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But I was being humane. I mentioned how I raised money to help men (through CALM). I think you're passion clouds your reasonable judgement, you have such hatred for feminism that you must've had some misfortune that's shaped your thoughts.

I hope you're well, and I don't want to abuse you. I find some of your opinions misguided and idiotic, and the reasons behind them far away from truth. However, you're not hurting me or damaging me, I just see my views as offering a fair world. I won't resort to *** for tat. However if you have a daughter, and she is subject to sexual abuse for being female, then tell me how its the same for men, then tell her that feminism is wrong.

Enjoy the game on Saturday!

Be careful if you mention that you are doing something good/positive, as that can be taken as virtue-signalling.

I say well done to you, personally, anybody who helps others deserves a pat on the back and not criticism.

Also, where you mention 'the truth', that is dicey ground as we all have different truths and experiences of life. Yours and mine will be nothing alike, but there may be some common ground in between.

Again, as the Manics said 'This Is My Truth, Tell Me Yours'.

We cannot be glib or blind to what each other feel is the truth - you might think that some of the issues dug up by myself and others are irrelevant and not worthy of discussion, whereas myself and others might consider a topic which you feel passionate about as similarly irrelevant.

We can either tackle these issues or we can ignore/belittle them. In the case of the latter, we will definitely get the society which we deserve.
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Prostate cancer deaths overtake those from breast cancer

Prostate cancer deaths overtake those from breast cancer
  • 2 February 2018


Media caption'I didn't want to be a statistic'
The number of men dying from prostate cancer has overtaken female deaths from breast cancer for the first time in the UK, figures show.

An ageing population means more men are developing and dying from the disease.

Prostate Cancer UK says advances in the diagnosis and treatment of breast cancer are paying off, and increased funding could benefit prostate cancer.

The biggest cancer killers in the UK remain lung and bowel cancer, with prostate now in third place.

The latest figures from 2015 show there were 11,819 deaths from prostate cancer compared with 11,442 from breast cancer.


Although deaths from prostate cancer have been rising over the past 10 years or so, the mortality rate or the proportion of men dying from the disease has fallen - by 6% - between 2010 and 2015.

For breast cancer the mortality rate has come down by 10%, meaning deaths in women are declining more quickly.

Image captionGary Pettit works in the City of London

Gary Pettit was 43 when he was diagnosed with prostate cancer, five years ago, after a routine medical through work.

He had no symptoms - only an abnormally high PSA (prostate-specific antigen) blood test, which led to further tests and biopsies.

Within weeks, he had a seven-hour operation at the Royal Marsden in London to remove the cancer.

"I'm a lucky boy. I stored my sperm before the op and now we've got a little seven-month-old miracle baby, called Teddy. I can't say how lucky I've been."

Gary says recovering from the surgery took quite a while and there were some side-effects which he is still getting used to - but he is clear of cancer and keen to raise awareness among other men.

"It is still a taboo subject with men. They get shy and embarrassed, but it's so important to get checked out."

'Tremendous progress'
Angela Culhane, chief executive of the charity Prostate Cancer UK, said the disease currently received half the funding and half the research that is devoted to breast cancer.

She said developing better diagnostic tests that could be used as part of a nationwide screening programme would be a priority.

At present, there is no single, reliable test for prostate cancer - the PSA test, biopsies and physical examinations are all used.

Men with prostate cancer can also live for decades without symptoms or needing treatment because the disease often progresses very slowly.

OK I got divorced once and I'm not living on the streets, I still see my eldest son, I'm not paying half my ex wife's bills and I wasn't made bankrupt by divorce lawyers.

Just because your experience during divorce was a bad one doesn't mean everyone's was.
I didnt say it was my experience youre jumping to conclusions and prejudging yet again. I see you dont live with your son though do you and what became of your family home ? Besides its not just about you its about the tens of thousands of men destroyed by divorce estranged from their children, kicked out of their homes, paying bills for their ex partners, in many cases living on the streets and in some tragic cases committing suicide as the suicide rates of men are at record highs and 5 times the rate of women. You need to show some empathy for your fellow man
I didnt say it was my experience youre jumping to conclusions and prejudging yet again. I see you dont live with your son though do you and what became of your family home ? Besides its not just about you its about the tens of thousands of men destroyed by divorce estranged from their children, kicked out of their homes, paying bills for their ex partners, in many cases living on the streets and in some tragic cases committing suicide as the suicide rates of men are at record highs and 5 times the rate of women. You need to show some empathy for your fellow man

So you don't have any experience about what you are talking about then? No I dont live with my eldest son but what the **** has that got to do with anything. As for empathy for fellow man, my ex brother in law was a complete bullying control freak and when my sister divorced him she legally wasn't allowed to kick him out or have him pay all the bills or stop him seeing the kids even though he was mentally unstable. Am I meant to have empathy with him just because he is a man? Stop sprouting ****.
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So you don't have any experience about what you are talking about then? No I dont live with my son but what the **** has that got to do with anything. As for empathy for fellow man, my ex brother in law was a complete bullying control freak and when my sister divorced him she legally wasn't allowed to kick him out or have him pay all the bills or stop him seeing the kids even though he was mentally unstable. Am I meant to have empathy with him just because he is a man? Stop sprouting ****.

Ok so now you swear and get abusive and aggressive a sure sign of the type of person you are and that youve lost the argument
your ex brother in law is one man in 30 million that proves absolutely nothing
your example is also a lie. The woman who keeps the children simply has to call the police then get an enforcement order preventing the man from coming to the property
as for me not being allowed an opinion because I havent had a divorce what a load of nonsense, so no one can have an opinion on anything unless they have done it themselves, does that include talking about parliament? sport? etc etc whata load of vile abusive aggressive nonsense you speak
There are just as many abusive female partners as men so that again blows your one man example to smithereens
Ok so now you swear and get abusive and aggressive a sure sign of the type of person you are and that youve lost the argument
your ex brother in law is one man in 30 million that proves absolutely nothing
your example is also a lie. The woman who keeps the children simply has to call the police then get an enforcement order preventing the man from coming to the property
as for me not being allowed an opinion because I havent had a divorce what a load of nonsense, so no one can have an opinion on anything unless they have done it themselves, does that include talking about parliament? sport? etc etc whata load of vile abusive aggressive nonsense you speak
There are just as many abusive female partners as men so that again blows your one man example to smithereens
Vile and aggresive nonsense! Oh you poor sensitive lamb!
Blown to smithreens based on your pure conjecture and no facts and figures.

You think Tallshort is lying yet somehow I think he'd have far more idea of situation than you would considering he actually lived it.
Blown to smithreens based on your pure conjecture and no facts and figures.

You think Tallshort is lying yet somehow I think he'd have far more idea of situation than you would considering he actually lived it.

yeah according to that insane logic we should put criminals in charge of the police and security services because theyve actually lived it, you need help
yeah according to that insane logic we should put criminals in charge of the police and security services because theyve actually lived it, you need help
hmmmm I was defending the guy for saying this what happened in his life but you called hom a lier with no eveidence. I've no idea how leaps of logic to even get close to that conclusion....

Mind you your above comment suggested you would get the sack for something you definitely wouldn't. I think you may be the one who needs help.
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