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A Political Thread

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Back in the day....A levels were pretty much all tested on the back of 2 3hr exam papers. Mocks, at my school anyway, likewise. Course work that counted towards the final grades was pretty much non existent and totally non existent in the subjects I sat. What's the balance now?

The Govt have not covered themselves in glory but it's pretty much an impossible position.

It's not ideal but why was this not covered much earlier? Have they been working on the assumption that everyone would be back in school and doing their exams until the last minute with no contingency planning? It wouldn't be the first time we've barrelled into a problem because some people don't seem to like the idea of preparing for things going wrong, too much "project fear" for their liking.
"It is not despair, for despair is only for those who see the end beyond all doubt. We do not."

Today is a dark day for education across England, Scotland and Wales. An absolute shambles, with young adults futures being messed with. Witnessed it first hand today.

"US calls for shower rules to be eased after Trump hair complaints"

You couldn't make it up... Kudos to the guy at the BBC who chose the picture for the article though. Just shows how little respect Trump has around the world.

"US calls for shower rules to be eased after Trump hair complaints"

You couldn't make it up... Kudos to the guy at the BBC who chose the picture for the article though. Just shows how little respect Trump has around the world.

Surreal. I bet all the grieving families and newly unemployed people in his country will agree with his sense of priority.

Bravo for S.V. Dáte. Round of *Applause*. Just a shame the second journalist who Trump went to next after totally ignoring the question didn't just say "no I'd like to hear the answer to my colleague's question." And so on until he answered it.
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Michael Cohen releases excerpt and cover on Trump tell-all book: 'I know where all the skeletons are buried'
President Trump's former personal attorney Michael Cohen previewed a cover and a foreword from his upcoming book ***led Disloyal, A Memoir. The excerpt from the tell-all book alleges Russian collusion and claims to be the "book the President of the United States does not want you to read."

Didn't think the government could look more incompetent, then exam results came out.
Just one of a number of U turns this government has done. And surprise surprise it's Frank Spencer of this Government overseeing the latest fiasco and trying to shift the blame to Ofqual.
The fact that he can even try to justify the algorithm as fair when it used how the school had performed historically is ridiculous. How students predicted A's, who got A's at GCSE and A's in their mocks ended up with C's or even lower because of their school shows just how unfair it is. On top not a single student at Eton was downgraded along with many independent schools.
It also doesn't help these predicted grades went under a far more rigorous process before being submitted than anything you or I went through. Mainly because teachers knew they'd be under scrutiny and needed to make sure they were right and fair.
And the scapegoating comtinues. Let's scrap PHE to make it look like they were incompetent, that should do it.

But it's all okay - we've set up an entirey new body, in 48 hours, headed by someone who's only qualification is to be married to the tory MP who suggested ditching PHE.

Have we had enough yet?

How can he say someone else is being divisive with a straight face?

Remember when Trump gassed all those protestors so he could walk to the church and hold up a bible?:rolleyes:
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