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A Political Thread pt. 2

Apparently if you set up a supporters club with that name you can get away with it according to him.
Listening to Pod Save the UK and Corbyn is on it for most part reasonable guy, has an axe to grind but isn't malicious about it.

He gets challenged on he reason he was ejected from the Labour party. He still refuses to acknowledge how it looks apologising for anti semitism in the party but always caveating by saying the amount was exaggerated. Even inisists he should do so and then engages in whataboutism on racism by colour and islamphobia.

Its really frustrating to listen to what is by all sounds a reasonable guy who I might disagree with at times with have such a blind spot to how that looks.
Is Sunak one of the worst political operators this country has ever seen?

Leaving D-Day events early to do a political interview is a level of incompetence that is actually jaw dropping.
Is Sunak one of the worst political operators this country has ever seen?

Leaving D-Day events early to do a political interview is a level of incompetence that is actually jaw dropping.
That and the usual quadrupling down on lies regarding the Labour tax figures, they really are just reminding everyone of why they need to go...
Is Sunak one of the worst political operators this country has ever seen?

Leaving D-Day events early to do a political interview is a level of incompetence that is actually jaw dropping.

I was thinking the same but have a feeling that Sunak wasn't invited to join the Biden/Macron publicity love in later in the afternoon because he'll be getting kicked out of office in a few weeks with neither leader (especially Biden who has a chance of winning in November) wanting to be seen with someone so weak on the global stage. To save face Sunak dashes back to the UK making it look like he wasn't available anyway.

In the process he cops a load of stick and can't give the real reason why he left early. I could be wrong but wouldn't be surprised if that's what happened and his huge misstep has now backfired. I would imagine he's been advised to apologise as it could cost him votes (especially with pensioners who he is depending on). Not the first time he's made a big mistake with getting his travel priorities right. Not only is he not prime ministerial but his aides who are advising him are clearly useless too.
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That would work if they didn't have to be photo'd with this loser instead.

European and local elections today in Ireland will be very interesting to see the results. A general election is very likely before the end of the year and certainly by March at the latest. Sinn Féin's support has fallen recently and this is our first election with a notable far right element (despite their hilarious literature calling themselves centre-right).

Thankfully our system makes it very hard to gain power with extremism but it also makes it possible for a small minority to form a powerful voting bloc. Really feels like the country like a lot of the world is either nearing or at a tipping point.
Sunak begging we don't politize listening to him on LBC (well pre record). He's well and truly ****** it.

Christ on a bike sources are telling the press he or his team considered him not going. They've denied that but the source has said that's a complete lie.....
Trying the itinerary was set week ago but that asks more questions. Also why Starmer was there for the entire time.
Just remembered it was the COP summit he also got stick for leaving early and even considered not going at all as he was too busy rubber stamping Hunt's budget.
Four people from four parties with god awful approval ratings and a realistic change of losing at the next election.

You look at the horrendous choice Americans face as well and it really makes you wonder how did our political systems get so bad. I realise it could be worse like in Russia or China but still.
You look at the horrendous choice Americans face as well and it really makes you wonder how did our political systems get so bad. I realise it could be worse like in Russia or China but still.
To be honest I can't see what peoples problem with Biden is. All people can seem to say is he's old. Its not ideal obviously but compared to Trump he's a positively amazing candidate.

But I'd say a chimpanzee is amazing next to Trump and would genuinely vote for it.
To be honest I can't see what peoples problem with Biden is. All people can seem to say is he's old. Its not ideal obviously but compared to Trump he's a positively amazing candidate.

But I'd say a chimpanzee is amazing next to Trump and would genuinely vote for it.

I dunno - have a look at some of his gaff montages on Youtube - constantly gets muddled, falling over or not remembering how he got on stage. He even performed really badly at the Democrat nominee debates almost five years ago and still won! It's chalk and cheese when you compare him to his Democrat predecessors Clinton and Obama.

There are rumours that he's given pills before he makes a public appearance to make him more alert (and I'm not talking about Pro Plus lol) - I also hate Trump but am not surprised he insisted on drug testing before TV debates.
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I dunno - have a look at some of his gaff montages on Youtube - constantly gets muddled, falling over or not remembering how he got on stage. He even performed really badly at the Democrat nominee debates almost five years ago and still won! It's chalk and cheese when you compare him to his Democrat predecessors Clinton and Obama.

There are rumours that he's given pills before he makes a public appearance to make him more alert (and I'm not talking about Pro Plus lol) - I also hate Trump but am not surprised he insisted on drug testing before TV debates.
YouTube highlight reels are no different to football ones they can make players look as bad or as good as you want.

As I say, I'm not saying his age isn't an issue at all but I think it's overblown and it's the only thing people come up with. Again, compared to Trump he's amazing.
YouTube highlight reels are no different to football ones they can make players look as bad or as good as you want.

As I say, I'm not saying his age isn't an issue at all but I think it's overblown and it's the only thing people come up with. Again, compared to Trump he's amazing.

Assuming footage hasn't been altered, I think it's easier to make a sportsperson look good or bad based on quality of opponent etc. I've seen Biden fluff his lines while watching him live several times and am not solely basing it on highlights reels.

If you like or rate him then fair enough and yes, compared to Trump he's amazing. A steaming turd dressed in a suit is probably amazing when compared to Tango man.
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Assuming footage hasn't been altered, I think it's easier to make a sportsperson look good or bad based on quality of opponent etc. I've seen Biden fluff his lines while watching him live several times and am not solely basing it on highlights reels.

If you like or rate him then fair enough and yes, compared to Trump he's amazing. A steaming turd dressed in a suit is probably amazing when compared to Tango man.
There is a lot of dodgy footage out there to be fair. I saw one the other day that was edited at the d day ceremony that made it look like he didn't know where his chair was and people were saying he shat his pants. Turns out it was a lot of ********.

I just can't get down with the "how have America produced these 2 awful candidates" chat

One is a very middle of the road, inoffensive old dude who, yeah, is past his best mentally but, imo, can still hold it together. The other candidate is one with fascistic, racist, misogynistic and narcissistic tendencies. They're not comparable, in my humble opinion of course.
There is a lot of dodgy footage out there to be fair. I saw one the other day that was edited at the d day ceremony that made it look like he didn't know where his chair was and people were saying he shat his pants. Turns out it was a lot of ********.

I just can't get down with the "how have America produced these 2 awful candidates" chat

One is a very middle of the road, inoffensive old dude who, yeah, is past his best mentally but, imo, can still hold it together. The other candidate is one with fascistic, racist, misogynistic and narcissistic tendencies. They're not comparable, in my humble opinion of course.
I think some of it is really down to people think he's doing a poor job. Issues with immigrantion, his stance on Israel. I wouldn't be surprised if a few decide neither then it's who's base turn out. That's why i think Biden needs to be concerned about the youth vote.

A little like here people hope he'll get the vote simply by not being Trump.
Same as Starmer simply by not being a Conservative MP.

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