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Well worth 10mins of your time to watch this and see just how incompetently the Tories have handled Coronavirus.

If this independent enquiry happens (I'm sceptical, as Johnson was the one to announce it) then a lot of these fuckers should be banged up.
Criminal negligence and incompetence that has led to tens of thousands of deaths.

And that's just a very basic overview. You go into detail and it will look far worse. James O'Brian on LBC made a very good point. How insulting is it that we still have the Prime Minister talking about the UK's virus response being a success even now? The fact that he can continue to say with a straight face is appalling.
The Tories are at it again.

Don't worry though, they're definitely not going to sell off the NHS (I mean they haven't been doing that behind the scenes for years......) so they definitely don't need a law preventing them from doing that. They're very trustworthy and you can believe everything they've said!
The Russia report looking like juicy one

Obviously not formally released yet but looks like Russia has helped the SNP and Labour but that there was no Brexit interference.

Would like to see what else is in there, but it doesn't seem to be the grand conspiracy that a lot of people thought it was!
Obviously not formally released yet but looks like Russia has helped the SNP and Labour but that there was no Brexit interference.

This sounds a bit...convenient. The tory media leak details early saying that they're innocent but everyone else colluded - give social media enough time to work themselves into a frenzy before the report is released so they can just ignore the rest of it because the narrative has already been set.

If you ever wanted a better example of crashing and burning in an interview then you would struggle to beat this. My god this child is pathetic. How can any Trump supporters remaining look at that and not cringe at best? Probably the worst part is the people in the comments who still support Trump. These people are utterly retarded and literally have no capacity to realise what is reality any more.
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My problem is if the report absolves the Tories why the hell were they withholding it? I'm inclined to go with Olyy
174 redactions, and it turns out they didn't even look at Russian interference into Brexit - just recommended that the UK intelligence agencies investigate it. Which they won't.

There has been credible open source commentary suggesting that Russia undertook influence campaigns in relation to the Scottish independence referendum in 2014. 44 However, at the time [redacted]. It appears that [redacted] what some commentators have described as potentially the first post-Soviet Russian interference in a Western democratic process. We note that – almost five years on – [redacted].
So that's going to be the big story Brexit wasn't even looked into not that they didn't find anything.
Turns out that this isn't even the full report - they've cut it way down because the amount of redactions makes it unreadable in it's full state.

There's a link if anyone wants it.

General run down seems to be that the only thing they know is that there was interference in 2014 indyref but that there is no evidence of anything else (important to note that they say that government didn't show them any evidence so that's why they couldn't find any).

Whole broadcast seems very pointless ngl, basically just the SNP and Labour saying they don't know anything over and over again but that it's not their fault because the gov didn't tell them anything...

The house of lords point could potentially be important!
"The report reveals that no one in government knew if Russia interfered in or sought to influence the [Brexit] referendum because they did not want to know"

Stewart Hosie MP says government "actively avoided looking for evidence that Russia interfered"
Basically the real story here is what they chose not to investigate rather than what they did.
Also, Bojo sitting on the report since October. The report confirms my worst fears, that this Government will turn a blind eye to interference from Russia when it suits them. Russia will no doubt deny this and say no evidence etc. etc. But it really is the UK Government response to this or severe lack of it, which is totally unacceptable. We now have Covid mess to clear up, Russia/Putin interfering covertly to undermine our democracy and a trade war/political crisis with China/CCP. That and getting a deal with the EU on trade by 31 December. You couldn't make this **** up if you tried to.
That's horrible, didn't know our government interferes in your politics :confused: for all that they have money,but not for their own citizens :confused:
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