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At this point, I'm not even sure the worst of left-wing labour would leave the country in a more precarious situation... and they'd leave it utterly bankrupt.
Boris Johnson could lead the UK to a unique event (to my knowledge) - an advanced economy regressing through transition to less developed.

I'm far from convinced that that blue line is right - no way that a smooth and orderly Brexit doesn't have a further delieterious effect on our economy (and hence borrowing) - it already has, though it hasn't been reacted to yet - bar the Pasty Cockwomble's promise to spend (AKA borrow) lots of money on policing, schools and hospitals, whilst cutting tax (AKA increasing borrowing). Of course, those promises could well be yet more lies (AKA, things that had already been set into motiong, and accounted for) but...
I can't see any Brexit reducing our national debt

Christian Schulz, the chief UK economist at Citi, which contributed to the report, said: "The UK economy is already around £60bn smaller than it would have been without a vote to leave the European Union, with the UK missing out on a bout of global growth.

"Business investment is up to 20% lower than it would otherwise have been, hurting productivity and wage growth," he said.

However, Mr Schulz added that a further Brexit delay would create more uncertainty, denting investment and leaving growth at around 1% a year.

"From a growth perspective, a Brexit deal is a little better, leaving growth at 1.5%, but it would leave no chance of Brexit being cancelled," he said.

"A no-deal Brexit - even with a substantial stimulus - could mean no growth at all for the next two years. Remaining in the EU would be the best scenario for economic growth in the next few years."

This lowered investment is only going to start to hit over the next couple of years.

By then the snowball will have long since started rolling down the mountain and will be nigh-on unstoppable.

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Excellent news.

Pretty much means the court can sign an extension request and have it official on behalf of the UK.

They'll hold off till they have to when it becomes clear Bozo is going to flaunt the law.

Which means anything Johnson does right now is pretty much irrelevant (apart from bringing disgrace to the office of PM and undermining the UK abroad of course).

I suppose the next interesting thing - if the court does have to request the extension - does that mean Johnson broke the law and could he be tried as such? Could be important for any election a couple of months down the line.
Sounds interesting, I'll have a look after the match. ETA - okay, not that interesting; no decision made, so just the same posturing as previously. ETA2 - actually, it probably means that they've heard the arguments, so can act more quickly if it comes to it.
MPs are also sitting on Saturday, after the EU conference, to do whatever needs to be done.

Elsewhere, I'm pleased that Leave.eu have taken down their Merkel même - disgraceful, and probably taken down in fear of litigation. Damage done, and the racists whipped into their frenzy - but better than having it left up.

Across the pond, the orange cockwomble responds to the impeachment inquiry and subpoenas with "you and who's army?" https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-49981806
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As a Lib Dems supporter i must say i am not happy with all the Tories lot coming on board.

Sad that the US and Trump have no intention of handing over the Diplomat's wife, who was apprarently driving on the wrong side of the road at the time of the accident.

I never thought this would play out in real life.

But didn't you hear, the diplomat's wife is devastated by the accident and she cooperated fully with the police. She even told them she had no plans to leave the country...oh.
On another note. Apparently a leaked version of the Queen's speech had this in it. I definitely agree that it's overkill for a tiny problem, but feels like an overreaction.

Until you realise voter ID basically surpreses traditional Labour voters in areas in which they are strong. As a lot don't have licenses or passports. Got bugger all to do with stoping voter fraud and way more to do with in politics sadly.

Far bigger issue in America though.
Well, I hope you enjoyed your party political broadcast on behalf of the Conservative party this morning.
Not that they've any intention or expectation of actually having to honour these pledges (honour? What's that?) They certainly hope they don't have to zcgually find any of this money! But still...
Now we just have to see how many disgruntled labour voters think that the rich kids have the poor kids best interests at heart, how many disgruntled tory voters will remember that being harsh on criminals is all that counts (except the criminals in cabinet, of course), and how long this will distract everyone from Brexit and Climate Catastrophe
Just seen it said that British Politics is the only game you see a queen reduced to a pawn in an attempt to show that you've won despite losing every exchange.
Just wanted to give a wee thumbs up to Gareth Southgate for shining a light on unacceptable behaviour rather than turning a blind eye to it. Nobody should have to put up with that infantile crap and he is bang on in trying to escalate things in my opinion because current measures arent having enough of an impact. I've never been so happy to see England get a 6-0 drubbing infront of some 'racially superior' Bulgarians.

UK refuses to join France, Germany and Netherlands in halting arms sales to Turkey
EU leaders 'condemn' Turkey action against Kurds in strong terms

The British government has refused to join its allies in halting arms sales to Turkey over the country's military operation against Kurdish forces in Syria.

EU foreign ministers unanimously agreed on Monday to "condemn" Turkey's military action, arguing that it "seriously undermines the stability and the security of the whole region" and was harming civilians.

But the bloc stopped short of agreeing to an EU-wide arms embargo against Recep Tayyip Erdogan's government, instead issuing a relatively toothless pledge for "strong" arms export control on a country-by-country basis.

Article Continues...
Just when you thought Trump couldn't get any more crass.

Having Anne Sacoolas lined up at the White House for a photo opp meeting with Harry Dunn's parents is just unbelievable.

Quite rightly they declined. But that is really plumbing the depths, even for him.
The level of diplomacy they are showing over it is amazing. Saying Trump is still a nice guy and was being genuine. I know calling him an utter tosser will completely derail any attempt at stopping this nonsence. Still don't think I'd be able to stop myself.

The entire thing is crap diplomatic immunity is meant to be for crimes you commit in the aid of your state against the state you are living in. It's not supposed to make you exempt from death by dangerous driving....
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