Peat, although reading through your posts I often agree with you, not sure I totally do on this one. England haven't just had one game. Oddly they've played in a way pretty much mirroring their opposition in each of the last 4 matches - they've just somehow managed to beat what's put in front of them each time. Do you really think they played the same game against the ABs as they did, or even tried to do, against Ireland? Or were as frantic (guess that's the right word) against Scotland as they were against France? No they aren't the finished article - far from it, but they are moving forwards, they are far from just being England, or however Yoe wants to put it.
Regarding athletes (or I guess you mean kind of stars - all these guys are athletes these days) I'm not sure that's the only way forward. I'm not harking back to 2003 saying they're that good, but it makes an interesting comparison. Where I personally think we're a tad behind that particular 'high point' is really in the back 3 but that's about it. The guys we've got are far from 'weak links' in the chain, but I'm not sure they have the all round game that combines defence AND attack that the likes of Ben Cohen (in his day) Jason Robinson and Josh Lewsey had. I think the forwards are pretty good now (when they play in their correct positions - Lawes is a far better lock than flanker). In the back row I'd like to see Tom Croft back in the fray as his work rate is awsome (and he really is an athlete) but I think we've got a fairly useful open side at the moment. Oposition teams seem to be rating Ben Morgan pretty highly - they're not tackling him too successfully anyway. The scrum halves aren't bad and can completely hold their own, seen some good brakes, not bad delivery at times and invariably taking out the opposing 8 if he picks up. We've got a few decent 10s, debatable if the best is on the park but he's not half bad and his hits in defence are a bonus. Centres, no we haven't quite found a 'Greenwood' with the rugby brain to put those outside him in space but in Manu you frankly don't need to. Did anyone else notice him blast through Bastareaud on more than one occasion. If you're looking for an 'athlete' look no further. As a team they're pretty good but as individuals they're not too shabby either.
I think the only place that England differ from some other teams is that they build based on a strong defence and move on from there, they're also out thinking the opposition. Barritt is a strong part of that ideal. It's not a bad way of building a rugby team, it seems to be working so far anyway.
My only regret is that PSA did not put in place that team since the beginning of the 6N as everybody was expecting. We may have got at least one victory.
And then, when he did and it looked like coming together, he took it off again. I'm no rugby Guru but he had me completely baffled tbh.
The difference is that you can lose to a team because they were better while not being utterly shite yourself or lose because you are utterly shite. I think, and this is a generalisation of course, that English rugby fans spent too much of the period when we were being spanked by all comers bemoaning coaching, form etc without admitting that other teams were simply better than us.
m.....myth ?!
Oh yes yes, so the French are inconsistent and unpredictable, the Celts are hot-blooded, bu the English are just ordinary people with no particular trait besides their obvious qualities. Right, mm hmm. Their arrogance is but a myth, mmmmyes...
:lol: get ouuuuuuuutta here !!!
Yup. We're not arrogant we're just better than you