. And it's not like Marler is saying that Maoris the world over shouldn't be allowed to do a haka.

Forming this opinion right now, having never really tgought about it before, but I think it should be the home teams call as to whether it goes ahead and it shouldn't be part of world cup games or future neutral fixtures if they exist in the world league yoke.

Pie in the sky stuff but I think its a nonsense that opposition teams have to consider haka or equivalent in a week leading up to a game against a handful of specific teams.

Equally, I think this was stupid from Marler. Can't see his teammates thanking him for giving NZ some extra fuel.

Edit: Sums up my disinterest in the "spectacle".


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