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Shame on me? Lol. Why have you forsaken me o'righteous one?!

You have an amazing ability to not reply to the contents of my posts (including the one before). Try again.

Ah Touché then you too choose not to reply to the contents of my post. Just pick and choose what you want to reply to. And using a typical Trump troll tactic of attacking the source of the guardian, by deflecting to another story on climate change. That is irrelevant to the so called "Obamagate" accusation. But yes, just attack the source and therefore for you the contents of my link should not be relied on in your own mind.

I posted up the Trevor Noah interview because it was just making a point - a South Africa of mixed heritage (Swiss father and black mother) who has gone to live and work in the USA and can see the divisions that Trump is exploiting from his own experiences of apartheid. If you can't see that then that is your problem. A hypocrite like you supporting South African rugby team; celebrating their success and not getting what they stand for when they do win the world cup - that is ironic:rolleyes:.

Trump is a racist against black people and especially against the only black POTUS in history- there is plenty of EVIDENCE do I really have to list is out to you? Making up a conspiracy theory of Obama's birth certificate and saying he was not born in the USA and this baseless claim about "Obamagate." His attempts to tear down every policy that Obama created in his terms as POTUS etc.etc.etc. Even blaming him for the "empty cupboards" on predecessor, when he's been POTUS for 3 and half years. You only have to go back to him stirring up and demanding the death penalty for the central park five, even though they turned out to be innocent. His treatment of black female reporters and denigrating their legitimate questions.

But trying to engage with Trump supporters like you is just hilarious because you accuse anyone who challenges you with exactly the thing you're guilty of:rolleyes:.

The responses are typical : derision to any response or any evidence presented is just "fake news" the very gutter politics and tactics you accuse me of. :confused: So there is no way any evidence presented to you can be accepted.
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Shame on me? Lol. Why have you forsaken me o'righteous one?!

You have an amazing ability to not reply to the contents of my posts (including the one before). Try again.

Like you ignored the numerous posts of the **** Trump was doing and only swanned back on when you deluded yourself into thinking Obamagate was a thing? ******* hypocrite.

Are you going to address him removing 4 attorneys general in as many weeks?
Are you going to address that Obamagate is conveniently left undefined?
Are you going to address that Flyyn plead guilty to the charges??
That McConnell lies about the pandemic guidance left behind?
That Trump shut down the various things Obama put in place to deal with a pandemic?
That McConnell wanted to use a national crisis to bankrupt blue states that were struggling?
That Trump suggested injecting disinfectant and shining light in your body?
That Trump is STILL saying hydroxychloroquine should be used and that he uses it?
That Trump was an ardent pusher of birtherism?
That Trump STILL hasn't released his tax returns with his excuses constantly changing?
That the Attorney General investigating Pompeo was fired as soon as the investigation started?
That Trump isn't going to hang a portrait of Obama, breaking decades of tradition?
That Trump is contradicting Fauci and other medical experts?
That Trump is still blaming Obama 3 years into his term?
That Trump accuses Obama of leaving cupboards bare but doing nothing about it
That Trump says they had nothing but also claims there is no shortage
That Trump accuses Obama of having obsolete tests for a virus that didn't even exist
That Georgia have cancelled an election to the state supreme court to keep the Republican justice in place?
That Eric Trump is still saying the virus is all a Democrat ploy to stop Trump holding rallies?
That Trump is even wanting to hold rallies all through his term?

Need I ******* go on? No you were quiet when all that was happening but as soon as the tangerine tosser blurts out Obamagate you are back on here with your hypocritical attitude and trying to call others selective in what they address. Seriously, I'm had it up to here with you Trumpers. Just **** off.
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Ah Touché then you too choose not to reply to the contents of my post. Just pick and choose what you want to reply to. And using a typical Trump troll tactic of attacking the source of the guardian, by deflecting to another story on climate change. That is irrelevant to the so called "Obamagate" accusation. But yes, just attack the source and therefore for you the contents of my link should not be relied on in your own mind.

I posted up the Trevor Noah interview because it was just making a point - a South Africa of mixed heritage (Swiss father and black mother) who has gone to live and work in the USA and can see the divisions that Trump is exploiting from his own experiences of apartheid. If you can't see that then that is your problem. A hypocrite like you supporting South African rugby team; celebrating their success and not getting what they stand for when they do win the world cup - that is ironic:rolleyes:.

Trump is a racist against black people and especially against the only black POTUS in history- there is plenty of EVIDENCE do I really have to list is out to you? Making up a conspiracy theory of Obama's birth certificate and saying he was not born in the USA and this baseless claim about "Obamagate." His attempts to tear down every policy that Obama created in his terms as POTUS etc.etc.etc. Even blaming him for the "empty cupboards" on predecessor, when he's been POTUS for 3 and half years. You only have to go back to him stirring up and demanding the death penalty for the central park five, even though they turned out to be innocent. His treatment of black female reporters and denigrating their legitimate questions.

But trying to engage with Trump supporters like you is just hilarious because you accuse anyone who challenges you with exactly the thing you're guilty of:rolleyes:.

The responses are typical : derision to any response or any evidence presented is just "fake news" the very gutter politics and tactics you accuse me of. :confused: So there is no way any evidence presented to you can be accepted.
Wow... Just wow. I'm not sure if you're a psychopath, a total ******** or completely delusional.

Keep on living life like you know people. You know Trump (who can only do wrong), Obama (who can only do right) and me (I've lost track of the insults).

I'm not wasting my time with you.
Starmer just ripped Johnson to shreds over the NHS surcharge. Basically had him say it's about the money...

Why the hell during this crisis they decided to up it for NHS staff is sheer madness.
Starmer just ripped Johnson to shreds over the NHS surcharge. Basically had him say it's about the money...

Why the hell during this crisis they decided to up it for NHS staff is sheer madness.

Johnson is blustering all over the place and trying to be snarky. He's coming across really poorly. He looks like he has memorised points and is trying to blurt them out before he forgets.
Wow... Just wow. I'm not sure if you're a psychopath, a total ******** or completely delusional.

Keep on living life like you know people. You know Trump (who can only do wrong), Obama (who can only do right) and me (I've lost track of the insults).

I'm not wasting my time with you.

Then we are in agreement for the first time. No need to waste time on each other's posts on politics and Trump again.:rolleyes:


But, but, but... it was the Greatest Crime in American political history? How can Barr and the DoJ not prosecute Obama who knew everything, but Biden not so much but both Obama and Biden did know something.:confused::p

And somehow Trump still makes out he's the sodding victim for "the Greatest crime in American political history." If he were accused of it. Surprise f'ing Surprise:eek::rolleyes:.
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And now Trump is threatening to withold federal aid from Nevada as they are going to be allowing mail-in voting for the primaries. Add that to the list of bullshittery you conveniently ignore Steve-o.

Oh and add that Trump is claiming the USA having by far the most cases is "a good thing" because it proves their testing is brilliant and not that the system utterly failed. I'll await you defending that too.
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Like you ignored the numerous posts of the **** Trump was doing and only swanned back on when you deluded yourself into thinking Obamagate was a thing? ******* hypocrite.

Are you going to address him removing 4 attorneys general in as many weeks?
Are you going to address that Obamagate is conveniently left undefined?
Are you going to address that Flyyn plead guilty to the charges??
That McConnell lies about the pandemic guidance left behind?
That Trump shut down the various things Obama put in place to deal with a pandemic?
That McConnell wanted to use a national crisis to bankrupt blue states that were struggling?
That Trump suggested injecting disinfectant and shining light in your body?
That Trump is STILL saying hydroxychloroquine should be used and that he uses it?
That Trump was an ardent pusher of birtherism?
That Trump STILL hasn't released his tax returns with his excuses constantly changing?
That the Attorney General investigating Pompeo was fired as soon as the investigation started?
That Trump isn't going to hang a portrait of Obama, breaking decades of tradition?
That Trump is contradicting Fauci and other medical experts?
That Trump is still blaming Obama 3 years into his term?
That Trump accuses Obama of leaving cupboards bare but doing nothing about it
That Trump says they had nothing but also claims there is no shortage
That Trump accuses Obama of having obsolete tests for a virus that didn't even exist
That Georgia have cancelled an election to the state supreme court to keep the Republican justice in place?
That Eric Trump is still saying the virus is all a Democrat ploy to stop Trump holding rallies?
That Trump is even wanting to hold rallies all through his term?

Need I ******* go on? No you were quiet when all that was happening but as soon as the tangerine tosser blurts out Obamagate you are back on here with your hypocritical attitude and trying to call others selective in what they address. Seriously, I'm had it up to here with you Trumpers. Just **** off.

Easy Rage, remember steve-o is the victim in all this; just like Trump:rolleyes:. He's the one who cannot reply to substance of any arguments he is faced with, just posts up videos of Tucker Carlson, as his reliable source of information on Obamagate. :D

Seriously, good post and would be interested to hear what, if anything, steve has to say seeing as he won't talk to me anymore and accused me of being delusional.:(:rolleyes::confused:. or has he blocked you because he just can't stand being confronted with nasty questions he can't answer?:p

I, for one, am just trying to get into the head of someone who can relate and support Trump and just populists in general. My conclusions and analysis are my own of trying to understand WTF anyone can stand up for anything the orange cretin has done. Because at the end of the day like Brexit, I want to understand why someone like a Trump can get elected and continue to garner support. Because it sure as hell is not on the basis of merit or substance of his policy or arguments.

Is it just that he has enthused an anti-establishment, chip on the shoulder voters, who vote and support him because of their own and identify with what he stands for so strongly? Is his brand of lying and shooting from the hip that incredible and strong that they can ignore all the other **** he is doing right in front of them? Hasn't the current shambolic crisis surely put to bed the argument that he has absolutely no interest in leading a nation out of a crisis and the biggest one the nation has faced since WW2? Are his supporters still so pig headed that his faults totally outweigh what he stands for? Or is it just they can't see past their own short sightedness and admit they were just wrong to support him to begin with.
The answer for me is sadly rather simplistic it's not what they stand for it what they don't. Trump doesn't stand for any form of socialism, internationalism, liberalism and take a very introverted look of the outside (of the USA) world. Fostering the idea nationalism and exceptionalism. This done through creating an enemy that doesn't really exist such as Schrödinger's immigrant the one that is both taking your job and costing you money.

The wall is a prime example it's a completely useless vanity project but do you have any worry about Mexican immigrants. Trump's your man whilst the other side won't put up walls they don't think it's an issue. Who cares about the wall he's clearly on your side though.

The 350m on the bus is another example from a UK perspective look past the detail about the false figure and spending it on the NHS. Nobody believed it even Brexit supporters but it conveyed the emotion we spend money on them let's spend it on us. The other people want to give your money to other people that isn't you.

It's emotive of what they don't stand for rather than what they do.
Easy Rage, remember steve-o is the victim in all this; just like Trump:rolleyes:. He's the one who cannot reply to substance of any arguments he is faced with, just posts up videos of Tucker Carlson, as his reliable source of information on Obamagate. :D

Seriously, good post and would be interested to hear what, if anything, steve has to say seeing as he won't talk to me anymore and accused me of being delusional.:(:rolleyes::confused:. or has he blocked you because he just can't stand being confronted with nasty questions he can't answer?:p

I, for one, am just trying to get into the head of someone who can relate and support Trump and just populists in general. My conclusions and analysis are my own of trying to understand WTF anyone can stand up for anything the orange cretin has done. Because at the end of the day like Brexit, I want to understand why someone like a Trump can get elected and continue to garner support. Because it sure as hell is not on the basis of merit or substance of his policy or arguments.

Is it just that he has enthused an anti-establishment, chip on the shoulder voters, who vote and support him because of their own and identify with what he stands for so strongly? Is his brand of lying and shooting from the hip that incredible and strong that they can ignore all the other **** he is doing right in front of them? Hasn't the current shambolic crisis surely put to bed the argument that he has absolutely no interest in leading a nation out of a crisis and the biggest one the nation has faced since WW2? Are his supporters still so pig headed that his faults totally outweigh what he stands for? Or is it just they can't see past their own short sightedness and admit they were just wrong to support him to begin with.

The thing people have probably forgotten is this isn't even the first crisis Trump has had to deal with and so could be put down to bad luck and lack of experience. Remember Puerto Rico? His handling of that was also lambasted around the world for being shambolic, for blaming everyone else, for denying how bad it is and for attacking the victims of the disaster. How can anyone possibly believe that another disaster will be handled differently to the first 2? At the end of that he also gave himself a 10/10 for how he handled it, because apparently throwing bog roll off the back of a truck like they are fairground prizes is what good leadership looks like. It's just staggering.
The thing people have probably forgotten is this isn't even the first crisis Trump has had to deal with and so could be put down to bad luck and lack of experience. Remember Puerto Rico? His handling of that was also lambasted around the world for being shambolic, for blaming everyone else, for denying how bad it is and for attacking the victims of the disaster. How can anyone possibly believe that another disaster will be handled differently to the first 2? At the end of that he also gave himself a 10/10 for how he handled it, because apparently throwing bog roll off the back of a truck like they are fairground prizes is what good leadership looks like. It's just staggering.

In 2016 Trump wasn't joking when he said that he loves the poorly educated and that they love him. A person would have to be poorly educated to believe him. :rolleyes:
Like you ignored the numerous posts of the **** Trump was doing and only swanned back on when you deluded yourself into thinking Obamagate was a thing? ******* hypocrite.

Are you going to address him removing 4 attorneys general in as many weeks?
Are you going to address that Obamagate is conveniently left undefined?
Are you going to address that Flyyn plead guilty to the charges??
That McConnell lies about the pandemic guidance left behind?
That Trump shut down the various things Obama put in place to deal with a pandemic?
That McConnell wanted to use a national crisis to bankrupt blue states that were struggling?
That Trump suggested injecting disinfectant and shining light in your body?
That Trump is STILL saying hydroxychloroquine should be used and that he uses it?
That Trump was an ardent pusher of birtherism?
That Trump STILL hasn't released his tax returns with his excuses constantly changing?
That the Attorney General investigating Pompeo was fired as soon as the investigation started?
That Trump isn't going to hang a portrait of Obama, breaking decades of tradition?
That Trump is contradicting Fauci and other medical experts?
That Trump is still blaming Obama 3 years into his term?
That Trump accuses Obama of leaving cupboards bare but doing nothing about it
That Trump says they had nothing but also claims there is no shortage
That Trump accuses Obama of having obsolete tests for a virus that didn't even exist
That Georgia have cancelled an election to the state supreme court to keep the Republican justice in place?
That Eric Trump is still saying the virus is all a Democrat ploy to stop Trump holding rallies?
That Trump is even wanting to hold rallies all through his term?

Need I ******* go on? No you were quiet when all that was happening but as soon as the tangerine tosser blurts out Obamagate you are back on here with your hypocritical attitude and trying to call others selective in what they address. Seriously, I'm had it up to here with you Trumpers. Just **** off.
What the hell is wrong with you? You are seriously unhinged man. I've said before I think Trump is an arrogant narcissist but I don't think he's the evil tyrant people make him out to be. I've made the offer before for you to pick your top 3 to discuss but you seem to prefer lists.

I posted a video showing how people in Obama's administration and Adam Schiff lied on TV that they had clear evidence of Russian interference but under oath they were singing a different tune. For shame!

The responses I got were a mix bag of attacking my source (by a moderator no less), saying "BUT WHAT ABOUT TRUMP", and the bizarre and delusional conclusion by Blindside (emphasis on blind) that I don't know what the Springboks represent because I think Obama was a slimey politician who some very shady things. None of which were rebuttals to the contents of my post.

Good talk guys!
@Steve-o Because TRUMP is POTUS. Talking about Obama is just a bloody distraction. He's not relevant to Trump's handling of the current crisis and because Obama left office 3 and a half years ago. Obamagate is a fiction and Trump and you know it.

You pick out points on my posts you want to pick apart and ignore the ones that are inconvenient to you because you don't or can't answer. Hypocrite. And you confirm it by refusing to answer one of Rage's questions. And also complaining I am insulting you when you're guilty of exactly the same to me.:confused:

My point about South Africa and Trevor Noah was about DIVISION. And how Apartheid was an extreme form of that. Kolisi being the first black captain of the Boks and winning a World Cup being a significant milestone. Or are you just happy to jump on the victory parade and ignore the wider significance of that? That is why I said if you are a South African you should know better at what DIVISION leads to in whatever form.

Trump is not just a "prick" and a narcissistic arrogant one as you say it and therefore it's ok to be. Him being so has contributed massively to the virus spreading in the USA and the death toll. I am raising with you why did he fail to instigate Testing and contact tracing on a national scale back in February when he was downplaying it? Those crucial 6 weeks between when virus was first detected and finally calling it a National emergency. There have been 12 million tests done since March in the USA for a population of 330m.:confused: Per Capita you compare this to South Korea where the virus was found in January on the same date.

Trump is actively causing division in his term as POTUS to divide his country. Not to the extent he's going around and calling Obama the N word but actively using his predecessor as his own scapegoat for his current failings.

It is a complete joke!
What the hell is wrong with you? You are seriously unhinged man. I've said before I think Trump is an arrogant narcissist but I don't think he's the evil tyrant people make him out to be. I've made the offer before for you to pick your top 3 to discuss but you seem to prefer lists.

I posted a video showing how people in Obama's administration and Adam Schiff lied on TV that they had clear evidence of Russian interference but under oath they were singing a different tune. For shame!

The responses I got were a mix bag of attacking my source (by a moderator no less), saying "BUT WHAT ABOUT TRUMP", and the bizarre and delusional conclusion by Blindside (emphasis on blind) that I don't know what the Springboks represent because I think Obama was a slimey politician who some very shady things. None of which were rebuttals to the contents of my post.

Good talk guys!

I'm not the one supporting Trump so you have little ground to say anyone else is unhinged. The fact you recognise what a **** he is but still support him supports a post I made earlier, that Trumpers know he is a complete arsehole who is damaging the country but simply don't care. It points to a complete lack of empathy or moral compass.

As I explained to you last time, I'm not going to reduce Trumps presidency down to 3 issues because the sheer number of problems is itself something that needs to be addressed. You've already been accused of cherry picking to avoid dealing with the bulk of the argument so don't think asking someone else to cherry pick for you is going to work. Also it's interesting how your complaint is that I present a list rather than wonder why I have so much to put in the list in the first place?

The Mueller report categorically stated there WAS Russian interference and that has been shown beyond reasonable doubt. The only thing that they couldn't prosecute on was that Trump colluded. If you paid attention you would know that the accusation of Russian interference and the accusation of Trump collusion, whilst linked, are not the same. The former can still be true even if the latter isn't. As it is, Trump was not shown to be innocent.

As for why people say "what about Trump" to you, perhaps because all you ever do is come on here any time you think you have a "what about Biden/Hillary/Obama" moment whilst making a frantic effort to dodge to almost daily cases of Trump. You don't get to cry foul what you are engaged in exactly what you accuse others of doing and I'm very tired of this right wing hypocritical projection bullshit. For you to be calling anyone else blind when you have been utterly incapable of defending Trump and refusing to even try is laughable.

So TL;DR no I'm not going to reduce Trumps numerous dodgy or outright ******* actions down to 3 for you because you don't want to address the fact there are so many. How about you attempt to show some integrity and explain just how that's all excusable. How you can sit there and accuse other of dodgy dealings when you have Trump, how you can accuse others of not being mentally all there when you have Trump, how you can accuse others of lying when you have Trump. It's called not being a ******* hypocrite and you are utterly failing at this basic task.

Oh and add to that Trump is now spreading a debunked conspiracy that MSNBC anchor Joe Scarborough murdered his aide 2 decades ago. Come on, how the **** is that even remotely acceptable? THE PRESIDENT IS SPREADING FALSE ACCUSATION OF MURDER ON A WHIM! Are you reading that? How the **** is that normal or even approaching acceptable? How is it people like you are turning a blind eye to it? HOW!? How is that possible without abandoning your sense of decency to support him?
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Government U-Turning on charge for immigrant carers/NHS staff. This is what an effective oppositions looks like folks.

Blustering Boris will try to claim it was his great idea all along of course but anyone with half a brain can see they are reacting to the fact he had his feet held to the fire.
Government U-Turning on charge for immigrant carers/NHS staff. This is what an effective oppositions looks like folks.
They now need to do that for military as well! What happened to that Fijian chap was a travesty
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