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A Political Thread

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The slow train crash that is the Demcrats is glorious to watch. That slow crash seems to be moving to the worst possible scenario for the party: Bernie Sanders becoming the presidential nominee.

I'm a big advocate for ruling parties, like the Republicans, needing a healthy counter balance but the morally bankrupt Demcrats are proving themselves not fit for the role. They are reaping what they have sown.

Really? You call the democratsa train wreck after we have seen what the trump administration is like and call them morally bankrupt for the same reason...

The trump administration is one of the most morally bankrupt, lying, selfish and chaotic administrations there has been, those cannot realistically be used as arguments against the democrats
people were saying the same thing about republicans losing the plot when they nominated trump. Whenever you see a train wreck coming remember a large amount of people see a train about to bust through a mountain.
Mayor Pete has dropped out of the race

Feel like the US elections are going to play out just like the UK
Bernie with the massive grassroots support but trashed by the media/"his" own party (I know he's been an independent most of his career but he's a dem for the election) so much that centrists/undecided people will never go for him and Trump wins comfortably because the right unite behind whoever's in charge

I suppose there's also the chance that Biden wins the nom, which just feels crazy
Honestly in the states that matter if they couldn't bring themselves to vote for Clinton I don't see how you win those people over with Sanders.

Its a shame in some way AOC is too young and can't run for at least another 2 elections I think but I can't help but feel the Democrats need a breakthrough candidate they can really rally behind and there is too much tearing up thier own young.

At least in this country it looks like Starmer will win the Labour leadership and we can possibly have functioning opposition against this trash.
I really like AOC but think she's too polarising - the hate towards her is insane.
As you said, though - she's still young. Years of consistency in her work could see people come around to her as they realise that she's got the right ideas.
I really like AOC but think she's too polarising - the hate towards her is insane.
As you said, though - she's still young. Years of consistency in her work could see people come around to her as they realise that she's got the right ideas.
But will that ever be enough to overcome her obstacles of being a female of colour who speaks her mind? That is a MASSIVE hurdle in American politics :(
But will that ever be enough to overcome her obstacles of being a female of colour who speaks her mind? That is a MASSIVE hurdle in American politics :(
You're also forgetting she used to be a bartender - that somehow overrules that she's also highly educated and has been involved in politics since she was at college interning

Crazy how many people try and throw that at her while also going on about draining the swamp and how Donald "small loan of a million dollars" Trump is a man of the people
I appreciate the LD's are equally culpable for a stupidly long drawn out leadership contest which I suspect is partially due to wanting some media limelight after Labour finishes theirs and also I suspect Davey wanting to present his case as interim leader in the meantime. Also will avoid council elections in May which...

But this is real impact of having no real opposition ATM in terms of elections. https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-politics-51709639

So the new leader gets elected begining of April, faces a ***anic battle out the gate and will likely get smashed. Whole process could of been done by now.
Once Pete and Amy left and endorsed Biden which united the moderates, but Warren stayed in the race which still divided the "progressives" Super Tuesday was always going to be a given for Biden. It was a pretty calculated move by the DNC timed well.

I struggle to see how Biden will be able to beat Trump but we will see.

But Biden is worst than Hilary when it comes to things he can be targeted on, and unlike Hilary I don't see Biden holding his own in debates.

We will see though.
Biden does have one thing on his side over Clinton, he's a dude and will get away with a lot more. Which shouldn't count but does.
There are some places that Bernie could have won if Warren was not running when you consider she is more left then central.

Almost $1m has been spent on political adverts attacking Bernie Sanders by a group not legally required to reveal its donors, it has been reported.

In a development that will be of intense concern to the 78-year-old Vermont senator and his supporters, it was reported that the so-called political action committee Big Tent Project Fund, had spent $868,000 on digital ads.

cant wait for establishment democrats to be surprised when all the people that said they'd only vote for bernie don't vote for Biden.
cant wait for establishment democrats to be surprised when all the people that said they'd only vote for bernie don't vote for Biden.
Those people need a kicking though same as vice-versa and they exist as well.
cant wait for establishment democrats to be surprised when all the people that said they'd only vote for bernie don't vote for Biden.

It shows up massive flaws in representative democracy* and the focusing of too much power around the president in the US system.

Is it reasonable to expect the nuances of public opinion on all matters under the sun to be whittled down to be embodied within one person?

*what if you are socially liberal and fiscally conservative in the US? Who do you vote for?
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