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A Political Thread pt. 2

We'll see. He's got more court cases coming after the one in New York.
Say he is found guilty and sentenced to prison. He will obviously appeal the decision. Would he have to go to prison while appealing or not?

My understanding is almost all the other cases will come too late for the election and so he'll either be president or not again for those and if he's president I don't see them happening at all.
Aren't they after the election? If he wins and they are Fedral cases he can pardon himself or ditch them as President?
I believe the Georgia case is next and that's a state trial, The State of Georgia vs Donald John Trump. I think the presiding Judge wants to get the case going as soon as the New York case is over. The Judge granted the defense more time, but this article doesn't say how much more. But it does say that Trump and his lawyers were denied the dismissal of the case that they had hoped for.

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Say he is found guilty and sentenced to prison. He will obviously appeal the decision. Would he have to go to prison while appealing or not?

My understanding is almost all the other cases will come too late for the election and so he'll either be president or not again for those and if he's president I don't see them happening at all.
I don't know how it works in New York, but in my state a Judge can keep a person who was found guilty locked up during the appeals process. Our 50 states are sometimes like 50 different countries when it comes to laws. That's what makes it interesting, but also frustrating at times.
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The fact that the idea a president can pardon themselves hasn't been firmly put to bed as a completely ridiculous idea shows just how far the USA has fallen. Let's be honest though, Republicans and the far right were building towards this long before Trump took power, this was going on way back when Obama first ran for president and has only accelerated. You only have to look at how thing progressed from Bush era laws massively undermining personal liberties in the name of fighting terrorism to then the appearance of batshit conspiracies for Obama, the rise of the tea party movement, more conspiracies regarding Clinton, the readiness in which his fanatics supporting locking up a political rival to the eventual election of Trump. Whilst I'm still shocked at just how utterly corrupted the USA has shown itself to be, I'm also surprised so many people apparently couldn't see the direction things were going.

The supreme court is wholly corrupted, large chunks of the federal and state legislatures are corrupted, masses of the population are corrupted and a worrying large number of people are fully on board with ushering in a dictatorship. If Trump doesn't get in, the US system is going to need a good purge of all the back actors who were more than willing to assist in the destruction of the democratic system itself.

It's amazing though that a guy whose primary chant was "lock her up" is now so thoroughly against the concept of presidential accountability.
I'm watching CNN and former FBI Director James Comey thinks Trump will be found guilty in New York. I can't stand that Orange Turd and waiting on the jury to make it's announcement is driving me crazy. ;)

I'm watching CNN and former FBI Director James Comey thinks Trump will be found guilty in New York. I can't stand that Orange Turd and waiting on the jury to make it's announcement is driving me crazy. ;)
Isn't that because saying that on CNN is to be expected?
The verdict is in...but it hasn't been announced yet.
Verdict GIF by Hot Bench
The Jury is currently filling out paperwork on all 34 counts.
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Holy ****, I didn't expect him to be found guilty on everything. I honestly thought it would be that the jury couldn't deliver a verdict.

Surely guilty on all counts means the punishment can't be a slap on the wrist?

Also a slap on the wrist still won't change the fact that he's officially a convicted criminal now.
He'll unlikely face prison time but still it's the first criminal indictment he's been found guilty of which is something!
Holy ****, I didn't expect him to be found guilty on everything. I honestly thought it would be that the jury couldn't deliver a verdict.

Surely guilty on all counts means the punishment can't be a slap on the wrist?

Also a slap on the wrist still won't change the fact that he's officially a convicted criminal now.

And let's remember that Trump insulted the Judge several times and he insulted the Judge's daughter as well. The Orange Turd will be sentenced on July 11th.
And let's remember that Trump insulted the Judge several times and he insulted the Judge's daughter as well. The Orange Turd will be sentenced on July 11th.
Yeah, at this stage with his blatant ignoring and disrespect towards the judge he should easily get a harsher sentence. If he was an ordinary person, he definitely would.

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