It beggars belief that this guy is POTUS and if he gets re-elected in November? It's just not worth thinking about.![]()
You can make a very loose case for saying that in 2016 Americans didn't fully realise what they were voting for. Now there is absolutely no excuse.
I was watching a video where they mentioned Texas had slowly been getting more blue, even with voter suppression. If the blue voters are motivated enough, Texas could swing and that would be the end of trump pretty much regardless of whatever happens elsewhere. By extension it could be the end of the republican party as it is due to the demographic shift making that switch more permanent. Ultimately the core republican base is shrinking as a proportion of the total population and at some point the republicans are going to have to move away from only catering to the Confederate lovers.
Over-40s in UK to pay more tax under plans to fix social care crisis
Exclusive: Matt Hancock is advocate of plan to raise tax to cover cost of care in later
Over-40s in UK to pay more tax under plans to fix social care crisis
Exclusive: Matt Hancock is advocate of plan to raise tax to cover cost of care in later
On the face of it this is an idea I think actually seems sound. Over 40's are generally the most financially stable segment of society whilst still being far enough from retirement to have a long contribution period. Ultimately the argument will be made that the older generation are being punished but that money needs to come from somewhere. In an aging demographic the burden must be shouldered by those who work and the youngest already shoulder a disproportionate burden compared to their earnings. The younger generation will then pay for it too when they reach that age.
yeh, it's an issue that's got to be dealt with and paid for eventually. T. May completely messed up the messaging back in 2017 and frightened the life out of pensioners, the one group that come out and vote and mostly Tory. Just means those heading to 40 or are passed 40 atm have to be aware that once they hit this age their tax bills will increase probably via an increase in NIC charges, I suspect. That would affect employed and self-employed, who currently pay less NIC than employees.
Taxes are too low in this country anyway, and I'm in favour of higher taxes to pay for better social care - so on the face of it, I think it's a good idea.
However, the devil's in the details - and this government hasn't exactly earned any trust in that; and will probably just use the greater tax take and funnel to themselves and their mates, with any improvement in actual social care being almost accidental.
Just been looking at the 2nd round of self-employed support scheme...
It covers 3 months from July 14th (so too soon to tell for sure just yet, but then, not open for applications until August 18th anyway)
So the first round covered March, April, May; and the second covers Mid-July to mid-October
Nothing at all covers 6 weeks from beginning of June through to mid July - presumably explicity so that those businesses like hair dressers, massage therapists, restaurants etc don't get to claim for the missing 6 weeks (assuming their business returned to normal on opening - a fair assumption for hairdressers for example). Of course, they'd still have had the 6 weeks of overheads, but hey, nevermind.
Now, I do think that the 70% is probably more generous than it needs to be (assuming no second wave) - but it looks like I'll be applying. My takings for the last 2 weeks (since Ali was allowed back) are down around 50% of normal (outgoings are higher in order to buy PPE, and the sheer quantity of cleaning products). Partly having to allow extra time between patients for cleaning and aeration, and partly as a decent proportion of the patient base sipmly aren't leaving the house yet.
What time period is covered?
The first grant is available to businesses adversely affected up to 13 July 2020, and the second grant is available to businesses affected after 13 July 2020.
The view that the first grant relates to March to May 2020, as mentioned in the original announcement by the Chancellor, has persisted although this aspect of the policy had been dropped by the time the direction was published on 30 April.
HMRC has confirmed to the Tax Faculty, that in relation to the periods covered by SEISS:
- The SEISS grants do not relate to any particular periods or seek to replace lost income over a particular period.
- SEISS is not intended to provide a month-by-month replacement of income.
- SEISS provides a lump sum payment to support eligible self-employed individuals whose businesses have been adversely affected by coronavirus. The sum is calculated by reference to three months' average trading profits.
- Individuals can receive the full grant under the SEISS while continuing to work as long as their businesses have been adversely affected at the date of claim.