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A Political Thread pt. 2

How many Palestinians have been arrested in the US just for exercising their right to free speech and peacefully protesting? I don't know of any
For someone who claims to be up-to-date with current affairs you are woefully lacking.

And since you think anything other than the FT is beneath you

How many Palestinians have been arrested in the US just for exercising their right to free speech and peacefully protesting? I don't know of any
You ignored the linked story, so I'll link it again

He exercised his right of free speech and got arrested, so your own citizens don't have the right if free speech do they?
And since you think anything other than the FT is beneath you

It was Chicago Kid who deflected that anything other than the FT was trash. Although I also have my suspicions that they are the same person. Funny how one disappears and the other one appears to take over. Apparently not using the same IP but that's quite easy to get around.
It was Chicago Kid who deflected that anything other than the FT was trash. Although I also have my suspicions that they are the same person. Funny how one disappears and the other one appears to take over. Apparently not using the same IP but that's quite easy to get around.
I highly doubt they are the same person
Free speech at all costs even if it results in violence, threats and physical harm to citizens is wild. When the right to free speech is abused and infringes on other citizens' rights we have a situation where citizens' rights are competing with each other. It's therefore understandable that a Government has to step in and decide which right trumps the other. I would expect any reasonable and responsible Government to eradicate such abuses in order to safeguard it's citizens' and keep them secure which should be a Government's number one priority.

We've seen countless examples of other liberties afforded to a country's citizens only for them to be abused by a minority which resulted in restrictions having to be applied in order to safeguard citizens.

At one point it was legal to buy and fly drones. Great! However, some idiots decided it would be fun to fly them near airports with the intention of disrupting flights or even worse causing a catastrophic accident. Laws on drink/driving were only introduced in response to the rising number of deaths caused by a minority of irresponsible people who chose to drive their vehicles while being intoxicated. Bottom line - the Government then has to step in and address the minority of idiots who abuse liberties in order to keep its citizens' safe.
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I think the current American approach to free speech comes as a reaction to the cancel culture of recent years where there was a perception that comics/TV presenters etc would be cancelled due to something they said or posted sometimes years in the past. As Jonathan Pie recently said in one of his parody rants "the left dropped free speech and the right picked it up"

Now you could argue cancel culture was a myth etc but I'm going to say it wasn't and it's effects were not productive for discourse or society in general with people just becoming more entrenched in their own dogma.

Now we have an American government full on hate speech/say what you want/screw the libs etc etc and to me it's one of those left hand issues. "Yes in the UK they get free healthcare but you can go the freaking PRISON for offending a transgender lesbian Christian!" And that very much comes out in the conversations here. I don't ever feel my freedom to say or think what I want is affected here in the UK but then I'm not a racist, conspiracy theorist who goes online threatening to rxxx people so I guess it's not going to be.
It wasn't a myth, but it was mostly fueled by clowns on the Internet for both sides. The Internet/social media has made a lot of people see things in black and white only with no room for different opinions and remaining respectful. As a result, the "Holier-than-thou" attitude kicks in.

Thing is, if you stand back and look from afar, the wider world away from the Internet doesn't really care. They just see it as people talking rubbish.
It wasn't a myth, but it was mostly fueled by clowns on the Internet for both sides. The Internet/social media has made a lot of people see things in black and white only with no room for different opinions and remaining respectful. As a result, the "Holier-than-thou" attitude kicks in.

Thing is, if you stand back and look from afar, the wider world away from the Internet doesn't really care. They just see it as people talking rubbish.
Yeah the comments section is always a cesspit
Yeah the comments section is always a cesspit
That, but also just in general. You could agree with a YouTuber, influencer, celebrity etc on many things, but say there's one or two things you don't agree with. That's fine. It's no big deal nor should it be treated as such. Instead, people turn it into this huge drama worthy of coronation street or eastenders. It's all just a bit childish.
Cancel Culture was less a myth but people took it to extremes and was full of bad actors. You had the likes of Louis CK & Kevin Spacey who were rightly ostracised. The issue was twitters villain of the day where if anyone had a slightly hot take.

But there no doubt bots and right wing troll were definitely using it to take down prominent left wing voices.

Plus a lot of people claiming to be cancelled have pretty ******* loud voices.

But I do think it was mainly a social media bubble.
Just my suspicions. If they are not they share the same brain cell of supporting Trump.
ChicagoKid has been around long enough to not think this SPK is a right wing troll here for shits and giggles no doubt.

Must say despite their claims to represent the true America I've never met any Americans like them. I admit my friends can be best described as East Coast Liberals but that's a large proportion of thier nation. The ones from Chicago area too. Then there's the dozens I've worked with over the years.
Cancel Culture was less a myth but people took it to extremes and was full of bad actors. You had the likes of Louis CK & Kevin Spacey who were rightly ostracised. The issue was twitters villain of the day where if anyone had a slightly hot take.

But there no doubt bots and right wing troll were definitely using it to take down prominent left wing voices.

Plus a lot of people claiming to be cancelled have pretty ******* loud voices.

But I do think it was mainly a social media bubble.
Think that was probably in retaliation to the left wing commentators being professionally outraged by every word spoken on said topic. We still see that now where both sides twist what was actually said to fit their own narrative. All in the search for clicks, views and attention.

We see a lot of it in the film/game media even now. People "championing" something regardless of if it makes sense in context to the story or character(s) etc. Then you get some critics saying this doesn't make sense, then those going on the defensive about it...rinse and repeat.
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How can you be harassed by comments I made? I'm not harassing you and I'm skeptical of your perception.

What on earth does perceived as protected by the perpetrator mean?

I don't think anyone who shows a clear lack of understanding about protected characteristics, and Equality law should be working with anyone who's a protected characteristic for starters.
I'm not harrasesed lol. You are well aware, because I made a statement of being a free speech advocate, you've decided I'm a pro Trump conservative who Is evil lol. You've been corrupted by the media you consume...

Have a critical thought, hold different political opinions that aren't your teams lol, it's like you've picked a side and everyone who disagrees on a single issue is an 'other' hahaha this thinking is why Trump won, and it will lead to reactionary backlash that will be good for noone
I think the current American approach to free speech comes as a reaction to the cancel culture of recent years where there was a perception that comics/TV presenters etc would be cancelled due to something they said or posted sometimes years in the past. As Jonathan Pie recently said in one of his parody rants "the left dropped free speech and the right picked it up"

Now you could argue cancel culture was a myth etc but I'm going to say it wasn't and it's effects were not productive for discourse or society in general with people just becoming more entrenched in their own dogma.

Now we have an American government full on hate speech/say what you want/screw the libs etc etc and to me it's one of those left hand issues. "Yes in the UK they get free healthcare but you can go the freaking PRISON for offending a transgender lesbian Christian!" And that very much comes out in the conversations here. I don't ever feel my freedom to say or think what I want is affected here in the UK but then I'm not a racist, conspiracy theorist who goes online threatening to rxxx people so I guess it's not going to be.
You had me in the first half, not gonna lie, but then you resorted to the silly old 'everyone who advocates for free speech is a right wing racist rapist' and embarrassed yourself...

Jonathan Pie is an astute observer of society, him standing outside the Scottish court Dankula was criminalised in frog marching and playing Nartsee was pretty brave and pertinent.

But I disagree the right picked up the free speech issue, I think the left wanted rid on purpose, and Democrat behaviours in the last few decades have been right out of the Republican playback. The attack on the 2nd amendment failed, so they decided to go after the 1st in an attempt to go for the 2nd.

What we are seeing is reactionary politics with Trump, who has little to lose after what they threw at him, and thisnis the danger when not allowing the population to speak freely.

I would implore anyone whonis lumping free speech in with the idea of an evil person go and read some more, read about history, read about how human rights have only ever progressed with an open discourse. There are literally millions of people around the world who would kill, and are literally fighting to be able to speak without repercussions from totalitarian governments, people are enslaved and tortured for speaking up.

I get you are inundated with 'everyone who disagrees with the message is a racist conspiracy theorist' but please don't just take that as fact, it fits government narratives, but it doesn't mean it's good for you...

Free speech is so important for the most marginalised in society, it's one of the only tools they have to escape persecution and oppression.
We see a lot of it in the film/game media even now. People "championing" something regardless of if it makes sense in context to the story or character(s) etc.
This is why I "left" facebook the algorithm was constantly feeding me culture war BS. You can't like X because of Y.

I don't believe there is such thing as objective criticism and I think digging deeper on the story you are consuming is enriching. But I don't need to watch something thinking I'm taking a side.

Unsure who started it to be honest the first big internet drama along these lines was GamerGate and that was definitely right wing stuff. With people later admitting they used the same tactics of division for the EU vote in the UK and Trump 1.0.
ChicagoKid has been around long enough to not think this SPK is a right wing troll here for shits and giggles no doubt.

Must say despite their claims to represent the true America I've never met any Americans like them. I admit my friends can be best described as East Coast Liberals but that's a large proportion of thier nation. The ones from Chicago area too. Then there's the dozens I've worked with over the years.
Just to add to this, I spent 6 months in New Jersey, and when I started travelling East the stark difference in people was incredible. Made New Yorkers seem like loud puppies with no bite, middle America is wildly extreme., it came as a big shock.

It's when I heard the phrase Democrats don't control states, they control cities.

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