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A Political Thread

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I didn't take my polling card when I voted. They just asked for my address. No name or Id required. Could have said next door's address and then come back later and voted again and doubt they would have remembered.
Will have to agree to disagree sure you remember to renew a driver's licence, passport, home insurance car insurance, MOT etc.
Why not renewing a vote is an issue ? when we renew shed load of stuff as a matter of course no doubt like car tax a reminder will be auto generated and you renew online or in person.
Because voting is a right and those other things aren't*?
As much as I think everyone should have a right to a passport that's just not true.

Unless the ID card is free you've just created a poll tax and are essentially recreating Jim Crow south.
Will have to agree to disagree sure you remember to renew a driver's licence, passport, home insurance car insurance, MOT etc.
Why not renewing a vote is an issue ? when we renew shed load of stuff as a matter of course no doubt like car tax a reminder will be auto generated and you renew online or in person.
You are indeed, welcome to your privelege.

I've never yet needed to renew my drivers licence.
I didn't renew my passport when it last expired as I can't afford to go abroad.
Home insurance happens automatically.
I don't have car insurance or MOT, and the insurance is, again, automatic.
Only a right if choose to exercise it by joining the electoral role
There is a right to freedom of movement however to exercise it you need a passport if you wish to leave the boundaries of the country.
I see it as a none issue I respect your right to think otherwise.
Would you complain if you were required by law to carry an ID card if free or not.
Only a right if choose to exercise it by joining the electoral role
There is a right to freedom of movement however to exercise it you need a passport if you wish to leave the boundaries of the country.
I see it as a none issue I respect your right to think otherwise.
Would you complain if you were required by law to carry an ID card if free or not.
What right to freedom of movement? Given that you just proved that there is no such right.

On ID cards - it would depend on the legislation - I'm not a fan per se, but it's not a strongly held position in and of itself - ID cards as proposed by the Blair government were a disgrace. I'm completely open to discussion on the issue.

Of course, if there was a national ID card; I'd have no particular problem with requiring them in order to vote - as far as I can tell though, there are no such plans.
i Typed a response and realized it wasn't worth it.

you do know that 1984 was a satire right? Or did you read it and go "oh, boy. . . Sounds great"
What right to freedom of movement? Given that you just proved that there is no such right.
sorry I don't understand your point.
The universal declaration of human rights defines the freedom of movement however to do this you need a passport if you wish to cross a border.
Not being ferocious but don't auto renew any insurance you may save by shopping around.
I'm interested to hear from Irish posters on here to see in a country that requires ID if they feel disenfranchised or lots of fellow countrymen or women do as this is the acid test.
I have no issues if keep no ID system or have a system required it , hence none issue for me again I respect your right to believe tens of thousands maybe if this true or not.I have never heard that it does in other countries where it is required but others from countries where it is maybe able to enlighten me.
i Typed a response and realized it wasn't worth it.

you do know that 1984 was a satire right? Or did you read it and go "oh, boy. . . Sounds great"
School project 1978 and enjoy the parody of the novel.
Freedom of movement - you're still not allowed to trespass; or to go to the vast majority of the world without permission. It is absolutely not a universal right.

If you're going to compare like to like - then you need to compare to somewhere that doesn't have compulsory national ID - given that we don't have it, and it makes a massive difference as to who can provide proof of ID.

You might be interested in the pilot scheme on voter ID from the council elections earlier this year; which disenfranchised 750 people (who tried to vote) in 10 councils. IF that is accurately representative; then over 650 councils that's 42,250 people disenfranchised for the sake of (estimated) 6 cases of voter fraud.

Of course, you are allowed your own opinions on whether voter ID is a good thing or not; but in a country without a national ID card, it absolutely IS voter suppression as it disenfranchises people who have the right to vote.
Good to see we can just agree to disagree.
We guess would both like to here from posters from a country where it is required.
My guess as the trial a number will be aware and cannot vote then excepted as normal practice and little or no issues.
Remember over 15 million didn't exercise the right at last election.
Out of total voting population from the trial if replicated it would be less than 0.1% of total electorate hence my opinion.
If voter fraud is negilible, it would disenfranchise vastly more voters than would commit voter fraud and it costs more to hold an election.

Then why are we doing it? Seriously what's the actual benefit gained?
Will have to agree to disagree sure you remember to renew a driver's licence, passport, home insurance car insurance, MOT etc.
Why not renewing a vote is an issue ? when we renew shed load of stuff as a matter of course no doubt like car tax a reminder will be auto generated and you renew online or in person.

If you don't have to renew your right to vote in person, why should you have to renew your right to postal vote? Only changes are if you change name, address or nationality. Don't see why people who want to use postal vote should be treated differently to other voters.
Good to see we can just agree to disagree.

You do realise that's impossible with some of the people who post on here? Either you agree with them or you're wrong. (I'm guessing you may have noticed them by now)
You do realise that's impossible with some of the people who post on here? Either you agree with them or you're wrong. (I'm guessing you may have noticed them by now)
Reasoned discussion = good
Having different opinion = welcome
Having different observable facts = expect to be challenged
Throwing insults and downvotes without even engaging = trolling
Corbyn refusing to make small talk with Johnson on the short walk to the Lords and he's got plenty of previous for that too. How pathetically petty. He won't be missed, except by the Tories.

From both a capability and human perspective I would say without any hesitation that he is the worst leader of the two main parties in my lifetime. I rate him even lower than May and Kinnock.
Corbyn refusing to make small talk with Johnson on the short walk to the Lords and he's got plenty of previous for that too. How pathetically petty. He won't be missed, except by the Tories.
Why should he?
I wouldn't **** on BoJo if he was on fire, and with the way Corbyn has been treated/smeared by the Tories and their cronies why should he be all pally pally with them?
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