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A Political Thread

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I don't think Putin cares about having any credible deniability anymore. He is head of a Kleptocratic state and has the codes to the nuclear arsenal as his handy joker card. His billions are held by all his Oligarchs who invest his money worldwide and he calls upon them or gets rid of them at will if they cross him.

Allowing those two goons who poisoned the Skripals to appear on RT shows he doesn't take credible deniability seriously at all.

Extending his terms as President of Russia to 2036 and beyond shows he never has any intention of relinquishing power.

And so long as he does no country can touch him. He'll be indirectly interfering in the US election this November to get Trump re-elected again I am sure.
Trumps disapproval has been dropping and his approval rising in the last few weeks... I don't understand Americans. He has gone all out admitting he is trying to screw the election, more corruption being revealed than ever before, utterly losing the plot and he is getting more support as a result!?
Does he think he has credible deniability? Or is he more like Cummings, where he's untouchable and doesn't give a flying f*** whether anyone finds his denials credible? Or possibly even more like Trump ( :eek: ) where he knows that he can say / do whatever he likes and his supporters will perform whatever doublethink is required to consider it reasonable.
I would say the second option: he just doesn't care. He's not like Trump, he's much more smart and dangerous, plus he knows how to "be charming" : how to speak "correctly", how to make ordinary people like him. Difficult to explain it for foreigners. Plus,we don't have a "normal opposition" to be honest, that's why he has still enough supporters in Russia. The rest of our government/politicians is what we call "the circus is gone but clowns are still here", so people choose "the lesser evil".
Had to google who Cummings is. :oops:Cummings is really that bad?
I see Kellyanne Conway has jumped from the sinking ship.
Had to google who Cummings is. :oops:Cummings is really that bad?

yes he is bad and he's not even elected, just an advisor. Got away with breaking lock down rules because Bojo needs him for Brexit trade deal and ensure his legacy isn't tainted by Covid, which it is.

His excuse was pathetic and insulting to those who died from Covid and could not see their loved ones who died during lockdown. Drove 270 miles because he and his wife had Covid and no one to look after his son. But still found time during this time to drive to a castle with them to supposedly "test his eyesight" for the long drive back to London.

It's so draining following the news out of America/seeing the mental gymnastics of the right wing to justify so much death.
I can't imagine what it's like to be an American/a POC in America.
The country had completely lost the plot, trump and the republicans are just in the process of non stop lying and fear mongering. It's actually sickening how far they have fallen. If people ever wonder how the Nazis got into power look no further than trump's America.
November is going to be carnage - either you get the nutjobs emboldened by 4 more years, or you get the nutjobs taking to the streets full of murderous rage because they've been told by the literal President that the only way he will lose is if the Democrats cheat/defraud the election.

It's like let's take every single right wing fear mongering, ramp it to 11 and smash it all together. I genuinely worry about the sanity in that country if anyone can listen to all that and actually believe it.
Well kids are back at school now thank god. They seem much better for it and my youngest was really happy to get a video message from Boris but she finds it funny when I put my hand under my armpit and make fart noises so she's easily pleased.

and no surprise here. :rolleyes:

Oh, I don't know, I don't know! Judging by our medical tests, there was no poisoning there! We sent to Germany a healthy person!! For sure, he was poisoned somewhere there,just after his transportation!!!

Next step will be to ask Germans why did they poison our opposition, I bet :rolleyes:
Although,was talking to my friends about it today and they all think that wasn't Putin, "it was too simple for him"
Peskov's reaction - that's something...

Russia now fired their head of the anti-doping agency, who had been brought in to clean up Russian sport. Apparently "irregularities" have been found by the Russian authorities. He also tweeted that he in no way felt suicidal as his 2 predecessors had died in quick succession. Russia is a sick ******* joke.
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