1) That's a flat out lie.
2) So you think Trump is bringing you back to your "isolationist" roots, yet has threatened to annex Canada, Greenland and Panama... Pretty imperialistic that. Your very founding was on walking into others land and taking it.
3) Yet you didn't answer his question on that. I don't think J6 was an insurrection, it WAS one. However, even if you don't think it was an insurrection, it was violence off the back of a lie that the election was stolen. AGAIN you ignore the questions about Trump's criminality and try to hide behind "oh you aren't asking in good faith", why don't you just come out in the open and admit it? You are an election denier, you think J6 and in general violence to overthrow a democratic result is fine and have no problem with Trumps rampant law breaking now and in the past too. Opposing these are not controversial yet this is the one aspect you are digging your heels and in refusing the explain yourself, whilst you are more than happy to do it on literally everything else. You are the one not acting in good faith here.
Let's put it in very plain yes or no questions, although I predict you will avoid giving straight answers to any:
1) Did Joe Biden win the 2020 election legitimately with none of the fraud Trump claimed?
2) Was the J6 attack criminal behaviour based on a lie?
3) Was it right for those involved in J6 to be prosecuted?
4) Was Trump wrong to make excuses for J6 and to pardon them en masse?
5) Was Trump breaking the law when he kept hold of some of the most highly classified information after leaving office?
6) Did Trump then illegally resist attempts to get that information back and lie about it?
7) Did Trump use his position to blackmail Ukraine to get dirt on Biden?
8) Is it ok that Trump has fired agency watchdogs when the president doesn't have the authority to do so?
9) Is it ok that Trump is attempting to replace 1000's of non-partisan government employees solely with yes men?
10) Is it ok that Trump has repeatedly interfered with the FBI including firing the directors when the don't do his partisan bidding?
11) Is it ok for Trump to appoint someone who has openly called for political prosecutions and who has a hit list openly published to replace the head of the FBI he illegally forced out of their position?