This country has suffered 6 years of cuts and the NHS has been savaged.
Another 4-5 years of Tory cuts and a hideous Brexit and this place won't be worth dog toilet.
You can rest assured that Teresa May is utterly incompetent at dealing with the quango of self entitled elitists in Brussels and they DO seek to punish the UK for leaving as an example to other countries that may deem to follow suit.
She has already blotted her copybook before negotiations have started. Here she is swanning around with yet another election
With her at the helm there will be no soft Brexit, the UK will be humbled with a vast bill, which May will not pay (because it's likely to be 50 billion) and then tarriffs will occur and business here will suffer, a lot.
The banks will up sticks in a heart beat. All the major companies have already sent forward groups into Dublin, Paris, Zurich, Frankfurt and Geneva.
Jp. Morgan, Goldman Sachs and co. they won't be hanging around on ceremony. The insurance giants will follow and Canary Wharf will be start ups, empty apartments and tumbleweed.
A transaction tax, or tariffs, or both will bury the City of London as we know it.
Multi-national corporations have no specific allegiance except to profit.
Keeping the city is essential to London and the UK.
Teresa May is carrying on like they can't go anywhere else.
The bulk of the business done in the city of London is as a conduit for American dollars and investment from key players outside the EU, the states, China, Korea, Japan, the middle east and India.
Enormous amounts of money.... that will be gone in a heartbeat if there is a tarriff or transaction tax.
Gone into a different European conduit that doesn't have the tarriff or transaction tax.
European businesses will no longer have any desire to do their global business through London. They will be doing it through their local banking hub.
Suddenly the UK will have access to FULL corporate taxation on Google, Vodaphone, Costa, Starbucks, eBay and Paypal, Santander etc. all those buggers who have been avoiding taxation through the European loophole.
Will they stick around if they have to suck up another 20% cost hike?
They might try to pass it onto their customers but if that doesn't wash they will be gone as well.
All this drum beating and flag waving accompanied by worthless chat about 'strong and stable' leadership is about to become a vortex of conservative confusion and Junker and co will give thebig two fingers back to the Teresa May and say, " see you in 'A-Gin-Court' where you're sentence is an Italian lemon. That is an EU product so an extra 20% tarriff is applied to that and goodbye."
The self entitled ***** in Brussels are going to F**k the UK economy royally with tarriffs if Teresa May goes hard Brexit.
How many German car plants do part manufacture here in the UK, like the Mini factory?
Say goodbye to all those jobs with a European connection.
Toyota, Mazda, Hyundai, Kia, Mitsubishi, the list goes on of foreign manufacturers who will shun the UK when tarriffs are braceleted on the UK by the spiteful EU for being 'outside' the single market.
Junker and co. don't give a rats backside about European economic migrants in the UK. They are giving the UK cheap labour. Spain, Poland, Bulgaria, Romania, the Baltic states, the UK is heaving with European ecomonic migrants that do the low income tasks like picking fruit and vegetables, working in bars, rubbish collection, hospital work, hotel trades, cleaners, labouring etc
Many businesses here rely on that cheap labour and favourable exchange rate.
To keep the cheap Labour here Teresa May will have to offer them British passports or... if they are punted... the price of the commodity will rise significantly and UK workers will have to be found, or the business goes bust. Benefits may have to be cut again to 'incentivise' the local proles to work the cheap labour options.
It's a disaster bomb that has started ticking and in two to three years time will explode.
All this talk about being the 4-6th biggest economy and how the free trade agreements are better than being inside the EU single market is better served inside Richard Bransons balloon.
Tough times are upon us and worse are coming up ahead.
As the conservatives thump yet more austerity on the middle and working classes civil unrest and crime will both rocket upward.
The UK can and will ride this out but it will be a very hard time for the majority of it's inhabitants for the next ten years.
Having abandoned the commonwealth in the 1970's, and failed to engage in world trade agreements, the UK is woefully short of negotiators to resolve the Brexit issue and though they are canvassing for around 1500 jobs in this area nobody of note wants to lift that poisoned chalice.
It's only a two year tenure and you can guarantee that Teresa May and co. will cast the negotiators as the bad guys who got us a 'bad deal' at the end of it.
Who in their right mind is going to want that stress and that black stain on their CV?
I see Osborne has removed himself from politics after he helped his partner get us into this absolute mess.
Cameron has become Mr Invisible.
It's so bad that Tony Blair, the war criminal has crawled out from under his rock and announced that he is coming back to UK politics to resolve the Brexit issue for us by getting us back into the EU.
Lets see a boxing match between him and Nigel Farage to take this farce to a reality tv world.
What a mess and we are being led into it by a moron who looks like the leader of the Undead, Nosferatu's sister.
I cannot vote for Teresa May.
She was appalling as the commisioner of Police, which is why we have a huge shortage of bobbies now, and she is a vampire.
All she does is suck the life out of functioning things.
RIP the NHS.